PDiddie wrote:When has anyone ever seen a debate with commercial breaks?
Here-o. You'd be surprised to realise with what relative deference politicians are treated in the US, the President most of all. They're treated to much sharper, more critical, more dogged, less deferential questioning here, which I normally consider a Very Good Thing. But things can get out of hand ... for example:
In the 2002 election campaign, the four (or so) main party leaders showed up for a "debate" on a major commercial broadcaster the week before the elections. They were featured as the main gimmick of that night's ... lottery show.
Their debate was regularly interrupted for announcements of the winners of this and that prize, and was broken in two by an intermission that included the longest-ass commercial break in TV history yet. "Expertise comments" on the candidates' performance were provided by a panel that included a famous chat-show host, a pop celebrity, and a fashion expert, I believe. It was a joke.
Even to Dutch standards, that was too much, and the politicians swore never to do
that again. Still, it wasnt that much difference this year, with new elections after the government fell. I saw a show on a commercial broadcaster where, each week, they had a different party leader, in something suspiciously like a game-show set-up. He's in this big red chair on stage, music starts, drumroll ... "and the question is", and a question of one of the viewers is asked - and the politician gets 60 seconds to answer it, timer rolling on-screen - during which both we
and the politician gets to see a graph on the screen that shows how the audience members, each with a computer mouse in their hand, judge him to be doing. After each question, a public opinion poll expert comes in to 'explain' which words worked with the audience, and which turns of phrase didnt.
All major politicians took part in that - perhaps they considered it good training
. You have a long way to go in "democratizing" debate ... <winks>