Israel's Reality

Fri 25 Jul, 2014 09:25 am
@Frank Apisa,
rivals the number killed in the name of the god of any other book.


The Tears of Jihad
After failing as a preacher/prophet Mohammed turned from religion to politics and jihad. His political plan worked and he conquered all of Arabia. Islam has been at war ever sense. These figures are a rough estimate of the death of kafirs through the political use of jihad.

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. Roughly, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have the death of about 120 million people.
120 million Africans killed

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million, while another 50 million died in wars by jihad.
60 million Christians killed

The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad.
80 million Hindus killed

Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million.
10 million Buddhists killed

Total 270,000,000 killed.

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.

Got any numbers, or just guessing?


Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 09:59 am
buttflake wrote:

rivals the number killed in the name of the god of any other book.


The Tears of Jihad
After failing as a preacher/prophet Mohammed turned from religion to politics and jihad. His political plan worked and he conquered all of Arabia. Islam has been at war ever sense. These figures are a rough estimate of the death of kafirs through the political use of jihad.

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. Roughly, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have the death of about 120 million people.
120 million Africans killed

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million, while another 50 million died in wars by jihad.
60 million Christians killed

The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad.
80 million Hindus killed

Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million.
10 million Buddhists killed

Total 270,000,000 killed.

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.

Got any numbers, or just guessing?


"The flood" killed everyone and everything on Earth except those few people and animals on the Ark.(Genesis 6-8)

"The plagues...and Passover" killed every firstborn in Egypt.(Exodus 10 ff)

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah saw all its inhabitants killed. (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)

The Canaanites were slaughtered (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)

The Amalekites were slaughtered. (1 Samuel 15)

The Crusades were made in the name of the god Jesus worshiped...the god of the Old Testament.

All of the wars started by Christians were begun in the name of the god Jesus worshiped...the god of the Old Testament.

C'mon, Buttflake!
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:08 am
@Frank Apisa,
C'mon, Buttflake!

Do you have dates for those? Any happen in this century? You c'mon. You are in denial.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:15 am

When people first learn about the actual doctrine contained in the Trilogy, a frequent response is that Islam needs a reformation like Christianity had.
First, what does it matter if the religion reforms or not? It is the politics that produce fear.

The doctrine of Islam is proclaimed to be eternal, universal and perfect. Eternal means unchanging and final. Mohammed is the final and last prophet of Allah. Universal means that is applies to all of the world and perfect means that the doctrine needs no change.

A huge problem with proposing Islamic reformation is its amount of political doctrine. About two thirds of the Koran of Mecca deals with condemning kafirs to Hell for merely disagreeing with Mohammed. Over 50% of the Koran of Medina deals with hypocrites and jihad against kafirs. Nearly 75% of the Sira deals with jihad. About 20% of the Hadith by Bukhari is about jihad. Politics is the majority of the doctrine and it is all violent. Removing this doctrine would destroy political Islam. There is no Islam without politics.

Kafirs propose an Islamic reform based upon the idea that the horrible acts of Islam are medieval, tribal customs and in modern times we don't do that kind of thing. They are a thing of the past.

But for a Muslim, the Koran is perfect and eternal. And the Koran relentlessly advances the idea that the Sunna (the words and deeds of Mohammed) is the ideal mode of Islamic behavior. Both the Koran and the Hadith are very clear that the medieval tribal actions are the ideal for humanity and rather than being put in the dust bin of history, they are the perfect guidance for today.

The dilemma of removing medieval tribalism is that much of the Trilogy is medieval tribalism. So if you reform political Islam by taking out the old tribal doctrine, where do you stop? What is the guidance for which old, tribal acts of Mohammed are not applicable for today? You can't take it all out. Without medieval tribalism there is basically no Islam.

And what body of Islam has the authority to reform it? There is no such authority. Some group of Muslims might decide to drop all of the violent and oppressive political doctrine, but what authority would they have to tell any other Muslim to follow them?

Why would any Muslim want reform? Demographic jihad (immigration and high birth rates) will cause Europe to be Islamic in less than a century. Islam is winning. Why reform a winner?

Islam is detailed down to the smallest action of life and living. And there is a vast quantity of detail that allows very little room for interpretation or change, let alone reformation.

There is the matter of Islamic dualistic ethics. How do you reform the ethical system that is at the core of Islam?

And lastly, Islam discourages criticism of another Muslim or the doctrine. Self criticism of Islam is simple not done. All fault always lies with the kafirs. How can there be reform without self-criticism?

The doctrine of Islam can not be reformed any more than a triangle can be reformed by changing the number of sides. It is logically impossible. Islamic doctrine is defined as unchanging and beyond reform. The Koran is perfect and eternal. Mohammed is the final prophet and the ideal model for all humanity for all times. The reformation of Islam is logically impossible due to the way the doctrine is defined.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:27 am
buttflake wrote:

C'mon, Buttflake!

Do you have dates for those? Any happen in this century? You c'mon. You are in denial.

Nope...no dates. Not sure why you want to limit it just to this century (you didn't in your list)...except that it allows you to ignore that which should not be ignored...

...the notion that the god of the Old Testament is at the van of almost all of this religious killing, because the god invented by the ancient Hebrews is jealous, vindictive, vengeful and bloodthirsty.

But continue to kid yourself. I sure it eases the pain of knowing how much started with this Old Testament god.

Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:30 am
@Frank Apisa,
.except that it allows you to ignore that which should not be ignored...

This is what is ignoredhttp://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index_files/TROP.jpg
Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:34 am
buttflake wrote:

.except that it allows you to ignore that which should not be ignored...

This is what is ignoredhttp://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index_files/TROP.jpg

I'm not ignoring it...and nobody else I know of here is ignoring it.

