timberlandko wrote:cicerone imposter wrote:The mass in tihs country still think al Qaida and Saddam had connections on nine-eleven. It's not memory that bothers me so much as our inability to understand what is true and what is false.
Short memory, c.i.?
Al Queda in Iraq
Just one of the more recent articles linking Al Queda to Iraq. [..] Short Memory, Short Sighted, or Selective Memory? The evidence leads me to believe there is and has been a connection.
Amazing. I mean, your reference to this article.
It's a good article, so I'm grateful for the link. I just read it - lo-ong, but very interesting. Must be some 14 screens' worth of text. It's full of credible-sounding information. Lots about the link between IraN and Al-Qaeda for example, about which I'd been sceptical. And foremost: about the huge, post-invasion inflow of Al-Qaeda operatives into US-occupied Iraq.
All through its second section, the article details how, "hundreds of foreign fighters have begun to flow into the country", "thousands of potential fighters are hearing — and heeding — calls to go to Iraq to fight the infidel" and so forth: "They are coming," said an Arab official from a country that borders Iraq. "They are coming from everywhere."
Meanwhile, in all of the 14 screens' worth of text, all of
one link is made between Al-Qaeda and the old, Saddam Iraqi leadership. It's this:
Quote:Zarqawi had had a leg amputated at an exclusive Baghdad clinic in 2002, suggesting he had connections to government figures in Iraq, but European officials scoffed at the larger allegation [that he was a key link between the government of Saddam Hussein [..] and al Qaeda]. Zarqawi was an independent operator, they said, citing the interrogation of some of his allies in Germany.
Thats it.
Zarqawi is identified as "the head of a cluster of Arabs who had attached themselves to
Ansar-al-Islam, a Kurdish fundamentalist group vowing to establish an Islamic state in northern Iraq", which before the war operated from the Kurdish-held area - out of Saddam's reach.
The article says Zarqawi had "fled Iraq's Kurdish northern region" in anticipation of a U.S. clampdown of his group - not to Saddam's territory, but to Iran, where in February this year, when the US invasion of Iraq was nigh, he met up with the military chief of Al-Qaeda. It was after that encounter, according to the article, that he was "dispatch[ed] to become al Qaeda's man in Iraq", his task: "to form a new network" there.
He started work "later in the spring", after being "allowed safe passage [..] to Iraq [when] U.S. and British forces were occupying the country". Leading the way for thousands other Al-Qaeda people flowing in after the US toppled Saddam, "Zarqawi then became what the Americans had charged but never proved [..]: al Qaeda's man in Iraq." In these times of US occupation, it seems, Al-Qaeda has finally staked down in Baghdad.
Along the same lines, your article describes the current presence of Al-Qaeda in Iraq as "a new chapter in the history of the group", traces its presence to "February, as U.S. forces were preparing to attack" and notes that it was then that "the turn toward Iraq was made". The headline itself calls it a "strategy shift".
Your article never even tries to make a case for some pre-existing Al-Qaeda presence in Saddam's Iraq, instead focusing solely on the threat of "Zarqawi's mission to form a
new network" (emphasis mine) - a network still "embryonic", but definitely "a threat down the line". When it comes to terrorists and Iraq, going on this article, the problem wasnt Saddam - it's what happening since he's gone.
You may ask
one question: how
did Zarqawi get his 2002 ticket to that Baghdad clinic? But that open question seems altogether a bit slim a ground for touting this article as "evidence" for your case that "Al Queda and Saddam's regime had high level links of long standing".
But - you might have more, of course ...