Here here BPB, I couldn't agree more.
In all honesty though, I must say I find bush worshippers a little distasteful..
Come on BPB, we all know you worship 'bush.'
I hope you cooked lunch, not just took them to lunch.
And, yes it's still fashionable to worship a burning Bush.
Read this article for a perfect example of the attacks I mentioned.
thread titled anti war protests,and read itAlso,go to the Anti war thread,and read the comments,specifically those by Henrygreen.
Are any of you going yo honestly say that those comments werent direct attacks aimed at the troops,and me?Those attacks came from a self professed liberal.
So,While I will concede that I MIGHT have worded the question wrong,the fact that the attacks on the troops and the hatred of the military comes from the left is not changed.
So,the question still stands.
LW, I didn't take a Muslim out to lunch lately, but I have several Muslim friends that I have 'treated.' As a matter of fact, I just received an email from my friend in Egypt today. He said he might be coming to California in September, so I told him to let me know when he plans to be here. He was here several years ago to lecture and to negotiate some business with some tour companies, and drove him to Sausalito and San Francisco. He was my tour guide on my first visit to Egypt in 1998, and we've kept in touch all these years. I have another internet Muslim friend in Iran, another in Egypt (the tour guide on my second visit), and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.
OK I for one agree with the site up to a point. But it is not the troops that are dumb, it is the general amrican public. You stood by wawing flags and cheering bush on to send 120 thousand of your young people to a foreign land where they don't belong, and where ultimately the arent welcome. Now those young people have started to die, for what? What has or will Americas invasion of iraq achieve in the greater scheme of human history. Will iraq be a more civilized, or a more democratic society? Or has american invasion upset a pereliously delicate balance in the country, in the whole region. Yes it is a shame that people have to die, but I wish that those deaths (on both sides) would have meant something. Unfortunately it wont. The only beneficiaries of this whole wicked affair are the weapons merchants, haliburton, the saudis, and the new political/economic elite of iraq. Add them all aup only about maybe a thousand or so people. So far as I know over 20.000 people have died. For what? So that we could be carrying out these silly meaningless discussions. One of those 20.000 could have been your sons, or brothers or friends. It is murder on mass scale for the sake of a few bastards bloated egos, thats what it is.
Also any left winger, or right winger or whatever winger can defend anything he wants, it is after all freedom of thought and expression. Your vain attempt to morally push them into a corner is so transparent. Anyone who comes forward and says yes I defend what is said on the site will be accused of not having a heart, of being unpatriotic, or whatever else.
My advice is give it a rest, leave the poor dead to peace and do not make a political issue out of their loss, it removes the distinction between you and those who have put that site up.
It is personal for me.I was in Iraq and left part of my right hand there.I take it real personal when people make fun of,or laugh at the dead troops.I knew some of them.
Bottom line, mysteryman, you are making the same mistake as the liberals you castigate, blanket blaming all for what some do.
Yilmaz 101 has told us that the Islamic Fundamentalist in Al Qaeda do not represent true Islam. Of course they don't.
The US authority on Islam, Professor Bernard Lewis has written that the Islamic fundamentalists in Al Qaeda represent a very small fraction of Muslims. Lewis has written that although they are a very small group as opposed to the Millions of Muslims in the world, they are extremely dangerous.
They are dangerous because it is almost impossible to stop a dedicated martyr who believes that he or she is fulfilling God's will by exterminating himself and his enemy. Lewis writes that the Al Qaeda believe that Islam must be pre-eminent in the world and that it is the duty of a true believer to establish Islam as the major religion in the world. Lewis tells us that the AlQaeda look on the West's secularism and modernity as offensive to Allah. Secularists and modernists, say the small fringe group of Muslims, must be destroyed.
edgarblythe wrote:Bottom line, mysteryman, you are making the same mistake as the liberals you castigate, blanket blaming all for what some do.
That may be true,but when the attacks aimed at the troops and the jokes about the dead have all come from the left,and almost nobody on the left says anything in protest about those statements,what am I supposed to think.
The majority of the left seems to be silent about any comments regarding the attacks aimed at the troops,so it is hard to seperate the good from the bad.
You are supposed to think that some comments are beneath reply, beneath contempt, whatever the source. I refuse to be held responsible for what some nitwit says just because you think I should.
Mporter, are you Bernard Lewis' PR man or what?
No, Mr. Adrian, I am not Professor Lewis's PR man. I have read two of his books and several of his articles. Since he is acknowledged to be one of the leading authorities on Islam in the United States, I think that his ideas would shed some much needed light on the topics of Iraq, AlQaeda and the impetus behind the insurgents.
If you are really interested in reading a seminal article( published in 1990---by the way) you should read-
"The Roots of Muslim Rage"
Why so many Muslims deeply resent the West and why their bitterness will not easily be mollified
You can find this wonderful essay at
Lightwizard wrote:When was the last time anyone here took a Muslim to lunch?
Honestly one year ago. I was in St. Petersburg, though, which has a high mulsin poulation (comparatively).
They made me plov. It was absolutely delicious. I think they were surprised I didn't hate them, since I was american.
I can appreciate your anger and frustration, but suggest you give it up on this thread.
Whatever token condemnation you've gotten for the site has been far too qualified to ever satisfy you.
This ain't Vietnam. Dissing the troops is verboten for liberals. It's only the truly wild eyed Leftists like Nicholas de Genova who are calling for the slaughter of American soldiers.
Instead the de rigour platitude of liberals has become some version of:
"I have no problem with the troops, it's the sheep back in the Homeland that have allowed Bush to send these brave men and women to their deaths."
As one poster on this thread wrote:
"But it is not the troops that are dumb, it is the general amrican public."
and another wrote:
"I have no issues with the soldiers who feel they are fighting a just war. They are doing their jobs admirably."
Keeping in mind that the poster does have issues with the war, and therefore the implication of this statement is that as long as one is fighting in a war that one feels is just, then the fact that it is actually an unjust war cannot tarnish one's character. However if one is not fighting in the war, but believes the war is best, one is a fool.
There's an interesting vein of the warrior cult running through such an argument, and one which would hardly be expected to come from the Left.
Somehow anti-war sentiments are no longer required to incorporate anti-militarism, but what should we expect when liberals run from the label of liberal as if it were the Scarlet Letter.
So few liberals admit to being liberal these days that your basic premise is actually close to the mark. De Genova, almost certainly, is proud to consider himself a Liberal (if that's even strong enough for the ferocious Prof.), so perhaps the remaining Liberals don't have a problem with the site.
To be fair, since we know that conservatives are not all fascists (unless we happen to be a De Genova variety Liberal), we shouldn't insinuate that all liberals are of De Genova's ilk. It's tough to know though, since none of them, apparently, are liberals.
Quote: liberals run from the label of liberal as if it were the Scarlet Letter.
Now, there's two things worth running lustily towards.
Finn's right.
Chalk this one up as a loss and let it die, Mysteryman.
I am a liberal. I take issue with the soldiers who are in Iraq. I believe that most of them believe in what they are doing or think they believe in what they are doing, and I do not wish any to come to harm. I wish even more they could see the light and desist what they are doing. Finn and Mysteryman are trying to drive a wedge between leftists and their military brethren. They pick the most extreme examples of what some are saying to fashion their mold and imply very strongly that all liberals fit this mold. Wrong. Just as not all conservatives are blood thirsty goons, so not all liberals harbor violent wishes for the military. Many liberals are in or have been in the military themselves. We fought and won WW II under liberals. Go on and push your cultural war, Finn, Mysteryman. Some of us see the ulterior in your motives.