NFL Fires a Player qua Domestic Violence; morally right??

Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 09:20 pm
There’s another person whose actions matter, though, and that’s Janay Rice. As Jodi Kantor wrote in the New York Times, “it’s not at all clear that she views herself as a victim of abuse.” Palmer married Rice the day after he was indicted for hurting her. She has stood by his side at news conferences and rallied to his cause on social media. She tried to take the burden off Rice’s shoulders in the spring when she said, “I do deeply regret the role that I played in the incident that night.” Rice and Palmer met in high school. They have a child together. She’s probably financially dependent on him. She has a lot of reasons to back him up. But that doesn’t mean prosecutors should take her statements at face value, Gandy said, or excuse Ray Rice because Janay Rice is still with him. Maybe she’s staying because she’s afraid to leave. When domestic violence ends in murder, it’s often after the victim tries to get out of the relationship.


LOVE IT how the minders justify ignoring the bigger victim and how they nonchalantly throw it out there " hey, maybe he wants to kill her!" . I also love it how even though he has a clean record before this as well as many people who know him claiming that he is usually a dependable great guy we none the less have almost all accounts dismissing the possibility that this was a one off event for him, as well that he might grow/learn from this and never do it again. Guys who do wrong by a woman even just once are the last humans it is AOK to assume the worst about.


The possibility that she knows this man better than we do? Non existent according to the minders.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 11:22 pm
Again...again...again...Why do men insist on blaming the woman, who is the victim.
hawkeye10 wrote:
Again...again...again..up till the point when he hit her
the man was the victim in this story. We have a victim
and a bigger victim, and abuser and a bigger abuser.

The story is not as black/white as the morality police tell it.
Do u expect to see Sharpton & Jesse Jackson
get involved in this, as thay did in the George Zimmerman case????

hawkeye10 wrote:
Maybe we should let the justice system and this couple work it out.
The bigger victim in this story says that she does not want our "help"
(which she has called harm), so lets honor
her wishes unless we have a good reason to not.
Do u see it getting worse than it is???
The damage has been DONE with loss of the family income.

Tell us how to execute that "honor" and what good it will do.
Do u intend to send them compensatory financial support ???

Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 11:29 pm
Do u expect to see Sharpton & Jesse Jackson
get involved in this, as thay did in the George Zimmerman case????
likely, those two only hop in when they get a chance to exercise their racism against whites, and the feminists calling for the head of the NFL commish is a perfect setting for them.

Tell us how to execute that "honor" and what good it will do.
we could condemn the NFL for getting involved in a situation that the legal system has already dealt with and in which the bigger victim has said that she does not want "help". Doing so might dissuade the NFL from the next time they are tempted to fire an alleged good guy who made a mistake who by accounts is working to improve himself.
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One Eyed Mind
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2014 11:40 pm
"don't need others"

"we're not gods"


Last time I checked, we're not here to go off on our idealistic farts that disappear as quickly as footsteps in the sand; we're here to work for this Universe, whether you want to play god or not, then DENY IT, all the same.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 01:36 am
My mother always said people need to keep their hand to themselves and that is true even at my age of 32. you see, people that have these philosophies never grew up in Compton or Watts where you have females challenging you I mean seriously females that fight guys. In the inner city, if a man walks away getting punched out by a girl he's considered a "bitch." Oh and don't let the man call the cops on the female he is even considered even more of a bitch if he goes the law enforcement route. This is why when domestic violence happens in the inner city, it's not spoken of as much because there are women that provoke confrontation because there is that philosophy that a man will not be confrontational back.

Men are shamed if they get beat up by women....

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 01:50 am
Dude no offense (or perhaps you may take offense)

But your writing style sucks and as a supposed lawyer maybe you need to take your cue from Jespah as I believe she was/is a lawyer. That is bad when your writing style is that bad enough where I have to call you out (AGAIN).

