Does mob mentality rule A2K?

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 11:15 am

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.

There sure are a lot of delusional wacko USians.

There sure are a lot of delusional wacko USians.

There sure are a lot of delusional wacko USians.

There sure are a lot of delusional wacko USians.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 02:54 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:
Let's quote your hero Churchill, shall we?
He saved YOUR ass, not mine. He 's not MY hero.
He was better than the yellow bellied Chamberlain, tho.
He was clever. Its a pity that u threw him into the gutter
as soon as he had conquered the 3rd Reich for u.
He deserved better treatment than that.
Hitler wud have gotten a good laff from that.
English gratitude; socialist gratitude Its not worth much.

Lordyaswas wrote:
We keep trying to make you look at facts and figures from around
the world, but it is like trying to teach the proverbial pig how to sing.
The relative statistics include those of warring gangs of Africans
fighting for drug territory in the streets. I am not part of that.
It is alien to my cognition. I don t care. Its none of my business.

I REFUSE to compromize my right to self defense,
whether that wud benefit them or not. That is non-negotiable.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Once again, as I have said numerous times on many threads that you
gun nuts have either started or hijacked, you refuse to check FACTS,
and once again you fall back on the same old delusional flag waving
amendment quoting justifications for your sheeplike like blinkerdness.
Is it impossible for u to understand that I DONT CARE about your statistics??
I attribute value to MY GUNS and to my FREEDOM not to your statistics. Got the idea now??

Lordyaswas wrote:
And once again I will now tell you that I am now off for a gun free walk
Y do u begin a sentence with a conjunction???
If u wish to conjoin it, then attach it to your last sentence.

Lordyaswas wrote:
around a small part of my absolutely overwhelmingly gun free country, and meet up with
my gun free friends and walk our non child savaging dogs in the gun free park.
I have spent the last year or so not seeing or hearing a single gun, and it would have been longer
if it wasn't for the fact that I had to pass through Heathrow and onto France,
where both sets of Airport police carried guns.
What kind did thay have??
I admire the H & K MP5 submachinegun, tho its only in 9mm.
Its still a lot of fun to shoot; don 't u agree??

Lordyaswas wrote:
If I never visited an airport again, chances are I would not see or hear a gun for the next ten years.
None of my friends or associates owns or has ever owned a gun, and I cannot recall anyone in my
large neighbourhood (which includes all races, rich and poor)
ever having been shot or threatened with a gun.

For 99.99 recurring % of the time in Britain, guns DO NOT MAKE UP ANY PART OF OUR LIVES.
U brag of your abject, docile helplessness.
There was a time when the English were manly.
My grandfather came from England, in the 18OOs.

Lordyaswas wrote:
That also goes for most of the people in the civilised developed world.

I understand that you are probably too cowardly or brainwashed to check out the facts,
Factual research has no bearing on courage.

Lordyaswas wrote:
so I will swear on the life of my offspring for you,
just to demonstrate my honesty in this matter, that:

1. Guns do not figure in our (the normal civilised world) normal day. At all.

2. The normal, civilised world has a much, much
lower accident/injury/death by gun rate per head
of population than the USA.

What more can I say?
My right to self defense in a state of liberty remains intact.

Lordyaswas wrote:
How does one convince an idiot to check the facts?
Your alleged "facts" r un-important.

Next time u get in trouble with the Germen . . .
WHO r u going to call (again) ?


0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 03:43 pm

For the most part I "believe" they threaten and don't go further as long as they get what they want.

Sure, but you never know how crazy the guy might be.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:11 pm
Sure, but you never know how crazy the guy might be.

True, there is always that "one"

Can you imagine how many jobs you would have to strike off the list of doing? If you really think about it, it's not just shift work at the end of the day these things happen in broad daylight.

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:18 pm
I don't ignore Dave because, in the light of my advancing age, he stands as a really great example of what I do NOT wish to become.

Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:18 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:
silly gun fetishists

What is it with you Freedom Haters? Just because you can't abide Freedom doesn't mean that those of us who do value Freedom have a fetish.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Then why are you using Chamberlain as some sort of beacon that you silly gun fetishists want to look up to? Your logic is that of a village idiot.

That isn't his logic. OmSigDAVID was using Mr. Chamberlain as a beacon of what to look down upon.

I think Mr. Chamberlain gets a bit of a bad rap. After he died, a lot of politicians used him as a scapegoat for the rise of the Nazis, and he was falsely accused of having policies that he didn't actually have.

But that's off topic a bit. OmSigDAVID is referring to the commonly-held public image of Mr. Chamberlain.

Lordyaswas wrote:
What about if every civilian gave up their stock of guns and ammo?
Forget all the whys and wherefores and slimy technicalities that you like to employ in your usual delusional defence.

OmSigDAVID is most definitely not delusional. All of his facts are well in order.

Lordyaswas wrote:
For the sake of your argument, every civilian gave up their guns and ammo, leaving the police to sort out any bad guys.
Don't try to say it doesn't work, as you will only be making things up.
It DOES work.

That depends on what you mean by "work".

It would be pretty bad for anyone who gets murdered without a police officer nearby to defend them.

