The Truth About War and Terrorists

Sun 21 Sep, 2014 12:49 pm
The thing civilization doesn’t get about terrorism is that it’s intimately related to what we also do not understand about drugs. Human society was established by many small terrorist groups that eventually became so large that their acts of terrorism were no longer viewed as wrong but as necessary. The difference lays in how some organizations evolved into countries, nations, governments, and others continued the process of war; mutual destruction, blood feuds, and the falling and rising of new groups. War too evolved from being a fight for survival from a greedy empire to a corporate power grab wherein nations are destroyed economically before corruption takes root drawing in terrorist groups which lead to another necessary war. Sometimes, corruption already exists before corporate will is capable of crushing sovereign resistance. Drugs, like the strength of man’s armies, date back before recorded history and it would do us all good if we examined closely just exactly it is we wage war on.
Sun 21 Sep, 2014 06:07 pm
They're capturing non-combatants, executing prisoners, kidnapping women to sell or use for their own wives, demanding that towns convert to Islam, and threatening to commit terrorist acts in our country. That is more than sufficient to suggest that they should be stopped.
Sun 21 Sep, 2014 07:37 pm
So how does this relate to drugs?
0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Sun 21 Sep, 2014 07:49 pm
OP, war is a projection of an internal war between our selves and our conscience that is held up by our fears and doubts. This creates existential crisises, which are fueled by hunger and the need to fill that hunger with the life which surrounds our death circle.
Sun 21 Sep, 2014 11:41 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
I laughed the first time I read that. The second time I read it... There was a chorus playing on video in background which sounded like... the end of Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Sep, 2014 11:49 pm
I didn't mean to make you doubt one of America's most recent Freedom campaigns but it's clear you already do since I had no intention of debating that topic. If you notice, I capitalized the word Freedom. The way I see it, if we want to invent a new word (like we did to get Cannabis removed from the American Medical Association's journal of medicine fifty years back) the easiest way to do that is to just capitalize the first letter and pretend you changed the meaning. Or we could say Freedom with the lights off in the bathroom twelves times and see if that saves the infidels from themselves?
Mon 22 Sep, 2014 04:02 am
JLO1988 wrote:

I didn't mean to make you doubt one of America's most recent Freedom campaigns but it's clear you already do since I had no intention of debating that topic. If you notice, I capitalized the word Freedom. The way I see it, if we want to invent a new word (like we did to get Cannabis removed from the American Medical Association's journal of medicine fifty years back) the easiest way to do that is to just capitalize the first letter and pretend you changed the meaning. Or we could say Freedom with the lights off in the bathroom twelves times and see if that saves the infidels from themselves?

As I said, there are more than enough valid reasons to go after them.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Sep, 2014 05:51 pm
<<As I said, there are more than enough valid reasons to go after them. >>

Peanuts. Because the intervention of the US invading other countries, rich dudes have pulled trillions of dollars from tax money of each American.

These companies won't care about "F"reedom and less of the American flag, and even more funny, their owners are renouncing their American citizenship in order to avoid taxes and take their money to other countries.

The entertainment has been to create the illusion that people in the world is becoming free thanks to these wars, but reality is that others countries still are slaves, they are now slaves of another master who fakes giving them freedom.

What is going on right now is a very dangerous situation. China and Russia have signed contracts where no dollar will be used and or accepted. Other countries might do the same. This is the reason why Saddam Hussein was taken from power, because Saddam Hussein rejected the "petrodollars" and started the initiative of using Euros only for his oil transactions. For this reason neither China and Russia wanted to put Saddam out of power, but the biggest affected one was the USA.

Today, our enemies have initiated an economic war (copy from Saddam Hussein's initiative) that will cause a great depression in the USA, because all those rejected dollars will come back to the US, and the bad thing is that the FED never acquired gold to back up each new dollar printed since two decades ago. So, the money that is coming back is Monopoly game dollar bills.

