Brandon, many people have explained this to you, unfortunately we can not understand it for you. The idea that no one was paying attention to Iraq is specious. You may not have been paying attention, but following Gulf I, a no fly zone was established and Saddam was contained. Every so often Iraqi fighters would violate the space, but US fighters could easily handle them. Saddam needed to save face, every so often he would test boundaries to prevent the surrounding crazy Arabs states from invading.
I remember vividly watching Bush in an address to the American people as he laid the ground work leading up to justification to invade Iraq. He alluded to all the atrocities Saddam perpetrated prior to his invasion into Kuwait. Bush 41, beat the Iraqis back and basically neutered Saddams WMD ambitions. President Clinton foiled an assassination attempt by Saddam aimed at George H. W. Bush. I don't recall conservative zealots singing Clinton's praises, but I
do understand how easy it would be for a dry drunk to be easily led by a band of appointed zealots to mangle the intelligence.
I began working for DOD during LBJ administration, but I've never, ever seen anything like Wolfowitz or Cheney hammering the intelligence community, demanding to cherry pick raw intell in an effort to prove the unprovable. It was like working for jealous spouses who already dug into the idea their spouse was cheating and glommed onto the slimmest thread of evidence to prove their warped idea of truth. I don't know if Bush really thought there was a honest threat of WMD, or he was convinced by hawkish lackeys eager to play presidential partners. The TRUTH, it turns out, was that there were no WMD's so the administration repackaged it as regime change.
The sad fact is, that even though other countries may have brutal dictators, Tito kept the former Yugoslavia from descending into chaos, and Saddam prevented religious factions from destroying Iraq. Tito and Saddam were monsters, but at least we were not sending young Americans or young Allies off to be killed in the vainglorious attempt to bring our version of democracy to the oppressed. Oh, hang on a mo, Clinton was finally shamed into restoring order in the splintered areas much like the UN was finally sent into Rwanda to stop the genocide.
It's easy to take the moral high road when you don't have skin in the game, you may reconsider this crusader mentality if the US is forced to bring back the draft.