Does mob mentality rule A2K?

Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:22 pm
Do u wish to continue
in that employment ?
nononono wrote:
Good question. I need the money. I don't know. Everybody there loves me, we're all friends.
It's in a kinda upper class part of town too. I just don't know.
It was just a few hours ago. I've got a lot on my mind.
If u remain on-the-job, then u need to consider
future defenses; remain status quo (I infer un-armed) or not.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:43 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:

"Take your inspiration from Neville Chamberlain; peace at ANY price...."

What the hell has Chamberlain got to do
with guys who have a gun fetish? . . .
I think he was AFRAID of guns, Your Highness (un-like Churchill).

Then why are you using Chamberlain as some sort of beacon that you silly gun fetishists want to look up to? Your logic is that of a village idiot.

Now, if you were quoting someone who was probably making a lot of money out of obsessive idiots like yourself, ie one of the top guys in a weapons company or a schmoozer for the NRA, then I could understand it and just think to myself "well, he IS a delusional sheep, so I can see why he's so easily fooled"......but Chamberlain?

OK, Mr Obsessive, let's work with your mantra shall we? Peace at any price.

Any price?

Let's try one for starters shall we?

What about if every civilian gave up their stock of guns and ammo?

Forget all the whys and wherefores and slimy technicalities that you like to employ in your usual delusional defence.

For the sake of your argument, every civilian gave up their guns and ammo, leaving the police to sort out any bad guys.

Don't try to say it doesn't work, as you will only be making things up.

It DOES work. Well, at least it does work in many countries where the delusional portion of the population isn't big enough to cause a problem.

Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.....

Just check on the gun injury/death stats for those countries before posting your usual obsessive junk.

It's all very well you living there in your own little shoot 'em up world, but we in the real world have to listen to your crap.
Why not try posting some intelligent, fact based argument, rather than a paragraph and various youtube videos specifically included to give yourself and Oralboy an erection.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 12:08 am
nononono wrote:

Do u wish to continue
in that employment ?

Good question. I need the money. I don't know. Everybody there loves me, we're all friends. It's in a kinda upper class part of town too. I just don't know. It was just a few hours ago. I've got a lot on my mind.

Sorry you had to go through that today. Very proud of you and the way you calmly reacted instead of trying to be a hero for some bottles of liquor and money for a few pizzas.

If you choose to remain employed there, inquire into some additional hazard pay and or health benefits if you aren't already receiving them.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 01:00 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

"Take your inspiration from Neville Chamberlain; peace at ANY price...."

Lordyaswas wrote:
What the hell has Chamberlain got to do
with guys who have a gun fetish? . . .
I think he was AFRAID of guns, Your Highness (un-like Churchill).
Lordyaswas wrote:
Then why are you using Chamberlain as some sort of beacon
that you silly gun fetishists want to look up to? Your logic
is that of a village idiot.
Your Lordship, it verily appears that your intellectual abilities r not
equal to the task of discerning disdainful sarcasm
which was directed in ridicule of Neville Chamberlain (your idol??)
Don t take it seriously. (Is English your first language?)

Lordyaswas wrote:
Now, if you were quoting someone who was probably making a lot of money
out of obsessive idiots like yourself, ie one of the top guys in a
weapons company or a schmoozer for the NRA, then I could
understand it and just think to myself "well, he IS a delusional sheep,
so I can see why he's so easily fooled"......but Chamberlain?
Remember my scorn of Chamberlain's cowardice.
I earnestly wish and hope for HUGE prosperity to befall the personal
weapons companies of America, in addition to the NRA, to whose
treasury I have donated for over 5O years. Thay have my gratitude
for their support of my objectives.

Lordyaswas wrote:
OK, Mr Obsessive, let's work with your mantra shall we? Peace at any price.

Any price?

Lordyaswas wrote:
Let's try one for starters shall we?

What about if every civilian gave up their stock of guns and ammo?
Then the citizens wud render themselves less powerful
than our lowly employee, government. Rather, we need
to increase the power of the citizenry over its hireling,
with over 31O,OOO,OOO citizens armed to the teeth.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Forget all the whys and wherefores and slimy [????] technicalities
that you like to employ in your usual delusional defence.
The Supreme Law of the Land is not a delusion.
It is our means of assuring ourselves of keeping our employee in its place.

Lordyaswas wrote:
For the sake of your argument, every civilian gave up their guns and ammo,
leaving the police to sort out any bad guys.
The police r un-trustworthy.
Politicians r un-trustworthy. At the age of 11, I learned
that trusting people is a bad business and one shud keep it to a minimum.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Don't try to say it doesn't work, as you will only be making things up.

It DOES work. Well, at least it does work in many countries where
the delusional portion of the population isn't big enough to cause a problem.

Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.....