The news media avoids to show you this current reality, because you will panic, you might try to take your money in cash from your bank before the day of catastrophe, and what they want is the catastrophe first, and later to control how much money you will be allowed to take daily.

The real enemies are punching hard the US economy, and the USA has two choices, one to assimilate the punches and start all over again (like the 1929 depression) or two to start invading other countries to take their goods directly and without hesitation.

And about terrorists. ISIS is not our enemy but nationalists who want their land back, this is to say, their territories and culture back. Actually, we must leave them alone, that is an internal war between those people. We must concentrate in a different kind of war that will affect the US for decades.

Stop thinking about war against ISIS and get more informed about the China-Russia contracts and actions against the dollar.
Mon 22 Sep, 2014 07:56 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
As I said, there are more than enough valid reasons to go after them.

So, do you believe that one of the items in this list I gave above is a false statement, or do you believe that together they do not constitute a valid reason to oppose ISIS?

1. They're kidnapping non-combatants and executing some of them.
2. They're demanding that towns convert to Islam
3. They're kidnapping women to sell or use for their own wives
4. They're threatening to commit terrorist acts in our country.

Hypothetically, if the US didn't have any of the base motives you have invented, what would be our cool, rational, logical response to ISIS's attempts to take over Iraq? To do nothing and let them grow stronger? Do we want people like this in charge of a country? Do you believe that when they are in charge of Iraq, they will stop trying to expand?
Tue 23 Sep, 2014 11:55 am
I might ask as well, did any foreign country intervened into the US business when white people used to kill black people burning them in trees, and discriminating them for 200 years after the independence?

Listen, two hundred years, this is a lot of years.

And with all these abuses against black people and even women, no other country came to invade the US to "free" the abused.

Why you just don't do the same?

Because I'm sure that you will be p*ss off if you see troops from another countries controlling the streets in your neighborhood. Why do you want to do otherwise against other people? Just for "your" convenience?

Tue 23 Sep, 2014 11:59 am
Burning them in trees? You're a weirdo, and i suspect that you have, at best, a tenuous grasp of history.
Wed 24 Sep, 2014 08:26 am
Yes, I'm a weirdo, the same as well president Bush claimed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and General Powell in his speech at the UN called "mobile labs" to the trucks going continually in a daily routine from a military base to another military base and to another military base and so forth...when a closed view of the satellite showed the "mobile lab" to be the ice cream truck... (ha ha ha)

So, allow me to rectify: hanging blacks on trees.
Thu 25 Sep, 2014 04:05 am
carloslebaron wrote:

I might ask as well, did any foreign country intervened into the US business when white people used to kill black people burning them in trees, and discriminating them for 200 years after the independence?

Listen, two hundred years, this is a lot of years.

And with all these abuses against black people and even women, no other country came to invade the US to "free" the abused.

Why you just don't do the same?

Because I'm sure that you will be p*ss off if you see troops from another countries controlling the streets in your neighborhood. Why do you want to do otherwise against other people? Just for "your" convenience?

It isn't just a few crazies within ISIS who are doing the kidnappings, forced religious conversions, and beadings, it is ISIS policy. Even so, if it were just a sect within Iraq which did these terrible things, but it was not expanding to control Iraq and perhaps later other countries, I would never advocate using military force against them. However, it is in the whole world's interest not to see ISIS get bigger and stronger and grow to dominate the region. Also, they have threatened to commit acts of terror within the US, and we have reason to believe that Islamic extremists might actually do things like that. Far better to wipe out this cancer before it spreads.
0 Replies
Thu 25 Sep, 2014 10:07 am
War is necessary because we invest in it.
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Fri 26 Sep, 2014 11:48 am
Setanta wrote:
Re: carloslebaron (Post 5772839)
Burning them in trees? You're a weirdo, and i suspect that you have, at best, a tenuous grasp of history.