I'm sure society might function though. The trains might even run on time. But the lack of freedom would be pretty horrible.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Britain, France, Germany, Holland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.....
Just check on the gun injury/death stats for those countries before posting your usual obsessive junk.

Would "gun injury/death stats" have any sort of relevance to anything?

Lordyaswas wrote:
It's all very well you living there in your own little shoot 'em up world, but we in the real world have to listen to your crap.
Why not try posting some intelligent, fact based argument,

OmSigDAVID always posts intelligent and fact-based arguments.

Lordyaswas wrote:
and various youtube videos specifically included to give yourself and Oralboy an erection.

I'm disappointed in you to see such childish name-calling. You can do better.

Until I manage to get broadband (which might be close to happening, but let's not count our chickens before they're hatched), don't expect me to be watching any videos.

If you choose to equate sex with guns, that is your prerogative, but it is wrong to falsely accuse others of doing the same.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:22 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:
We keep trying to make you look at facts and figures from around the world, but it is like trying to teach the proverbial pig how to sing.

If you have some sort of fact that you believe is worth considering, it would help if you would not only post that fact, but also come up with an explanation as to why you believe the fact is relevant.

Lordyaswas wrote:
you gun nuts

Your reliance on childish name-calling hints that you don't have as many facts on your side as you might wish.

Lordyaswas wrote:
you refuse to check FACTS,

How about a reference to the facts that you wish to have checked out, along with some sort of explanation as to why we might be interested in checking them out?

Lordyaswas wrote:
once again you fall back on the same old delusional flag waving amendment quoting justifications

Freedom is no delusion.

Lordyaswas wrote:
And once again I will now tell you that I am now off for a gun free walk around a small part of my absolutely overwhelmingly gun free country, and meet up with my gun free friends and walk our non child savaging dogs in the gun free park.
I have spent the last year or so not seeing or hearing a single gun, and it would have been longer if it wasn't for the fact that I had to pass through Heathrow and onto France, where both sets of Airport police carried guns.
If I never visited an airport again, chances are I would not see or hear a gun for the next ten years.
None of my friends or associates owns or has ever owned a gun,

That all sounds dreadful. It is horrible that you live in a place that lacks Freedom.

Lordyaswas wrote:
For 99.99 recurring % of the time in Britain, guns DO NOT MAKE UP ANY PART OF OUR LIVES. NOTHING, ZILCH, NADA....

My condolences.

Lordyaswas wrote:
That also goes for most of the people in the civilised developed world.


Lordyaswas wrote:
I understand that you are probably too cowardly or brainwashed to check out the facts,

How about you stop with the childish name-calling and provide some of the facts that you are so eager to have people consider?

Don't forget your explanation as to why your facts are relevant, as opposed to being mere trivia.

Lordyaswas wrote:
I will swear on the life of my offspring for you, just to demonstrate my honesty in this matter, that:
1. Guns do not figure in our (the normal civilised world) normal day. At all.

My condolences.

Lordyaswas wrote:
2. The normal, civilised world has a much, much lower accident/injury/death by gun rate per head of population than the USA.

Nice trivia. A little boring though. Doesn't seem very relevant.

Lordyaswas wrote:
How does one convince an idiot to check the facts?

OmSigDAVID is hardly an idiot.

If you wish him to consider some facts, you might start by:

a) not engaging in name-calling

b) presenting the facts that you wish him to consider

c) explaining why you feel that those facts are relevant.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 05:22 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Troll fight.

I disagree. Having Set disagree with you can be a discomforting experience, but he isn't a troll.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 08:00 pm
I disagree. Having Set disagree with you can be a discomforting experience, but he isn't a troll.

You know what they say about opinions. Mine is different.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 08:03 pm
SOMEHOW, trying sound Tuff, loses most of its impact when ya type it in PINK!

But that's just me.
cicerone imposter
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 08:12 pm
That is a frightening thought. Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 08:20 pm
SOMEHOW, trying sound Tuff, loses most of its impact when ya type it in PINK!

Somehow, you having to say something makes it all better. And it is even on topic.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 09:30 pm
Oral, you know as well as everyone else that we had a thread going about six months ago, when all the facts and figures were piled in by various people to clearly, beyond any doubt, prove the case that the USA had a much, much larger rate of gun deaths, on every single type of stat, than any country in Europe plus Canada, Australia, NZ etc.

I called your 'side' out on numerous occasions to come and prove us wrong, and you failed to do so.
I specifically called you out repeatedly on a number of things and in the end you responded with a "what the hell do you want from me?" type of post, rather than supplying evidence to prove me wrong.

If you have memory problens it is nothing to do with me, but if you want me to potentially waste my time and supply that link and make you look silly in the process, then fine.

You lot conveniently flush facts down the toilet every time and start with your boring, boring crap all over again somewhere else, as if nothing has happened. Astonishing.

And THAT is why I refer to you lot as gun nuts and idiots. How the hell else can you explain this blanking of the memory and carrying on as if it's all brand new again and you're stating outrageous crap as if it's fact?

