Hong Kong, at one time, was pretty close, but in 2014 there isn't any nation on earth in which anything approaching "unfettered capitalism" operates.
The term is frequently (mis)used, however what constitutes “unfettered” capitalism is largely dependent upon how the user views private enterprise. You, for example, are likely to believe companies that keep any of their revenues to be “unfettered,” while I (and georgeob1 perhaps) believes it involves companies operating without
any government regulation.
I'm unaware of any serious individual or group calling for capitalism without any restraint, but you seem to be an expert on right-wing fringe groups, real and imagined, so perhaps you can identify one.
The Pope seems to be a nice old man, even if he's a leftist religious anachronism, but you have to believe he actually represents a moral force in the world to care what he thinks or says. It's funny how so many left-wingers seem to have reconsidered the legitimacy of the Holy See since Benedict gave way to Francis.
Who or what is the
Koch/John Birch crowd? Father Fred was a founder of the John Birch Society however sons Charles and David (the infamous "Koch Brothers"), to my knowledge, are not members. It’s common practice, though, to conflate the Koch Brothers with their father and the John Birch Society.