2004 Elections: Democratic Party Contenders

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 10:23 pm
Sofia, What is Kerry giving to Dean?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 10:27 pm
The Democrat nomination.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2003 11:43 pm
c.i., Clark damned near started WWIII with the Russians ... only the direct refusal of Clarks orders on the part of British General Sir Mike Jackson prevented the preposterous situation of Coalition Partners engaging in combat with one another, over who got to occupy the airfield at Pristina first. Clark weas fired for that ... he was formally relieved of command, and was retired. It didn't help that he wanted to bomb the CNN Burea in Belgrade. His command of the 1st Cav at Ft. Hood TX, '92-'94, was termed by one military analyst as "the perfect example of everything that's wrong with today's General Officer Corps". Fudged reports, screwy accounting, skewed training results, falsified records ... you name it. His farewell tour following the Kosovo assignment from which he was removed was unauthorized, and consumed short-supply assets and resources sorely missed by operational units in the theater. Dave Hackworth called Clark "The Ultimate Perfumed Prince". He reminds me very much of the sort of generals who ran things in Vietnam from the Pentagon. He awarded himself the service medal for service in the Kosovo Theater despite the fact his service did not meet the requirements of stationing and duty to merit the citation. Clark's chief qualifications for command were that he was from Arkansas and was a Clinton supporter. I think he'd be perfectly acceptable as a Democratic Candidate from the Republican point of view ... maybe not as desireable an opponent as Sharpton or Kucinich, but certainly no more difficult to deal with than Dean or Lieberman.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 12:01 am
Good God.

That's what happens when you mix Democrats with the military. Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 04:30 am
PDiddie wrote:
When has anyone ever seen a debate with commercial breaks?

Here-o. You'd be surprised to realise with what relative deference politicians are treated in the US, the President most of all. They're treated to much sharper, more critical, more dogged, less deferential questioning here, which I normally consider a Very Good Thing. But things can get out of hand ... for example:

In the 2002 election campaign, the four (or so) main party leaders showed up for a "debate" on a major commercial broadcaster the week before the elections. They were featured as the main gimmick of that night's ... lottery show.

Their debate was regularly interrupted for announcements of the winners of this and that prize, and was broken in two by an intermission that included the longest-ass commercial break in TV history yet. "Expertise comments" on the candidates' performance were provided by a panel that included a famous chat-show host, a pop celebrity, and a fashion expert, I believe. It was a joke.

Even to Dutch standards, that was too much, and the politicians swore never to do that again. Still, it wasnt that much difference this year, with new elections after the government fell. I saw a show on a commercial broadcaster where, each week, they had a different party leader, in something suspiciously like a game-show set-up. He's in this big red chair on stage, music starts, drumroll ... "and the question is", and a question of one of the viewers is asked - and the politician gets 60 seconds to answer it, timer rolling on-screen - during which both we and the politician gets to see a graph on the screen that shows how the audience members, each with a computer mouse in their hand, judge him to be doing. After each question, a public opinion poll expert comes in to 'explain' which words worked with the audience, and which turns of phrase didnt.

All major politicians took part in that - perhaps they considered it good training Cool. You have a long way to go in "democratizing" debate ... <winks>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 07:13 am
I believe Clark is merely a stalking horse for Hillary Clinton - and a candidate for VP on a slate with her. Time3 is fast approaching when she will have to declare one way or the other. Clark is merely a dependent variable in that game.

The dance of the seven dwarfs (plus two) continues.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:19 am
Some quick comments:

I get very edgy when I hear giggle-comments about Sharpton. I didn't see/hear him in the debate last night but when I have heard him, he strikes me as being very, very smart, keeping plenty in reserve, and having the advantage of a fresh, off-center point of view (in that sense, like Dean). Doesn't seem to be like that ol' tire tread, Jackson, who is an establishment man. They are lumped together perhaps because of race but seem very different in other ways.

And here's a tidbit about Hillary!

Mixing Democrats with the military? Not sure what that's all about. Are we talking about Kerrey and Kerry? Or Carter and Kennedy? The Bush administration's generosity to veterans?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:37 am
Tartarin wrote:
I get very edgy when I hear giggle-comments about Sharpton. I didn't see/hear him in the debate last night but when I have heard him, he strikes me as being very, very smart, keeping plenty in reserve, and having the advantage of a fresh, off-center point of view (in that sense, like Dean).