Omsig IS an idiot when it comes to guns, as he refuses to face facts. Whether that idiocy stems from some obsession or mental condition, who knows? But to come back time and time again with the same old constitution crappola as a defence, leaves me with no other option than to seriously consider that when it comes to guns, he is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

You, on the other hand, like being intentionally obnoxious, imo, and have one major obsession of your own. You just see another bandwagon pass by occasionally and have a hankering to jump on it.

Put Foxy Knoxy up in the frame though, and that's when you turn as seriously obsessive as gun nut Omsig.

And coldjoint just mildly irritates, a bit like a yeast infection. He tries to appear intelligent, but that thin layer soon peels off to reveal the true moron underneath.
He is one of the rare ones I have on ignore, so I hardly ever see the twat.
cicerone imposter
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 09:34 pm
Making oral boy look silly is never the solution; he's used to it!

This statement is a gem:
And coldjoint just mildly irritates, a bit like a yeast infection. He tries to appear intelligent, but that thin layer soon peels off to reveal the true moron underneath.

0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 09:41 pm
He tries to appear intelligent,

Illiterate Muslims know more than you do.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 09:54 pm
Can you imagine how many jobs you would have to strike off the list of doing? If you really think about it, it's not just shift work at the end of the day these things happen in broad daylight.

It was still light out when it happened, and there were 4 customers waiting in line who saw it happen.

I've decided I'm not quitting. I'm not a pushover for anyone; not even a coward with a gun. I've been through rough things before. I'm not going to let other people's behavior stop me from living my life.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 10:26 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:
Oral, you know as well as everyone else that we had a thread going about six months ago, when all the facts and figures were piled in by various people to clearly, beyond any doubt, prove the case that the USA had a much, much larger rate of gun deaths, on every single type of stat, than any country in Europe plus Canada, Australia, NZ etc.

I called your 'side' out on numerous occasions to come and prove us wrong, and you failed to do so.
I specifically called you out repeatedly on a number of things and in the end you responded with a "what the hell do you want from me?" type of post, rather than supplying evidence to prove me wrong.

As far as I can tell, your claim isn't wrong. Why would I waste time in a futile attempt to disprove reality?

That said, is there any point to your claim? As trivia goes, I suppose it's nice enough, but what's the big deal?

Lordyaswas wrote:
If you have memory problens it is nothing to do with me, but if you want me to potentially waste my time and supply that link and make you look silly in the process, then fine.

I doubt I would look silly, but there is no need.

I agree that I am not likely to devote any effort to trying to disprove something that is clearly true.

Lordyaswas wrote:
You lot conveniently flush facts down the toilet every time and start with your boring, boring crap all over again somewhere else, as if nothing has happened. Astonishing.

The problem is that we don't see any relevance to those facts.

Lordyaswas wrote:
How the hell else can you explain this blanking of the memory and carrying on as if it's all brand new again and you're stating outrageous crap as if it's fact?

If there is any fact that I am wrong about, feel free to point it out.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Omsig IS an idiot when it comes to guns, as he refuses to face facts.

More likely he also fails to see any relevance to the facts that you are bringing up.

Lordyaswas wrote:
But to come back time and time again with the same old constitution crappola as a defence, leaves me with no other option than to seriously consider that when it comes to guns, he is a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.

Our Freedom, and the Constitutional protections for it, are hardly crap. They are what make our lives worth living.

Lordyaswas wrote:
You, on the other hand, like being intentionally obnoxious, imo,

No. I like opposing evil and protecting the innocent. Sometimes that requires being obnoxious to people who are devoted to evil.

Lordyaswas wrote:
have one major obsession of your own.

Three. I also brook no compromise on the Second Amendment. And try me on Hiroshima/Nagasaki sometime.

Lordyaswas wrote:
Put Foxy Knoxy up in the frame though, and that's when you turn as seriously obsessive as gun nut Omsig.

What if you were the innocent person being dragged off to prison? Would justice still be no big deal to you?

Lordyaswas wrote:
And coldjoint just mildly irritates, a bit like a yeast infection. He tries to appear intelligent, but that thin layer soon peels off to reveal the true moron underneath.
He is one of the rare ones I have on ignore, so I hardly ever see the twat.

Come now. Just because someone espouses conservative views, that doesn't mean they lack intelligence.
Thu 17 Jul, 2014 10:46 pm
Our Freedom, and the Constitutional protections for it, are hardly crap. They are what make our lives worth living.

Remember he is a "subject" and you are a citizen.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Jul, 2014 06:26 am
Essentially, u argue that I shud consider myself EXPENDABLE (as u already do),
and u want me to be willing to relinquish my inalienable right
to defend my life & property, in exchange for allegedly fewer crimes over all.
I refuse. In my eyes, in my mind, MY preservation
is of a lot greater value to ME, and that 's all that counts.
I am both anti-collectivist, Individualist and anti-authoritarian.
Every man for himself, and let the devil take the hindmost.

I was too lazy to write that out b4.

0 Replies
Fri 18 Jul, 2014 06:29 am
coldjoint wrote:

He tries to appear intelligent,

Illiterate Muslims know more than you do.

Muslims know you don't even try to appear intelligent?
0 Replies

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