The fact you regard consent as "silliness" says it all in terms of your shallow level of thinking,. Let me know how silly it is when a physician performs an unwanted colonoscopy on you without your affirmative consent. Do you want the laws to remove the need for consent in those situations too?
This is a war on our young men and heterosexual sex on college campuses
Good grief, that's irrational hysteria. Where in the new bill does it say this bill is imposed only on male students or only heterosexuals? It makes it quite clear it applies to
everyone. Or are you saying that only males, who are heterosexuals, won't be able to control themselves, or to care if their contacts are wanted, so they're more likely to violate consent?
You don't even understand the bill that's been passed. The only "silliness" are the inaccurate statements you've been making and expect others to believe.
The legislators enacted this bill to better prevent sexual assaults on their campuses--with students whose safety they do have responsibility for.
Quote:No couple is going to be following this silliness, being so against human nature, that anytime a woman is unhappy about some sexual interaction on a college campus no matter if it is completely consensus or not she can have him thrown out of college,
That hasn't been going on before this bill and it's not going to go on now. There have been sexual assaults going on on campuses, before this bill, and hopefully there will be even fewer of them. No student has ever been able to get another student else tossed out, for any infraction of the code of conduct, just by snapping their fingers.
You would object very much if all men were regarded as rapists, but you have no hesitancy regarding all women as malicious liars about whether they were sexually assaulted or not.
All you're emphasizing is how paranoid you are about women. Your best bet, considering your degree of mistrust, is to avoid contact with them. And if you think all normal sexual contacts should be able to include sexual assaults, unwanted contacts, I'd advise all women to avoid you as well.