Back to the topic now, which was bigotry--or more specifically, racism--and the conservative mindset:
"The Republican Party's commitment to equality of opportunity has come under question in recent weeks, particularly its determination to deal effectively with racial segregation. That's lamentable, for there is a laudable story to tell about the modern Republican Party and the efforts of a Republican president to ensure equal opportunity for all Americans."
How a Republican Desegregated the South's Schools
Bet he loved that Sidney Poitier, too.
It is quite true that while Nixon enthusiastically embraced the Southern Strategy, he also personally oversaw a smooth transition to desegregated schools in several states in the south in 1970. But before we get all misty about his generous committment to civil rights, it's probably a good idea to listen in on a couple of Dick's taped conversations just sitting around the Oval shooting the breeze with Ehrlichman and Haldeman (and Rumsfeld) around the same time:
"We're going to (place) more of these little Negro bastards on the welfare rolls at $2,400 a family . . . let people like Pat Moynihan and Leonard Garment and others believe in all that crap. But I don't believe in it. Total emphasis of everybody must be that this is much better than we had last year. . . . work, work, throw 'em off the rolls. That's the key."
"It hurts with the blacks. And it doesn't help with the rednecks because the rednecks don't think any Negroes are any good."
"Yes," Rumsfeld replied.
As for the notion that "black Americans aren't as good as black Africans," Nixon said, "most of them are basically just out of the trees. ... Now, my point is, if we say that, they (opponents) say, 'Well, by God.' Well, ah, even the Southerners say, 'Well, our niggers is (unintelligible).'Hell, that's the way they talk!'" the president said on the tape.
"That's right," Rumsfeld said.
Nixon moved easily from Blacks to Mexicans in his conversations, because they just go together like chitlins and tamales, I guess.
"I have the greatest affection for them (blacks) but I know they're not going to make it for 500 years," says Nixon. "They aren't. You know it too. I asked Julie about the black studies program at Smith (College, which she attended)."
"The Mexicans are a different cup of tea," says Nixon. "They have a heritage. At the present time they steal, they're dishonest. They do have some concept of family life, they don't live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like."
As so often happens in these conversations, the topic then smoothly moves on to gays, which really seems to work these guys up. This conversation took place over 30 years ago, but I imagine you can hear much of the same stuff today at pot luck suppers in the Southern Heritage Community :
"You know what happened to the Greeks! Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that so was Socrates."
"But he never had the influence television had," Ehrlichman says, apparently referring to Socrates.
"You know what happened to the Romans?" says Nixon. "The last six Roman emperors were fags. Neither in a public way. You know what happened to the popes? They (had sex with) the nuns, that's been goin' on for years, centuries. But the Catholic Church went to hell, three or four centuries ago. It was homosexual, and it had to be cleaned out. That's what's happened to Britain, it happened earlier to France."
Nixon on Tape