Sometimes black victims of lynchings were burned alive. Last month bobsal u1553115 posted a few graphic photos of such atrocities.
0 Replies
Fri 26 Sep, 2014 12:15 pm

Re: Setanta (Post 5772844)
. . . So, allow me to rectify: hanging blacks on trees.

There were instances of black victims of lynchings who were burned alive. The following images were posted by bobsal u1553115 last month. Sorry this is graphic, but it's proof.

0 Replies
Sat 27 Sep, 2014 03:19 am
Note that the victim was not burned in a tree. I'm sure you consider that a minor detail when you've convinced yourself that you are right. In fact, it appears that the victim was burned before being hanged.

How wonderful of you to have posted those disgusting images in aid of a false argument, the purpose of which was to justify an idiotic remark.
Sat 27 Sep, 2014 08:04 am
You wrote:

<<"Note that the victim was not burned in a tree. I'm sure you consider that a minor detail when you've convinced yourself that you are right. In fact, it appears that the victim was burned before being hanged.

How wonderful of you to have posted those disgusting images in aid of a false argument, the purpose of which was to justify an idiotic remark. ">>

Oh, come on Setanta, don't be such a bad sport, you know that you can't win against my arguments, the sarcasm you desperately enforce in your comments against mine in the whole forums belong to the amateur.

Coming back to the topic, what I see is people from those countries trying to return back to their roots, this is to say, to have governments ruled by their own principles and religion. I see no reason to call them "terrorists".

Here is an example of a "no terrorist country": he hypocrite Egypt is a victim of what is to sell itself to the West. It was a moment when the Bush administration warned Egypt to let the celebration of Christmas in order to prove that "democracy was respected" in that nation.

Since when Egypt was a Christian nation? Only Judas Iscariot knows.

I know that my comments won't affect at all the already agenda to subdue those people in the Middle East under the slavery imposed by the West, but my comments are my opinion that I don't agree with such atrocities of bombing and killing innocents by hundreds of thousands in those countries... just to enjoy a better life here.
Sat 27 Sep, 2014 09:02 am
1. They're kidnapping non-combatants and executing some of them.
2. They're demanding that towns convert to Islam
3. They're kidnapping women to sell or use for their own wives
4. They're threatening to commit terrorist acts in our country.

They should be stopped.
0 Replies
Sat 27 Sep, 2014 10:06 am
First of all, I didn't intend any personal offense. I was merely trying to supply a bit of historical information.

You are always quick to turn just about any disagreement into a personal matter. Every time I've ever had an exchange with you, I've felt like I've been walking on the proverbial egg shells because of your nearly constant hostility. Despite the fact that I am not and have never been an enemy of yours. I wish you could realize that some people to whom you immediately take offense might agree with you more often than you realize.

As far as quibbling over minor details is concerned, it could be argued that you've done the same thing here. Of course, black victims of lynchings weren't burned in trees. But some of the lynching victims were burned alive until they were dead! The thugs who were doing a lynching wouldn't want to start a fire that could possibly get out of control. The fact is that black Americans were treated horribly in many ways that were an ultimate betrayal of this country's claims as to what we're supposed to stand for.

I presented historical proof of these horrible atrocities (which I thought you would appreciate as evidence), yet all you can do is dismiss them as "disgusting images." Following your line of objection, I guess we should dismiss all of the photographic evidence of the Holocaust. After all, they're disgusting!

Incidentally, just as we've seen the rise of Holocaust denial in the last several decades, there is now a movement in this country to whitewash the very dark history of Jim Crow in this country. So, I have no problem with such "disgusting images" being presented to oppose the current historical revisionism on both subjects.

You speak of my having convinced myself that I'm right. When have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? You're easily one of the least gracious individuals I've ever met online. I despair of ever having a civil exchange with you. If anyone ever disagrees with you about anything, you take it as a personal offense while at the same time demanding that everyone respect you. I hope someday you learn that respect is a two-way street.

If you choose to respond, you can say what you want; but I have nothing more to say to you. As far as I'm concerned, our exchange has ended.

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