Re: BoGoWo
cavfancier wrote:Whoa there little dogie, let's break this down. First off, I am Canadian, so I have no clue what goes on inside the American mind. Whether or not I understand the figures is really of no significance.
I agree, and yet you felt compelled to salute and second CI's arrogant incredulity.
cavfancier wrote:Did the majority of Arabs have positive feelings towards the US before the war? I highly doubt it, but the current mess is aggravating the situation further. Even a tense peace is at least something like being forced to have dinner with family you dislike. It is certainly better than all out armed conflict.
Reasonable minds can differ as to whether or not the action in Iraq is a battle in the War on Terror, and whether or not the constantly escalating terrorist attacks culminating in 9/11 represented a "tense peace," but reasonable minds should have great difficulty with the notion that our action in Iraq has turned the once adoring Arab world against us. It's good to see your "Here Here" was not intended to be all inclusive.
cavfancier wrote:While hailed by some on A2K as a fine online psychic, I am fairly certain that I have no real powers in that field, so no, I am not privy to the real reasons Bush decided to invade Iraq, but without speculation, no 'real' answers will be given, and that is not the kind of world I wish to live in.
Speculation in the face of facts does no service to "real" answers. There are any number of people who "speculate" that Israel was behind 9/11. How is that advancing the search for truth? I'm not particularly fond of living in a world where wild speculation takes the place of facts in the minds of my fellow citizens' minds, but, like you, must play the hand I'm dealt.
cavfancier wrote:As for your take on 'liberating' two countries, time will tell. As I just stated, I'm no psychic.
Fair enough although I would argue that both countries have been liberated. Whether or not their liberation amounts to something of lasting value does remain to be seen.
cavfancier wrote:Regarding mysteryman, all that was needed was a better statement of intent in the original post, to encourage proper debate.
A point I too previously advanced, however much of the ire that was raised by the original post was due to the same sort of negative generalization that is implicit in the single question "When will America wake up?"
cavfancier wrote:I have no issues with the soldiers who feel they are fighting a just war. They are doing their jobs admirably.
I certainly accept this as a sincere expression, but surely you must realize that the great majority of them fall into the 47% of Americans who are "asleep." You may have no issues with soldiers who feel they are fighting a just war, but it does seem that you have issues with American civilians who believe the soldiers are fighting a just war.
cavfancier wrote: The questions I have are simply about the current administration's choices regarding the order to invade. I see the plan as ill-conceived, and I think that they did not anticipate the kind of resistance they are receiving now, nor do I suspect that they anticipated the death toll.
Again, fair enough, but perhaps you can appreciate why it is somewhat arrogant to find it amazing that so many people might disagree with you.
cavfancier wrote:As for the photo, whatever.
Whatever indeed. Whatever is the purpose of such a photo but to draw a line of responsibility between the deaths of these soldiers and George Bush. This line of responsibility exists just as similar lines of responsibility exist between other presidents and the soldiers who died in "their" wars, and yet the seeming implication among so many on the left is that the line of responsibility drawn between these dead and this president has the taint of caprice or, worse, criminality. If that is the case, then I simply would like to know if they feel the same way about all American presidents who have held office during military actions, and if not how is GWB different from them. That I offered my sarcastic take on what their answer might be was not intended to answer for them.
cavfancier wrote:Let Bush have his war. The public will decide, one way or another, to vote him in or not. After all, it is a free country.
It's not Bush's war, it's America's war, just as Vietnam, Korea, WWII et al were not the wars of the men in the Oval Office at that time. For better or for worse they have all been America's wars.