Radical, racist ideology is fresh ?
He may have changed, but for my money, he's at least racist to achieve his political ends Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 08:58 am
Quick side point on racism...regarding the Oui magazine interview with Arnold and the musclebrained gang bang...has anyone seen any commentary on the female's ethnicity? I've seen none in all the pieces I've come across. Yet it is in the classic tradition of racist attitudes regarding blacks - primitive sexuality implied. Why did he even mention her color?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:05 am

Good to see you back. I had hoped the sabbatical would correct some wretched turns of thought that mar your otherwise very agreeable soul. Sadly it didn't.

Are you suggesting that a three decades old verbal lapse into political incorrectitude is an indicator of deep seated bad thinking & attitudes?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:08 am
timberlandko wrote:
c.i., Clark damned near started WWIII with the Russians ... only the direct refusal of Clarks orders on the part of British General Sir Mike Jackson prevented the preposterous situation of Coalition Partners engaging in combat with one another, over who got to occupy the airfield at Pristina first. Clark weas fired for that ... he was formally relieved of command, and was retired. It didn't help that he wanted to bomb the CNN Burea in Belgrade. His command of the 1st Cav at Ft. Hood TX, '92-'94, was termed by one military analyst as "the perfect example of everything that's wrong with today's General Officer Corps". Fudged reports, screwy accounting, skewed training results, falsified records ... you name it. His farewell tour following the Kosovo assignment from which he was removed was unauthorized, and consumed short-supply assets and resources sorely missed by operational units in the theater. Dave Hackworth called Clark "The Ultimate Perfumed Prince". He reminds me very much of the sort of generals who ran things in Vietnam from the Pentagon. He awarded himself the service medal for service in the Kosovo Theater despite the fact his service did not meet the requirements of stationing and duty to merit the citation. Clark's chief qualifications for command were that he was from Arkansas and was a Clinton supporter. I think he'd be perfectly acceptable as a Democratic Candidate from the Republican point of view ... maybe not as desireable an opponent as Sharpton or Kucinich, but certainly no more difficult to deal with than Dean or Lieberman.

You're gonna have to cite that, else it goes as rant, Big Bird.

Despite your inability to acknowledge it, your credibility has receded severely as it relates to prognostications and interpretation of second-hand information.

Hey, let us consider the facts, please. Not your opinion of the facts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:12 am
Sofia wrote:
Good God.

That's what happens when you mix Democrats with the military. Evil or Very Mad

What a sick, sad joke this comment is, with AWOL Bush yelling "bring 'em on" with our soldiers still in harm's way, with Cheney's deferment, with DeLay's contention that he couldn't serve because all the spots were taken by minorities.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:19 am
PDiddie wrote:
Wesley Clark is supposed to decide if he's in the hunt by the end of next week, according to CNN.

Predictions, anyone?

If Clark gets in, he could become the 'Stop Dean' candidate as the others
fall away.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 09:44 am
Today's Dean blog cites positive press reaction to Dean's debate performance last night:

Debate News Roundup: Touchdown!
Debate coverage dominates this morning's news. Slate's William Saletan writes that Dean scored a touchdown last night:

Howard Dean's performance was near-perfect. Strategically, Dean is way ahead of the pack. He has fulfilled the affirmative part of the campaign: giving people enough reasons to vote for him. Now he has the luxury of focusing on the negative part: dispelling the reasons to vote against him. Accordingly, his preparation for the last two debates seems to have focused on acting presidential and conveying competence in military and foreign policy. Tonight he accomplished both. He was at ease and in command.
Also at Slate, Chris Suellentrop files a behind-the-scenes look at the CBC debate and Howard Fineman's wit.

Ron Fournier files for the AP regarding Lieberman's attacks:

One thing Democrats agreed upon: Dean smoothly fielded Lieberman's blows and faced few others, thus he left the debate as he arrived -- unscathed and still the front-runner.
And Adam Nagourney and Jodi Wilgoren cover the debate and its run-up for the New York Times:

The dominance that Dr. Dean has enjoyed, and the corresponding exasperation that has caused his rivals, was clear even before the candidates sat down in Baltimore tonight. Senator Kerry was talking to reporters before the debate here, where he was repeatedly questioned about Dr. Dean's standing in the race and things that he had said.
After Mr. Kerry finished his news conference and began walking away with an aide, David Wade, a live microphone picked him up muttering with evident annoyance: "Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 10:10 am
Here ya go, PDiddie ... here's just one reference, and from a source you've already accorded your personal approval:
The BBC wrote:
But General Clark's plan was blocked by General Sir Mike Jackson, K-For's British commander.

"I'm not going to start the Third World War for you," he reportedly told General Clark during one heated exchange.

