Not only does it date you, but it also narrows your geographic location to places where Benny Hill is broadcast.
No, I think it just makes me an old fashioned North Carolina bred 40+ year old.
Helms country! Well, there you go.
dys, "Chi chi's" is Spanish and Japanese. Fun, yes? c.i.
Yeah, Helms came from NC, but I don't claim his rotton ass.'s about "jugs"?
another favorite: "nice cans"
was it not Bob Hope that gave us "thanks for the mammaries?"
and it was dolly parton that gave us - oh, never mind.
(sorry, can't leave Rush alone:)
On his way up the hate-radio ladder, Rush took no prisoners. In the 1970s, Limbaugh told one black caller: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back." His career as a right-wing radio jock flourished.
-- After becoming nationally syndicated, Rush cleaned up his act, right? Wrong. Regarding one national civil rights leader, Limbaugh mused: "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
-- Rush Limbaugh on the nation's oldest existing civil rights organization, with a ninety-year commitment to non-violence: "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
-- It's not that Rush denies there is racism in America. There is, he says :"fueled primarily by the rantings and ravings" of blacks." If only those people would keep their mouths shut and behave nice and...does this sound familiar?
-- Not that Limbaugh doesn't have a head for figures. One caller had the temerity to say on Rush's air that black voices needed to be heard in American politics. Rush: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"
and Rush, if any of you remember went on one of his rampages about the native americans but ooops the American Indian Movement showed up at his door with facts and he never made another comment. "We shall overrun"
dyslexia says:
Quote:and Rush, if any of you remember went on one of his rampages
This isn't news, this would be news:
Quote:FLASH ----- and Rush, if any of you remember went off of his rampages
Diddie - if it's the case (and I don't doubt it is) that NO ONE catalogs Limburger's words, where are you getting the quotes?
Just making them up as I go along, snood... :wink:
(Seriously, the archiving is now under way...)
There are enough places they float around. After all, he is primarily a comedian. No conservative listens to him, but they all quote him.
go there and get sick!
Well I happen to like to listen to Rush Limbaugh, but then I like to listen to Paul Bagala also.
Both of these men seem to be a bit radical in their beliefs so you here the worst of each opposing view.
If we only listen to what we like and agree with we never learn a lot as we can guess what the next statement will be.
Whether for or against we must try to agree on "parts" of what we all believe.
Doing crazy things like Gov. Ryan did with the death row will never answer any questions as skewed ideas will not straighten out any of our problems.
It is always so easy to sit on the other side and toss insults, what is tough is to go over to the other side and offer up some better ideas and actually fight for those ideas. The nit picking and grousing will never accomplish anything except hard feelings. This is usually a cowards way to communicate.
The possible prevention of an innocent person being put to death is "crazy"? I think you need a few more people like that governor.
well, even if we kill a few innocents it will still make a good example that we mean business and aren't about to molly-coddle those criminals. i say hanging is too good for 'em lets draw and quarter them in the town square on saturday afternoons and while we're at it lets being back vigilantes, we know who the guilty are lets not waste tax payers money on trials just so some lawyers can get rich.
Let's kill two birds with a single perfect stone here. We know SUVs are regretably polluting, roll over if someone in the next lane farts, and are unhealthy when you are heading to church in your volkswagon and get creamed by one. Let's use them for the drawing and quartering in the village square. If the revs are kept low, we'll still get to hear the ripping sounds. Added bonus....exciting lottery draws on which limb stays with the torso.
blatham, You do have a dark side to your soul. c.i.
Yes, I know. Even streetlights draw back in fear when I walk beneath.