I want to commit suicide?

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 03:04 pm
Im a 21 year old guy and I want to commit suicide because my life is getting so hard I can't seem to do anything can't get a job friends money anything I'm starting to think it is meant for me to feel like this but I don't know what to do I'm sorry but life is so hard if I keep going through days like this
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Type: Question • Score: 13 • Views: 4,237 • Replies: 27

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 03:21 pm
When I was your age, I felt much the same way. I can only say, hang in there and contemplate positive ways to use your time. It may take years, but you can come out on top of this. I was your age then. Now, I am 72. So glad I kept on trying.
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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 03:35 pm
Jaynizzy1993 wrote:
Im a 21 year old guy and I want to commit suicide

Disregard other posters. See a doctor preferably today or tomorrow.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 03:37 pm
Hey Jay, if that is you in the photo avatar, wow, what a smile.

Everywhere you walk, add that smile and people will smile back with you.

Life wasn't meant to be easy, you're only 21, put some positives into your thought there, there are also things you love about your life and you know it.

It's a thought not a reality you have too much to live for, why do I say that? Because you put a question mark at the end of your sentence. So you know so too.

Everywhere you walk, add that smile and people will smile back with you.. Giving up is easy, working towards what you want is priceless in the end...
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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 03:43 pm
I don't have insurance
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 04:08 pm
Persist Jay. Things could get better while meantime you might discover that your feeling is caused by a shortage or a surplus of some trace blood chem which you can then correct
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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 04:47 pm
Guess you have us Smile
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 06:54 pm
I do and I'm going to try to seek professional help if I can because this is becoming a habit I do this almost everyday or think about it
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 07:03 pm
As has already been noted...your smile is a million dollar smile.

Put it to use...making friends.

In the meantime, what you should be aiming for is...

...the day many, many years from now when you reflect back on today and smile even more broadly because the many "problems" you now have were the reason you matured. The day you realize that you could not become mature without those kinds of "problems."

That's what problems are, Jay...part of the structure of maturing.

You're gonna make it. There is so much goodness in that face of yours...you are gonna make it.

Hope you'll think of us when that broader smile hits some day.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 07:06 pm
At 21, my life was without direction or goals, so I volunteered into the USAF. It provided me with shelter and food for four years, and travel to Morocco. The air force assigned me to work with nuclear weapons; this dummy that almost flunked out of high school.

To make a long story short, I eventually earned my college degree in Accounting, and worked my butt off for almost 30 years, but I worked in management positions for 88% of my working career.

Perseverance, motivation, and drive has changed my life. I married a wonderful woman and we had two good sons. I retired in 1998, and I've been traveling the world, a hobby I got hooked on when I was able to travel to Madrid, Paris and London while I was station in Morocco with the USAF.

Don't ever decide 'life is lost.' If you drive yourself to become successful, this country is still the best place on this planet to do it.

I've traveled the equivalent of 30 times around this planet, and will continue to travel as long as my health allows me. Life is more interesting when you engross yourself into other countries, cultures, peoples, food and drink.

Develop a positive attitude, and work hard to achieve your goals. It can be done. If I can do it, you can too! Good luck.
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Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 12:30 am
Basic reality is that all most people would really need to be happy most of the time would be a 20 year old body and a 50 year old mind; being 20 or 21 gives you roughly half of that. One way or other we all die soon enough, there's absolutely no need to rush that one.
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Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 01:46 am
I do and I'm going to try to seek professional help if I can because this is becoming a habit I do this almost everyday or think about it

Funny Jay, I left home at 16, a rebel. At 21, I was so confused over guys, seriously. I was not close to my Mother but guess who I rang as I simply thought stuff life. My Mother.

My Grandmother was my biggest saviour she had such a wise soul, I learnt a lot from her. Mum and I have been great since I was 25.

Sometimes you just need to work life out you know? I think I was 25 when that happened.

Who is close to you? There has to be someone.

I am sure there is also "free" help lines you can call to talk. It's important life can be very confusing when you are young.

I'm 50 and a bit, and a bit Smile Now. Love life. Have probably for at least 25 or so years. It's easier when you get to understand things, it's hard when we are young.

Can you tell us which State you are in ? Maybe the members here, as I'm an Aussie girl, can guide you of some free services for suicidal help lines.

PS ...Don't you truly see that beautiful smile? It's quite infectious .

Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 01:52 am
I also seriously contemplated suicide at about the same age. Once I decided not to do it, all the dark clouds that had been hovering over me cleared away. I found solutions to the very real problems I had at the time and have been moving forward since. Nobody can promise you what you will experience in the future, but I hope that my story will help give you promise for your future. Your future is yours. You can make it into something that you're satisfied with. Just give yourself a chance and the time it takes to find those solutions. I've been to psychiatric counseling, too, though not about that, and never regretted it in the least.
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One Eyed Mind
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 04:09 am
Think of suicide as a relationship between a writer and his project at a table. Suicide is when you get frustrated with your own thoughts, in turn throwing the piece of paper into the fireplace. It's better to relax, erase some things that didn't quite fit, and gather yourself. I remember when I was younger, I would rather just trash the paper than take the time erasing the errors - I hated the feeling of the eraser against the sand-like surface of the paper.

Alas in life, if you don't scratch the surface, you really don't have that big of a pool of inspiration to work with.

Hardships are like the Universe. The beginning is dark, basically impossible to imagine a future - over time, things change, evolve and expand. You just need to give your self time to grow your own wings. Some people have bigger wings than others. You just may have bigger wings, and so the world is giving you a harder time.
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Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 05:42 am
Yes I'm in the state of Georgia
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 02:16 pm
Hey there Jay,

It's early morning here 6.30am to be precise what a time to get up Smile Best part of the day.

SuicideOrg provides the below phone numbers or a list of numbers State by State that offer free services.

Text Telephone:

Give them a call and have a chat, they may have other free services as well.

You know you're not alone but you need to talk to some people that understand what you are going through, so would you perhaps give them a call and also, stay with us.

You can talk about anything or nothing completely up to you.

Thanks for letting us know where about you are and wanting a contact number to talk to someone.

Do you have brothers and sisters? Only if you feel like answering ..

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2014 04:34 pm
The best advice you've received is to seek professional help. I appreciate that you don't have insurance but I'm pretty sure if your do some research you'll find a source of assistance. I'm betting that someone on the other end of a suicide hotline will have the information.

Most people who contemplate suicide don't want end their lives, they simply want the pain to stop and to die seems the only way. People with severe depression spend a lot of time sleeping (if they can manage it) because it's the next best thing to dying in terms of escaping the pain.

I'm just coming off of a sinus infection that had me up through one night in extreme pain. I took two prescription pain-killers, three over the counter analgesics and was trying everything from steam to hot and cold compresses. I ended up walking the floor moaning for hours until I got into see my doctor in the morning. A shot of antibiotics and a sinus relief medication did the trick, but I can't imagine what I would have done if it hadn't and that level of pain continued for days, and God forbid, weeks. I'm pretty sure that I would have seriously considered ending my life.

Emotional pain can be just as devastating, but like the sinus infection, it can be resolved with proper medical attention.

Unfortunately it rarely, if ever, can be resolved by simply "bucking up and thinking about the good things in life."

By all means hang in there while you seek and receive professional help, but by all means seek professional help.

If you feel so bad that you have constant thoughts of suicide, it won't go away with time and even if you got a job tomorrow or developed a great friendship next week, the underlying cause of your distress would remain.

The very good news is that it can be something as relatively simple as a brain chemical imbalance that can be effectively treated with medication, and psychological therapy has come a long way from a guy with a pointy beard and glasses sitting in a chair and repeatedly asking you how you feel. Qualified psychologists now have a good understanding of how the brain works and how you body can be physically affected by your mind. They have developed techniques for you to use your mind to overcome the problems it may be causing you.

Sometimes medications are all that is needed and sometimes it's only therapy. Often it takes both, but there are very, very few cases that won't respond to some combination of the two. So it's important for you to know that there is a way out of your pain without ending your life.

Help is out there Jay, go get it. All the best.
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Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2014 04:49 pm
Thanx I'm going to try to get help
Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2014 08:12 am
Jaynizzy1993 wrote:

Thanx I'm going to try to get help

Good!! Why should the world lose you?' I'm not just going along here! We need your smile.

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