First of all, I didn't intend any personal offense. I was merely trying to supply a bit of historical information.
You are always quick to turn just about any disagreement into a personal matter. Every time I've ever had an exchange with you, I've felt like I've been walking on the proverbial egg shells because of your nearly constant hostility. Despite the fact that I am not and have never been an enemy of yours. I wish you could realize that some people to whom you immediately take offense might agree with you more often than you realize.
As far as quibbling over minor details is concerned, it could be argued that you've done the same thing here. Of course, black victims of lynchings weren't burned in trees. But some of the lynching victims
were burned alive until they were dead! The thugs who were doing a lynching wouldn't want to start a fire that could possibly get out of control. The fact is that black Americans were treated horribly in many ways that were an ultimate betrayal of this country's claims as to what we're supposed to stand for.
I presented historical proof of these horrible atrocities (which I thought you would appreciate as evidence), yet all you can do is dismiss them as "disgusting images." Following your line of objection, I guess we should dismiss all of the photographic evidence of the Holocaust. After all, they're disgusting!
Incidentally, just as we've seen the rise of Holocaust denial in the last several decades, there is now a movement in this country to whitewash the very dark history of Jim Crow in this country. So, I have no problem with such "disgusting images" being presented to oppose the current historical revisionism on both subjects.
You speak of my having convinced myself that I'm right. When have you ever admitted to being wrong about
anything? You're easily one of the least gracious individuals I've ever met online. I despair of ever having a civil exchange with you. If anyone ever disagrees with you about anything, you take it as a personal offense while at the same time demanding that everyone respect you. I hope someday you learn that respect is a two-way street.
If you choose to respond, you can say what you want; but I have nothing more to say to you. As far as I'm concerned, our exchange has ended.