yilmaz101 wrote:Brandon 9000, The US only intervenes in places where its interests are furthered, but the government and the people of the us try to put a moral spin to these interventions. The US is either an emperialist power trying to further its agenda and interests, or its is a benovelent, freedom loving caring country. The claims and actions do not match. For this reason we (most of the rest of the world) conclude that it is pushing its agenda and refute all your bs talk about how it is out there to do good. Give me one case of US involvment in a foreign conflict where it did not have something to gain. One instance where it intervened to protect the weak. The us decision to act is almost excluvely based on its geo-politic interests. That I can live with, but when you try to compound it with the lie that it is there to do good I blow my top. I
ALL governments serve only their countries interests.
The US government is no different. The American population on the other does a tremendous amount to help the world and for you to look down your nose at the US's generosity makes you appear foolish which you have demonstrated time and agian that you are not.
You seem to think this is an either/or situation and it's not. The American government looks out for the countries best interests. Whether that is cheap goods, military defense and offense, a stable economy, good laws, whatever. This is a given. But, to equate that with imperialism is the height of both stupidity and ignorance. The US has no desire to become an empire nor does it have some secret agenda to take over the world.
If you can't see the good that America has done, is doing, and will do for the world, then i pity you because you are extremely misinformed.