I have contempt for the concept of white privilege because I don't believe in it. In that you may be correct. That rest is mostly hog wash.
Quote:those who have unwanted pregnancy
What is wrong with asking what is wrong with women's sense of personal responsibility when it comes to those unwanted pregnancies? The personal responsibility issue came from this post by Bob:
Quote:@bobsal u1553115,
If all the anti-abortion christians each adopted a child ...... that would be pro-life.
I guess that would be easier than asking people to take responsibility for their poor sexual choices.
You see it is the personal responsibility that lead to the pregnancy even unwanted pregnancy that I question. That isn't contempt for pregnant women but their bad and irresponsible actions and behaviors that leaves the rest of society scrambling to cover for them. If they don't want to get pregnant for whatever reason, financial, future prospects or even the purely vain reason of their body image, then they should be using BC or not having sex in the first place. The same goes for the men who they sleep with. They should be personally responsible for carrying condoms if they are going to try and **** every female they see.
Quote:In short you refuse to recognise the advantages you have had over others,
I haven't had any advantages over anyone else. You make it seem like I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and had the world at my beck and call. You are confusing me with someone else. You might have been born this way and that accounts for the white guilt you feel. As an adult I have been responsible for my own actions and decisions. When I was fired from a job or 2, I didn't blame others or the system, I looked at what had taken place and realized that I was fired due to my own actions. Not showing up on time, or not doing the job as I was asked to do it. I was at fault. The same thing goes for my successes. No one can take credit for what I have done.
Quote:and use the smokescreen of personal responsibility to blame the poor for being where they are.
I believe in personal responsibility because it's how I expect everyone to live their lives. Sure some people run into rough and hard times and they need some help and I don't mind giving the assist. I just don't think the govt and the taxpayers should be the fall guy for bad decisions made by people.
Can you truly think that SOME people are in their position through no fault of their own? Do you honestly think everyone is a victim?
Quote:You remind me of Travis Bickle.
That's funny. Unlike you the only people who I wish ill will are terrorists. I have no wish to "clean" the streets or even support a "Purge" type system. I only ask that people look inside themselves before blaming others for their problems.