Quote: Here is a terrific piece by Paul Krugman that...
Krugman is a blasted idiot who
Hates...and yes, I mean
Hates anyone or any thing which is not liberal. The more lily livered and liberal the happier he is.
Additionally, Krugman is, and always has been, a negative fool. Perhaps if he'd drop in a splattering of positive energy from time to time he wouldn't seem such a puppet. Those who cackle most about his 'wisdom' and his 'wit' are those who also see no problem, no problem at all in destroying forests by purchasing the lopsided rag he writes for. They would cry obscene amounts of tears if his term with the NYT was terminated. These folks don't tend to look elsewhere for news, or try to get more information. No, they have old Paulie to tell 'em what's what. What more could they need? (many of these folks also used to clamor around coffee shop tables rambling on about the genius of Jayson Blair
) Quite humorous and sad all at the same time how much power is given to this person (Krugman that is).
Most honest thing he said in recent days: "Obviously I know nothing about his district, or what exactly happened." -
of course that hasn't kept him from yammering on like a wild hyena on the matter. Still there are folks who hold him in high regard