Re: Asexuality
pdbowers wrote:I find it hard to truly believe that anyone can not, from time to time, want, or feel the need to indulge in the act of sex.
Yes, I can imagine it would be hard for you to believe. Same way I'll never fathom how sex can be a deal breaker/maker when it comes to some intimate relationships. I don't think it's possible for someone who has sexual feelings to understand someone who doesn't, and vice-versa but it's VERY possible to appreciate one another's lifestyle.
Buffy wrote:But don't we have enough labels? To say that a person never has a sex drive their entire life from puberty to death, I'm not buying it. Which means they are either hetero or homo. I don't even believe in bi. They're just greedy. But ultimately end up on one side of the fence, not straddling it"
But if I were homo or hetero, wouldn't I have sexual urges? I am as certain and honest that I have no sex drive as I am that my eyes are blue. People have no problem believing I'm deaf or that I hate beer but they figure I'm lyaing about my asexuality. I'm not sure where the greedy fits in but I have been told that someone who doesn't get married is "avoiding the issues". The "labelling", I agree doesn't have to be there all the time but when the topic comes up and someone asks "what ARE you?" it's nice to be able to answer that.
It's not really a band-wagon or fad thing because there are hundreds of people who have been all searching for the same thing. Who knows if it's a 'new' thing either? I always wonder if it's inherited, hell, I don't know, maybe some ancestor passed it down. My entire family - parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews etc, NONE of them are under 5'8" I'm 5'1". Is there something "wrong?" No, it's just in my blueprints. My grandmother was 5'2". She died young so nobody on this side of the ocean ever met her. So they'd look at me and wonder why I'm so short but I can't be taller. I can put on heels and pretend to be, but at the end of the day, I'm 5'1". So I can go out dancing, dress provocatively and "pretend" to be sexual (but for the fact that that'd be a really crappy thing to do to someone) but at the end of the day, I have no want for them sexually and don't want them to think there is.
Someone before made the remark about us being an alien race, I don't know if they were being funny or mean but believe me...for many years I was pretty sure I WAS. Most of the people who stumble across AVEN literally DO stumble across it, very few of us had someone say 'hey, come here, doesn't this sound like a good idea?" If I were as open to suggestion as that, I wouldn't be enjoying a single life. I'd likely be as most of my cronies are, on my 2nd marriage with 3 adult kids and 2 grandkids. Hey, they're happy with their life too but nobody asks them "are you SURE? I can't believe you have no desire to just say bugger it, pack up and leave your family."
pdbowers wrote:I too, do not buy the term bisexuality
, cool, I'm not selling it, just offering answers. They're free. I can't show you the inside of my being, all I can do is face you as honestly as you're facing me. .
pdbowers wrote:don't you pleasure yourself from time to time?
some asexuals do, not me and many who do have manners enough to not tell anyone about it.
pdbowers wrote:"stirring the chili"
never heard that term
pdbowers wrote:"choking the proverbial chicken
I think the kids used that in highschool but that was a long time ago but isn't that for guys? - answer is 'no'
pdbowers wrote:"slapping the monkey"??
You kids come up with the funniest names - answer is still no
It's kinda' like me asking "don't you ever get the urge to stick your head into the centre of a bonfire?" '"c'mon, you mean you never wanted to eat the contents of a litterbox or sit naked on a fence post in -40 weather?" That's how foreign any kind of sexual feelings are to me. (the above questions don't apply to anyone who enjoys sticking their head in bonfires, eating litterbox contents or buck naked fence sitting LOL)
pdbowers wrote:Hi, my name is Paul and I have not had a boyfriend in 42 years.....oh wait, thats another post and another thread..

Nice to meet you Paul, thanks for your questions, you're 42 aswell? I'm sure if you keep looking you'll find a nice guy eventually.
toodles for now, cijay