"I don't currently see any tags like that. Maybe earlier at one point some idiot did those tags and it was changed. Sometimes there are some unthinking clods. Just ignore them, if you can"
Yeah, true on that
"Have you talked to your father about this?
What would your financial responsibilities be in his home if you moved there?"
To be honest, i'm afraid, not because of what he'll say (he'll more than likely back me up), but how my mom and him will get into a horrible argument over it. I want to, but my mom makes it very clear and threatens me to never talk to my dad about how she asks me for money. My dad wouldn't be asking me for money, but that means I'd have to stay in school full-time and pay for gas and entertainment on my own, which is more than fine for me.
I'm tempted to ask him, however now that you make that comment. Thanks for the answer, appreciated
"I doubt that at your age you have the ability to support your mom, and you should not feel guilty about not doing what you cant do. Secondly, is there no on in this family that can step in to give you some relief? Maybe an aunt or uncle who can talk to your mom about her behavior?
Beware, if she is still like this at this age her irresponsibility and narcissism will never change, decide what you are willing to do and then do no more, this is a bottomless pit."
They wouldn't do it. My mom's parents are somewhat dysfunctional, and there's no way any of my other family members would help, especially my dad (and that's understandable....they are divorced)
"I agree with jespah. If you give your mother any money, she will become a dependent for the rest of her life.
No guilt on your part is needed or required. Your parents are the ones who gave you birth, and all adults should be self sufficient unless they have an illness or disability that prevents them from working.
Once you give in to your mother's request for money, it will never end. That's how dependency works.
Good luck."
Uff, yeah there's no denying that unfortunately
"I suggest that in making your decision,
u consider how good of a mother she has been.
That might influence your decision in regard to giving her money."
To be perfectly honest, I love my mom but I don't like the way she has become over the years, if that makes any sense. A lot of it is personal
"Some people think it's funny to post graffiti tags. Sorry 'bout that. You can always tag your own topic, and topic creators' tags get more weight than others, and are more likely to stick.
And you're welcome - welcome to A2K."
Thanks, hopefully i'll post here more often