My mentioning of drugs and domestic violence was in conjunction with the imagery that the NFL goes by. That imagery is about being family friendly, against illegal use of drugs, against domestic violence, and about promoting a welcoming image. HENCE MY USAGE of the word drugs, hence it being relevant to the topic....Because this is about imagery which is why Rice was cut from the Ravens and which is why the NFL commented on domestic violence....SMH
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 01:52 am
What is the difference between being muscular and not muscular? You can ask the same question of a man who was assaulted. A skinny male/female can knock someone out if they time a punch right.

What should anyone do if they are spat on?

The question depends on the temperament of the individual and their willingness to either confront the person that assaulted them, or not.
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 01:56 am
But you cannot contract HIV through saliva...LMAO
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 04:35 am
Buttermilk wrote:
What is the difference between being muscular and not muscular?
It might be the difference
between life and death, for the punchee.
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 05:27 am
Buttermilk wrote:
Dude no offense (or perhaps you may take offense)

But your writing style sucks and as a supposed lawyer
maybe you need to take your cue from Jespah as I believe she was/is a lawyer.
Years n years have passed since I retired from the practice of law.
For SURE I am not trying to entice clients.
I see no value in impressing U.
I see many flaws in your writing style, but its not worth
my effort to correct them; not my job.

Buttermilk wrote:
That is bad when your writing style is that bad enough
where I have to call you out (AGAIN).
That means nothing to me.
Do it 7 times, if u like.
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 06:03 am
Buttermilk wrote:

My mother always said people need to keep their hand to themselves and that is true even at my age of 32. you see, people that have these philosophies never grew up in Compton or Watts where you have females challenging you I mean seriously females that fight guys. In the inner city, if a man walks away getting punched out by a girl he's considered a "bitch." Oh and don't let the man call the cops on the female he is even considered even more of a bitch if he goes the law enforcement route. This is why when domestic violence happens in the inner city, it's not spoken of as much because there are women that provoke confrontation because there is that philosophy that a man will not be confrontational back.

Men are shamed if they get beat up by women....

This did not occur in any of these places - it occured in an elevator in an expensive hotel. In any case - the question is -- is it morally right to fire someone for doing this. The answer yes. The NFL set up certain moral standards/codes, the man broke them the standards and as a result is punished.

Now whether you agree with the moral codes or not is another matter -- but the rules are laid out there - a player has a choice of whether to agree to playing and getting the benefits as a result, but if he agrees to getting all the good stuff, he has to agree to all the other stuff as well. So yes the NFL is morally right.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 06:13 am
Linkat wrote:

Buttermilk wrote:

My mother always said people need to keep their hand to themselves and that is true even at my age of 32. you see, people that have these philosophies never grew up in Compton or Watts where you have females challenging you I mean seriously females that fight guys. In the inner city, if a man walks away getting punched out by a girl he's considered a "bitch." Oh and don't let the man call the cops on the female he is even considered even more of a bitch if he goes the law enforcement route. This is why when domestic violence happens in the inner city, it's not spoken of as much because there are women that provoke confrontation because there is that philosophy that a man will not be confrontational back.

Men are shamed if they get beat up by women....

This did not occur in any of these places - it occured in an elevator in an expensive hotel. In any case - the question is -- is it morally right to fire someone for doing this. The answer yes. The NFL set up certain moral standards/codes, the man broke them the standards and as a result is punished.

Now whether you agree with the moral codes or not is another matter -- but the rules are laid out there - a player has a choice of whether to agree to playing and getting the benefits as a result, but if he agrees to getting all the good stuff, he has to agree to all the other stuff as well. So yes the NFL is morally right.

There are a whole bunch of things the NFL is...

