Whadda'ya trying to do, doglover? Turn this into another Duct Tour thread?
Maybe switch gears here... What is a favorite thing to do in the bedroom? Position, activity, etc.?
It depends on the chick. Some just like the vanilla sex, and some like to have pins stuck in their back while I light their hair on fire and punch them in the face.
wow, didn't know you went out with courtnee love...
doglover wrote:dyslexia wrote:what's ok in the bedroom?
well mostly I like Walnut but sometimes Oak is nice and I really don't dislike Pine
As long as it's a four poster bed nothing else matters. :wink:
My hubby is partial to Cherry in the bedroom.
does that mean you just stand around and watch!
Watching can be fun to...
Looks like HUSBAND wants to come all over his keyboard while talking dirty on this forum.
You've turned out to be an abusive piece of garbage, man!
Oy doglover....nobody! Only people in the throes of ecstasy think they look good to others. To the others, you probably just look goofy. (We are assuming of course that this is regular people sex, not porn).
c'mon cav....don't tell me you wouldn't like to have gus there watching so he could give you some pointers on how to please a woman.
or OB with his big cigar....maybe he'd let you borrow it for a few minutes.
doglover wrote:c'mon cav....don't tell me you wouldn't like to have gus there watching so he could give you some pointers on how to please a woman.
or OB with his big cigar....maybe he'd let you borrow it for a few minutes.
Them's fightin' words....
Come a little closer and we'll just wrestle this thing out, shall we?
What I like is when you're really working it hard, and your stomachs rub together and it sounds like everyones farting.
That's when you know you're taking care of business.
Then there's the queef......
Queef....better than a luscious unexpected fart.
Talk about a musical fruit....
doglover wrote: Whoo...it's getting warm in here.
The wall paper peeling yet?
I'm just thinking that thehusband really wanted an open discussion here, and he clearly stated "within a marriage". I hope nobody chased him away. Besides which, I hear they are now selling plastic keyboard covers, much like the plastic furniture covers favoured by many traditional Italian and Jewish families. Now those are really gross to have sex on.
Nothing wrong with just a regular fart in the heat of the moment either....sometimes the front end is so happy the back end just has to laugh :wink: