Wed 27 Jan, 2016 03:06 pm
I am currently in the midst of helping a homeless man, he is 25 years old from Romania and has been on the street for 7 months. He doesn't do hard drugs and rarely does soft drugs but he suffers from psychosis/schizophrenia. I am not trained to do anything that I am currently doing- though I am going to be training to do it within the next few years. I just want some advice. I have gone to my local council, we are waiting for some benefits and I am going to be getting him to sign up to a DR so we can get him back on his meds. Any other guidance as to what I can do? Also I am female doing this off of my own back I am the same age as this guy (dont worry I am not getting any romantic feelings for him) but my partner is going mental about me doing this especially as he's got mental issues- to which i have replied he may have it but it doesnt mean hes a psychotic nut case out to kill me etc. Any advice on how I can soothe my boyfriends worries,