Sun 9 May, 2004 07:55 pm
How many people do you think the average person sleeps with over a lifetime?
If you were thinking of dating somebody and they told you they had slept with a lot of other people, would it matter to you?
I think it's a highly individual number, kicky. I know people who have slept with over 40 people and some who have slept with 1 or 2 (in my age group).
I think most people in my age group have slept with between 10 and 25.
I travelled a lot and it made my numbers different (fewer long relationships and exposure to more groups). But I haven't kept count (not because it's high, just because I was most of the time and didn't keep count).
I'd agree with Craven and guess that most people in my age group (different than Craven's age group) have had between 10 and 25 lovers.
Having slept with a number of people doesn't necessarily make one promiscuous. Sex means different things to different people.
sex IS different things to different people.
I'm off your chart, but considering I'm 35 and have never been married... is that really a lot?
I'm off the chart - and never did orgy - so I comment here.
But then, I am both of advanced years, and began the whole damn thing pre-AIDS - so I am both wise and continent - relatively speaking.
And yes - for women, it gets better with age!!!!!!
(just thought I'd drop that in....)
The 60s and 70s were very free. And ditto dlowan, we of advanced age have had so many more opportunities.
Never any orgies or weird stuff here, but I had my fair share. I never counted, so I can't give you a number, but I think I made it off your chart as well.
I think that pole might have adequate options if you were say a senior in college.
Here in Colombia the numbers might be much lower among women as a lot of girls marry at sixteen or so, have babies and their husbands are their only sexual adventures. However higher among men since a large percentage of adult married men make monthly or more frequent visits (if they have the money) to the "Casa de citas" (whorehouses).
i am 19 and had 5 partners all girlfriedns of long term
I'm an off the chart woman too. Life is long, time is short...
kidding. No place on poll for me to vote.
I think I screwed this whole thing up. When I was doing this, I was thinking that a lot of people are married, and I mistakenly assumed that married people would be way lower. And I forgot to include the horny-as-rabbits single people!
Oh well . . .
damn it I am still on chart - have to do something about it quick
Yeah, it does skew a bit low for those of us who never married and are getting on in years. Now, if your poll just covered the past 10 years, it would be a different story. Unfortunately...