...but being "morally right" most assuredly is not one of them.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 06:34 am
Not really.....A skinny person can knock someone out (as I've seen before).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2014 06:46 am
Your writing style has nothing to do with grammar whether it's the placement of commas or syntax, but it has everything to do with how you convey what you're saying. Your previous response to me made no sense and I disagree with you on one thing. On a discussion forum where people have opposing viewpoints, it is beneficial for the flow of discussion that a person can make clear and concise comments.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 01:14 am


Piazza et al. Passionate kissing and microlesions of the oral mucosa: possible role in AIDS transmission. JAMA: 244-245, 1989
Piazza M et al. Quantitation of HIV–1 genome copy number in semen and saliva. AIDS 9(6): 651-653, 2002
Pilcher C et al. In subjects with primary HV infection, high levels of HIV RNA are present in oral fluids, genital secretions, peripheral blood and CNS and are rapidly reduced with combination antiretroviral therapy. Seventh Conference on Retroviruses, San Francisco, abstract 556, 2000

Available in most ( if not all ) libraries associated with a USA Medical School.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 01:33 am
I can recall one episode that occurred on the SouthSide of Chicago, at a time, when integration of that part of the City was in it's infancy. A State Street bus pulled up to pick up a white woman standing at the bus stop.

As the bus stopped, a black man on the bus, opened the window, shot a ball of spit into the face of the woman, and laughed. The woman did not board the bus and did not attack the black man.

The white woman cleaned the spit off her face, walked home to her house, contacted a very eager black broker , and within days, sold her home for far more than it was worth.

She then moved out to the suburbs, bought a house in an upper-middle class neighborhood and lived a very pleasant life with her neighbors, who didn't go around spiting on others .

The area of Chicago, where the spitting incident took place, once all White, is now all black. It is a giant, rat-filled slum, infested with individuals who are poverty-stricken and hopeless. It is basically, another ghetto and totally without any hope of "integration" by other races.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 01:45 am
In addition to SPIT, another thing black male riders of the State Street bus on Chicago's SouthSide, as mentioned above, during the early days of attempted integration of the far Southside area, liked to throw out of windows at white individuals at the bus stand were sections of watermelon.

I guess whites eventually stopped riding the bus in question, used their cars to get to work, and of course, without any doubt moved from Chicago to high-end suburbs where individuals didn't spit on each other or throw watermelons at folks.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 01:56 am
Buttermilk wrote:

What should anyone do if they are spat on?

Avoid living with, or near individuals who spit on others. And at all cost avoid socializing with them. Leave the low life to fester in their misery.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 07:46 am
Avoid living with, or near individuals who spit on others. And at all cost avoid socializing with them. Leave the low life to fester in their misery.

I wll be quite honest - I was spit on once. It is a long story so I won't go into the details, but from a high level review....I had a bridesmaid about a month before my wedding went crazy on me. This bridesmaid had said I don't think I want to be in your wedding. Within that time, my future f-i-l was killed in a car accident. A SIL had offered to step in and take her place she was about the same size as my bridesmaid so I went and collected the dress.

This crazy person (who is a lawyer to boot), confronted me as I walked to my condo after getting off my train. Not sure how long she was waiting outside my place. Well she began screaming at me that I stole her dress. I calmly told her she stated she didn't want to be in my wedding any more so I collected the dress (now who in their right mind wants a bridesmaid dress?) and sent it to her replacement.

She freaked out -- my thought was she probably was hoping to ruin my wedding or something --- she pulled my sunglasses that were on face at the time off and said how does it feel to have something stolen from you. I just looked at her -- she then spat in my face and stomped away.

What did I do --- did I punch her -- no I calmly (although I was shaking with anger) walked into my condo and called the police. I was actually kind enought to end up not pressing charges as she could have been huge with her liscence. And simply decided that to be that misereable I would simply leave her alone and nothing further to do with her.

So yes - the right thing when someone else is crazy or unreasonable -- is to be grown up and be reasonable and walk away.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 08:18 am
I find it is more of loss of popularity , which greatly affects revenue, rather than a moral indictment . When someone abuses power of any sort, it results in loss of trust, diminished popularity, etc..... So what if this dumb animal lost his job? There are people who loose their jobs for less. He was overly rewarded to begin with. I'd like to see this kind of compassion for some little nurse who got a D.U.I. While on vacation, got fired and can't no longer find a job. He matters because he makes people money.
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