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I totally agree Snood and
Welcome to A2K!
Hiya Snood. Welcome to A2K. Glad to meet you!
I must say, I am truly impressed by the tenants by which you seek to run this forum. After some of the "groups" I've been a part of, I'm afraid I'll need some "decompression" time to become accustomed to an actually civil discussion. Bravo, people.
A big welcome to you Snood :-D
Welcome, snood! Any questions, just ask. :-D
Strange, very strange, that you would automaticly decide this letter was from a Republican. When I was reading it, I was thinking it may be likely that it was from a Democrat beating his well worn drum.
But then I am a Republican and may see things a little differently. You see the truth is that every big thing that has happen in the history of this country has been push by a conservative Republican. You may want to contest this, but please do a little reading in a history book before you get tooo upset.
Slimmerson wrote: You see the truth is that every big thing that has happen in the history of this country has been push by a conservative Republican. You may want to contest this, but please do a little reading in a history book before you get tooo upset.
define "every big thing" please as well as historical context ie post Lincoln?
Lincoln was not a conservative Republican. Someone needs to read their history -- Lincoln's platform was what liberal Democrats have been running on since Kennedy. The Civil Rights Act was not a big thing?
Just a tad general and inclusive, don't you think? The Law of Averages alone would suggest one or two good democratic ideas, unless perhaps Satan was in charge but even then you'd think he'd fake it a bit for appearance sake - any good con man gives you a little bit.
The reason we liberal types have well worn drums, by the way, is because we are all drug imbibing musician types who, in all the spare time granted us by the welfare state, practice to become rock stars so that we can buy more drugs and sleep with your sister (could you note her phone number please).
The greatest injustice in all of this to you is not only that we get away with all this, but that we were born with funk and republicans weren't. Not one of them. No funk anywhere there.
I didn't know Roosevelt was a conservative Republican. Gasp. Choke.
edgarblythe: we learn something new everyday
I guess since Social Security is one of the biggest debates of the last fifty years means it wasn't a big thing to begin with. I suppose Roosevelt pulling us out of our most dire Depression (created by conservative Republicans) wasn't a big thing either. I suppose Truman dropping the atomic bomb wasn't a big thing. Naw.
a "big thing" is in the eye of the beholder.
One has only to contend with a single dust mote in the eye to appreciate the wisdom of dyslexia.
I suppose Reagan's "big thing" was his single-handed destruction of the Soviet Union, an entity that was about to implode when he took office. Or maybe is was the panacea of tax cuts, which were negated by the fact that he couldn't convince the legislature to stop spending money. Which actually booseted the economy in the 80's, the tax cuts or the government pouring money back into the economy? Most of it was spent on building a war machine that could conquer the world several times over (not that we really ever meant to do that -- or do we?)
OH, I forgot about Reagans really big thing (sounds like Ed Sullivan), the promotion of black hair dye. Now I'll bring up a pic of Mt. Rushmore to contemplate the busts of all those conservative Republicans immortalized therein.