General Jackson tells the BBC: ''We were [looking at] a possibility....of confrontation with the Russian contingent which seemed to me probably not the right way to start off a relationship with Russians who were going to become part of my command.''
Here's more ...
In his book "Waging Modern War," Gen. Clark wrote about his fury to learn
that Russian peacekeepers had entered the airport at Pristina, Kosovo,
before British or American forces. In the article "The guy who almost
started World War III," (Aug. 3, 1999), The Guardian (U.K.) wrote, "No
sooner are we told by Britain's top generals that the Russians played a
crucial role in ending the west's war against Yugoslavia than we learn that
if NATO's supreme commander, the American General Wesley Clark, had had his
way, British paratroopers would have stormed Pristina airport, threatening
to unleash the most frightening crisis with Moscow since the end of the Cold
War. 'I'm not going to start the third world war for you,' General Sir Mike
Jackson, commander of the international KFOR peacekeeping force, is reported
to have told Gen. Clark when he refused to accept an order to send assault
troops to prevent Russian troops from taking over the airfield of Kosovo's
provincial capital."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 10:26 am
What the heck ... here's another:

Nato chief tried to block Russians, Jackson refused to risk Armageddon

Generals at war over Kosovo raid


LIEUTENANT-GENERAL Sir Michael Jackson's
refusal to risk Armageddon was at the heart of his
tensions with General Wesley Clark, Nato supreme
commander, as the occupation of Kosovo began.

"I'm not going to start the Third World War for you," the
British general was reported to have told General Clark
after refusing his orders to send assault troops and
helicopters into Pristina airport to block the Russian

The clash, in which the British Government backed
General Jackson, and the American Government did not
support General Clark, surfaced just days after the Nato
commander had been abruptly told in a midnight call that
he would be replaced next April.

Trouble between the generals started immediately after the
air war had ended and General Jackson had been made
commander on the ground in Kosovo. Talks on Russia's
role had broken down in Moscow and 200 Russian
troops entered Pristina at 1.30am on June 12.

According to Newsweek, General Clark was so anxious
to stop the Russians from stealing a march to Pristina
airport that he ordered an airborne assault by British and
French troops to take the field. But General Jackson
would not carry out General Clark's orders, not believing
that an assault was necessary.

General Clark was not mollified. He asked Admiral James
Ellis, the American in charge of Nato's Southern
Command, to order helicopters to land on the runways at
Pristina so that Russian Ilyushin transports could not land.
This time Admiral Ellis balked, saying General Jackson
would not like it. The Ilyushins were in fact blocked by the
intervention of American officials who persuaded Hungary
to deny overflight rights to the Russians.

Both General Jackson and General Clark appealed to
their political leadership back home for support. General
Jackson got all the help he needed. General Clark did not,
meaning effectively that his orders had been overruled.

General Clark eventually arrived in Kosovo on June 24,
saying he had come to consult General Jackson as the
commander of Kfor on the progress of Nato's
deployment.It was at this meeting that General Clark
complained that his orders were not being followed and
General Jackson made his remark about the Third World
War. General Clark apparently also complained about
General Jackson having gone through political channels.

The two generals could not be more different, according
to David Hackworth, America's most decorated soldier
and now a commentator and frequent critic of General
Clark and the Pentagon. Last night he said: "Clark is one
of those 'Perfumed Princes' at the top of the American
military leadership. These are the guys who are totally out
of touch with the guys at the bottom.

"Mike Jackson has spent his career not worrying about
getting his ticket punched but in leading troops. He is the
ultimate warrior. Clark has only got eight years of leading
troops. Jackson had that before he was a major."

0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 11:33 am
I could listen to someone critique real politicians if they didn't back a total loser!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, then there's Anuld <sigh>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 11:39 am
PDiddie wrote:
Sofia wrote:
Good God.

That's what happens when you mix Democrats with the military. Evil or Very Mad

What a sick, sad joke this comment is, with AWOL Bush yelling "bring 'em on" with our soldiers still in harm's way, with Cheney's deferment, with DeLay's contention that he couldn't serve because all the spots were taken by minorities.

Amen, PDiddie. I cannot stand the glib fakery of Bush as macho military man. Dressing up like a pilot and declaring victory in Iraq. What a shameless spectacle he makes! Our president: GI Joe.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 11:39 am
Interesting stuff, Timber. Didnt know that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2003 12:23 pm
I know several of the actors in the story Timber told about General Clark, and much of the background. It is all true.
0 Replies

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