Why are you making that up? Run out of other stuff?

What IS being ignored is that the god of the Old Testament...is at the van of much of the slaughter that has occurred on this planet. (Not all, by any means. We are a savage species.)

Another thing being ignored is the effect of the creation of the state of Israel in that area...and what it has done to relations between the United States and almost all of the Arab countries.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 10:37 am
@Frank Apisa,
Another thing being ignored is the effect of the creation of the state of Israel in that area...and what it has done to relations between the United States and almost all of the Arab countries.

Islamists attacked us when Jefferson was president. That is what they do. It has nothing to do with our foreign policy. It is Islamic doctrine.
Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 11:29 am
buttflake wrote:

Another thing being ignored is the effect of the creation of the state of Israel in that area...and what it has done to relations between the United States and almost all of the Arab countries.

Islamists attacked us when Jefferson was president. That is what they do. It has nothing to do with our foreign policy. It is Islamic doctrine.

Give it a break, Buttflake.

I want Jews to have their own state.

But it was a lousy idea to put it there...where all the hatred will foment and killing will happen. A reasonably peaceful existence between Arabs and Jews ended...after centuries of being...when the state of Israel was formed.

The real problem with modern Islam finds its genesis in the creation of the state of Israel. The US...by being such a strong advocate of Israel...has, in effect, soured the Islamic world on the entire of the West.

If you want to think Islam is especially violent...do so. But the religion of the Old Testament was every bit as violent and hateful...whether you want to accept that or not.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 12:04 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The real problem with modern Islam finds its genesis in the creation of the state of Israel. The US...by being such a strong advocate of Israel...has, in effect, soured the Islamic world on the entire of the West.

The MB(Muslim Brotherhood) was established in the 1920s long before Israel became reality. It is a violent doctrine which says Muslims are superior and that Islam will rule the world. And any means necessary including terror,deceit, and intimidation all sanctioned by Islam. Actually an extension of Muhammeds commands.

And there is no modern Islam. The killing and terror should prove that there is only Islam.

Do not talk about things you know nothing about.
Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 01:41 pm
buttflake wrote:

The real problem with modern Islam finds its genesis in the creation of the state of Israel. The US...by being such a strong advocate of Israel...has, in effect, soured the Islamic world on the entire of the West.

The MB(Muslim Brotherhood) was established in the 1920s long before Israel became reality. It is a violent doctrine which says Muslims are superior and that Islam will rule the world. And any means necessary including terror,deceit, and intimidation all sanctioned by Islam. Actually an extension of Muhammeds commands.

And there is no modern Islam. The killing and terror should prove that there is only Islam.

Do not talk about things you know nothing about.

The genesis of the state of Israel is found in the Zionist movement...that began long before the 1920's. That part of your argument is a laugh.

You despise Islam...and Islam, for the most part, seems to despise the state of Israel.

There will be hatred and killing for as long as the state of Israel exists in that area...and any Arabs also live there. Either all the Arabs have to be killed...or the state of Israel has to cease to exist there.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 02:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
There will be hatred and killing for as long as the state of Israel exists in that area...and any Arabs also live there. Either all the Arabs have to be killed...or the state of Israel has to cease to exist there.

If the Arabs are that dumb I guess they will just have to keep dying in large numbers for the foreseeable future of course you would think after a few generations that stupidity would be breed out of them.
Frank Apisa
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 02:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

There will be hatred and killing for as long as the state of Israel exists in that area...and any Arabs also live there. Either all the Arabs have to be killed...or the state of Israel has to cease to exist there.

If the Arabs are that dumb I guess they will just have to keep dying in large numbers for the foreseeable future of course you would think after a few generations that stupidity would be breed out of them.

How are they being dumb, Bill.

'splain that if you can.
0 Replies
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 04:56 pm
Islamists attacked us when Jefferson was president. That is what they do. It has nothing to do with our foreign policy. It is Islamic doctrine.
Actually, if you started looking into the history of US meddling (ie US Foreign Policy) in the Middle East, you would start to see that 'Islamic Doctrine' is arguably not the major contributor to the Middle Eastern Muslims hatred of the US. And if it were to be just 'Islamic Doctrine', then places like Malaysia, and Indonesia (the most populous Islamic nation on earth) would have the same general attitude - they don't (as side information to this - Indonesia has a lot of church bombings).
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 05:08 pm
These numbers are fake.
Fri 25 Jul, 2014 09:57 pm
These numbers are fake.

Prove it. Very reputable scholars came up with those numbers. Check the sources yourself.

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died. Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.

Sat 26 Jul, 2014 06:07 am
'Islam' did not run the European slave trade and is not responsible for it. 'Judaism' and 'Christianity' ran that trade. You'd knew that if you were not a sad little hater.
Sat 26 Jul, 2014 08:30 am
Olivier5 wrote:

'Islam' did not run the European slave trade and is not responsible for it. 'Judaism' and 'Christianity' ran that trade. You'd knew that if you were not a sad little hater.

How can a religion run a slave trade? And, Jews in Europe before the Emancipation of the 19th century had very restricted roles.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Jul, 2014 09:04 am
vikorr wrote:
Actually, if you started looking into the history of US meddling (ie US Foreign Policy) in the Middle East, you would start to see that 'Islamic Doctrine' is arguably not the major contributor to the Middle Eastern Muslims hatred of the US.

Muslims may hate us because we enforce civilized standards, but that does not make their complaint in any way legitimate.
0 Replies
Sat 26 Jul, 2014 09:05 am
Olivier5 wrote:
These numbers are fake.

You have a sordid history of falsely saying that true things are fake.

Note your outrageous denials of Israel's repeated peace offers.
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