I hope you're getting what you want out of this dumb ass thread. So much for parking a thread. I realize this a difficult concept for you, and I don't speak for Frank, but you are not clever, you are dishing snark. I doubt you live in France, and I really don't understand why you are so easily threatened by opinions that don't mirror you own.
This is the kind of juvenile crap that managed to bring a halt to SB. Oh, and do yourself a favor, check the definition of puerile again. I don't mind smart asses so much because sometimes they're clever. Ergo, by definition, you are not a smart ass, just a snarky middle aged wanna be who can only strike out but never land a punch.
Frank doesn't seem to mind dealing with your nonsense, and that's his choice. You started this thread, you wanted his attention, in fact you would have posted endlessly even if he didn't respond. So I'm not Franks mother, and I'm thankful I'm not yours. God is indeed good. So, imagine it bothers me, pretend it bothers Frank. For Gods sake pretend you actually have something to say that others find profound. Oh and don't forget your imaginary scathing remarks. I'm not going to bust your bubble.
So, congratulations, you actually got a few posters to follow this steaming pile of guano. But I do want to thank you for one thing. Before you started with this, Frank and I sometimes crossed paths on other threads. Sometimes we agree and sometime he reads me the riot act. But, because of you, I have begun to realize how his capacity for patience, his resilience, and his ample ability to deal with idiots are qualities I wish I had. I didn't post to defend Frank, I was annoyed at your schoolyard bullshit you try to employ when you post. You start a thread called "of Franks ignorance" and cry foul because I said it was bully behaviour. Once again I call bullshit on Olivier.