Just check on the gun injury/death stats for those countries
before posting your usual obsessive junk.
I refuse to compromize my freedom of self defense.
Offhand, I cant think of any other freedom that I 'd be
willing to compromize, either. I hold authoritarianism
and collectivism in contempt.

Lordyaswas wrote:
It's all very well you living there in your own little shoot 'em up world,
but we in the real world have to listen to your crap.
What u listen to is not my problem.
I don t care.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Why not try posting some intelligent, fact based argument,
rather than a paragraph and various youtube videos specifically included
to give yourself and Oralboy an erection.
Do the boys of England have as much FREEDOM,
or as much fun as the Americans in those videos??

or do u live under authoritarianism ?

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 01:29 am

Same ol' same ol'......

Let's quote your hero Churchill, shall we?

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"

Notice the word "can't".

This is the case with you. Same old tripe replies, time and time again.

We keep trying to make you look at facts and figures from around the world, but it is like trying to teach the proverbial pig how to sing.

Once again, as I have said numerous times on many threads that you gun nuts have either started or hijacked, you refuse to check FACTS, and once again you fall back on the same old delusional flag waving amendment quoting justifications for your sheeplike like blinkerdness.

And once again I will now tell you that I am now off for a gun free walk around a small part of my absolutely overwhelmingly gun free country, and meet up with my gun free friends and walk our non child savaging dogs in the gun free park.
I have spent the last year or so not seeing or hearing a single gun, and it would have been longer if it wasn't for the fact that I had to pass through Heathrow and onto France, where both sets of Airport police carried guns.

If I never visited an airport again, chances are I would not see or hear a gun for the next ten years.
None of my friends or associates owns or has ever owned a gun, and I cannot recall anyone in my large neighbourhood (which includes all races, rich and poor) ever having been shot or threatened with a gun.

For 99.99 recurring % of the time in Britain, guns DO NOT MAKE UP ANY PART OF OUR LIVES. NOTHING, ZILCH, NADA....

That also goes for most of the people in the civilised developed world.

I understand that you are probably too cowardly or brainwashed to check out the facts, so I will swear on the life of my offspring for you, just to demonstrate my honesty in this matter, that:

1. Guns do not figure in our (the normal civilised world) normal day. At all.

2. The normal, civilised world has a much, much lower accident/injury/death by gun rate per head of population than the USA.

What more can I say?

How does one convince an idiot to check the facts?

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 01:34 am
it is the other way around too, but you don't seem to adress that!
You are just as stubborn.

btw can you show me some posting were people have changed their mindss here?

So far I haven't found any.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 01:41 am
It depends on whether someone is posting a good argument, backed with reliable, verifiable facts, I suppose.

With all due respect, Q, from what I have seen of your theories and ideas, I am either too uninformed to challenge effectively, or just snort and move on, as in my mind I can visualise you posting some of your stuff whilst wearing a tinfoil hat.

You probably don't enjoy some of your threads and the responses purely because you've met a few people here who are highly intelligent, very articulate and very effective in arguing against your case.

I tend to ignore you mostly, as you are quite harmless. The gun sheeple, however, are not.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 01:47 am
It depends on whether someone is posting a good argument, backed with reliable, verifiable facts, I suppose.

With all due respect, Q, from what I have seen of your theories and ideas, I am either too uninformed to challenge effectively, or just snort and move on, as in my mind I can visualise you posting some of your stuff whilst wearing a tinfoil hat.

You probably don't enjoy some of your threads and the responses purely because you've met a few people here who are highly intelligent, very articulate and very effective in arguing against your case.

I tend to ignore you mostly, as you are quite harmless. The gun sheeple, however, are not.

yes, indeed, with all due respect, you are too uninformed.

I have spent years studying these subjects which I didn't believe at first myself. But I is not very wise to condemn something you don't know anything about. I don't mean to say that you have to believe me because of that.
I am saying do your , and others, research. before you comment.

As for the guns, I think you really don't get it.

it is all about Gun-CONTROL.

Imagine you are a shop owner. And at the window at the entrance you have a sign that says "No Guns"

what message are you giving off to criminals (btw the goverment are criminals) ?

Stay away? Wink
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 02:27 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Politicians r un-trustworthy. At the age of 11, I learned
that trusting people is a bad business and one shud keep it to a minimum.

So are the heads of big business, we can change our politicians, we've got no such power over business leaders and the very rich. That's why we need our representatives to keep them in check.

David wrote:
Do the boys of England have as much FREEDOM,
or as much fun as the Americans in those videos??

or do u live under authoritarianism ?

