Take it easy panzade,
The first time I spoke this aloud was to my cousins wife (whom I love dearly even though she IS a Canadian :wink: )
I used to point out the coins of Canada as proof that Canada is merely 'USA Lite' (All the advantages of the USA with one third less guilt) I showed her that Canadian coins were the exact same size of their American counterparts so it would be easy on the Canadians when the 'Assimilation' was complete.
Usually after one of these rants, she would end up throwing something at my head. (There was a direct correlation between HOW mad I had made her and the weight/sharpness of said object

Keep in mind, I love Canadians. I used to spend a few weeks each summer with my Aunt and Uncle in Guelph Ontario. The area was beautiful, the streets were clean and the people were nice... too nice...
Knowing that, even at 14, I was sure I could kick the ass of every Canadian I had met. :wink:
Just so you Canadians understand ... we Americans love you Canadians a LOT more than you love us...
You see us as a giant clumsy roommate, crashing around the downstairs area of the house we live in and generally making a mess of things...
We see you as the slightly effeminate roommate that we have to keep from getting his ass kicked every time we hit the local bars.