My advice is to get your expensive stuff out of your moms places without telling her. Then sit down with her. Literally be like "We have to have a talk" and break out her bills. Get how much she has to contribute ( meaning her paycheck or whatever ), and then break it down to the point where she is at via holding a roof over her head.
That is it. Do not give her a cent, more. Do not use the electricity, avoid using the bathroom, or stove ( gas ,oil, etc ), and realize she is using you as her main income source. Unless she is doing something for asides being your mother you have to lay-down the reality of the situation. You dad have his reasons for not being with her ( whatever it might be ) and now she is looking at you. It like these 40-60yo women looking at me because I am over the hump-age when they feel I will even do them, and the reality is hell no, no way. I am not going to be Mrs, Roberson personal lufa. I mean seriously is your mom getting you dates, giving you advice in life, is seriously planning your future or anything at all? What is she doing beside "being a woman" ( mentally ) who you do not sleep with ??? It is self-annihilation.
You need to grow and stop feeding this hooch green. The only person who should be feeding her is daddy. You want more child support ? Go to college, I forget maybe there is a loophole in that. Otherwise find some method of income so you can keep feeding this "etc" you call mommy who carried you in her belly-welly for nine-months and breast feed you and did not imacipate and then put you up for adoption ( as I keep advising all young and old mothers who husbands do not put in the effort to do once the breast feeding stage is over. Just let the babe be a ward of state if he does not commit ). Right now your feeding this girl green ( money ) and what use is she to you asides that one of a kind gal you call mom???
Like the movie title says "Get Out" your now her personal money-tree and if you do not organize her budget and limit your usage of her resources then your just pile-driving yourself down. That money is for you to grow and your work you did on your own. Not hers, not at all. I am sure daddy would agree.
Again how messed up was the break up? Or was mommy some prissy in pink and now she is in rags and all she has to show for it is her messed up belly.
Yeah go and give your mom enough money for plastic surgery to correct the damage you did to her breasts, chest, and bumbum and call it a day.