One feature of being a free people is that we can choose our own definitions of freedom, and not have others' ideas forced on us. We don't force our schoolchildren to pledge allegiance/salute a flag, or a monarch. We can gamble freely, including on the outcome of elections, something you are forbidden from doing. We can cross the road without fear of being arrested for jaywalking. We are released from the tyranny of medical bills, we don't have to fear armed police. In the run up to the Iraq war we had a free press that told the truth about worldwide and public opposition to the war, not a subservient tool of the far right that broadcast propaganda 24/7. We can enjoy an alcoholic drink when we reach adulthood, not have to wait a further three years. We don't have to live in fear of the criminally insane being given firearms like Eliot Rodgers. We don't have to give photo id when stopped by a policeman.

In fact the only thing that stops us being free are the foreign troops on our soil.

We don't want an armed population, that's the majority view, and America gives a salutary lesson on why that is the correct view almost every day. If you wanted us to be truly free you'd let us make our own decisions, not be told what to do by you.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 02:47 am
Being free to buy alcohol, one of the most destructive, addictive drugs commonly used by mankind, is a dubious distinction at best. Jaywalking laws are hardly vigorously enforced, and vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Having a free press (just as does the United States) didn't prevent Blair from participating in the Iraq invasion, so i am at a loss to know what you're bleating about there. In the United States, we don't have video surveillance cameras on every street corner in major cities--Big Brother is watching you.

Basically, you're just puking up your inveterate hatred of the United States, about which you know f*ck-all. You've been doing this since you showed up here, and i am not at all surprised. Such comparisons between nations can be made endlessly, and involve nothing but anecdotal evidence and unsubstantiated allegations. If you want to have a go at David, god knows he makes plenty of idiotic statements to batten upon without dredging up your typical, hysterical anti-American sentiments.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 02:52 am
Oh piss off Malvolio, I'm not the one claiming some superior levels of freedom. David was doing that. We don't want democracy American style we want our own, and don't see ourselves as any less free, in many ways we are a lot freer.

You can't get more destructive than daily shootouts.

And I won't take any lessons from one of the biggest bigots on A2K.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 02:52 am
Hey there.

That's horrific facing death, staring at it in the face. For the most part I "believe" they threaten and don't go further as long as they get what they want. The ID may be his photo but also the details could be false.

Sorry you had to go through that, no one should have to go through that type of fear.

Maybe she can install fake security cameras on the outside as well to deter anyone from even thinking about robbing the store..

Friend or no friend I guess you'll have to work out if you want to take on a risky job for a little more money, or not.

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:14 am
You certainly are a bigot. Your accusations against me are based on your hysterical rants in which you dream up unsubstantiated allegations against me. You're a hater, pure and simple. Like all haters, you don't bother with reality when it comes to making your wild accusations.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:20 am
Oh piss off Malvolio, you attacked me on my first day here just because I'm English. What you can't accept is that some people, don't want American values, and don't think America is the greatest country in the world. Your kneejerk response is to label other people as being anti American just because you have problems comprehending any viewpoint that doesn't match yours exactly.

Here's the view from Ireland, you claim to like John Lennon, the Irish, and youserved in Vietnam, so you should find it quite apt.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:32 am
Bullshit. Link the posts which prove your case. I have never claimed to like John Lennon. I never knew John Lennon, so it would be silly to say that. I don't think the United States is the greatest country in the world, so why would i care if anyone else does? As always, you respond with hysteria and any accusatory lie you can dream up. Go ahead, bright boy, link the posts from the first day you were here that show i attacked you, and link the posts which show i hate anyone just because they're English. The odds are very good that you'll weasel out of that one by saying you can't be bothered to do it.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:38 am
I can't be bothered, but your attitude towards me, Fresco, Spendi and Contrex speaks volumes. Ollie has pointed out your inability to say anything positive about a British head of state without denigrating others.

Even WW2, when we were supposed to be working together, does not escape your intolerance. Despite winning the 2nd battle of El Alamein Montgomery is just not good enough for you with the advantage of hindsight.

Have you watched the video? Dublin born actor Colin Farrell is very good.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:50 am
Yeah, i knew you couldn't be bothered. After all, why substantiate your wild accusations when you can just make more of them? Yes, Montgomery was a military commander so inept as to have been almost criminal in his waste of life. As i have pointed out many times here, he comes off very badly in a comparison with Field Marshall Alexander, who actually knew what he was doing.

No, i no longer waste my time watching the irrelevant videos you post here. You're a lot like RL when it comes to posting meaningless vidoes.

Put your money where your mouth is--link the post in which you allege i dispaly an anti-English bigotry.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 04:11 am
Setanta wrote:

No, i no longer waste my time watching the irrelevant videos you post here.

So you don't like Colin Farrell? Is it because he was born in Dublin and has an Irish accent which puts your ersatz irishness in stark relief?
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 04:52 am
I've never heard of him. But i wouldn't want to interfere with your lust to make yet more wild and unsubstantiated allegations.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 10:53 am
Troll fight.http://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/sarcastic.gif

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