Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 04:16 pm
@glitterbag, are not embarrassing me in any way. I understand your anger toward this guy...and I am enjoying watching you vent at him.

Do it as much as you want...and post it as often as you want.

Don't mind if Olivier misses your point...but he is awfully busy digging that hole he is in.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 05:42 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

Glitter darling, you've been embarrassing Frank with your ill-founded accusations of bullying and your puerile bitching about a thread he actually LOVES... The poor chap is now struggling to regain composure, all by your fault. So next time you try to help a friend out of his misery, make sure you coordinate your versions. You'll be more credible this way and you won't embarrass your friends.

Ooooowwwww that's so cute, pookie thinks he has a comeback for Auntie GB. Thats adorable, yes it is, yes it is and we wuv our baby barefaced asshole so don't you worry your widdle head about Uncle Frank, I'll explain that you're on the verge of a breakdown (you don't have to be brave for Auntie, you know it's true), and maybe the meanies will stop picking on our little precious bundle of
confusion. You know how sad we get when pudding pot starts tearing up. Aawwwwwwwwww, you are SO adorable, yes you are, oooohhhhhhhyes you are. Uncle Frank didn't mean to hurt your feelings, he mistakenly assumed you were a big boy now. Auntie with care of you, you insufferable, ego infused, dim, rude horses ass. Eek, my apology to horses.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 06:09 pm
I hope you're getting what you want out of this dumb ass thread. So much for parking a thread. I realize this a difficult concept for you, and I don't speak for Frank, but you are not clever, you are dishing snark. I doubt you live in France, and I really don't understand why you are so easily threatened by opinions that don't mirror you own.

This is the kind of juvenile crap that managed to bring a halt to SB. Oh, and do yourself a favor, check the definition of puerile again. I don't mind smart asses so much because sometimes they're clever. Ergo, by definition, you are not a smart ass, just a snarky middle aged wanna be who can only strike out but never land a punch.

Frank doesn't seem to mind dealing with your nonsense, and that's his choice. You started this thread, you wanted his attention, in fact you would have posted endlessly even if he didn't respond. So I'm not Franks mother, and I'm thankful I'm not yours. God is indeed good. So, imagine it bothers me, pretend it bothers Frank. For Gods sake pretend you actually have something to say that others find profound. Oh and don't forget your imaginary scathing remarks. I'm not going to bust your bubble.

So, congratulations, you actually got a few posters to follow this steaming pile of guano. But I do want to thank you for one thing. Before you started with this, Frank and I sometimes crossed paths on other threads. Sometimes we agree and sometime he reads me the riot act. But, because of you, I have begun to realize how his capacity for patience, his resilience, and his ample ability to deal with idiots are qualities I wish I had. I didn't post to defend Frank, I was annoyed at your schoolyard bullshit you try to employ when you post. You start a thread called "of Franks ignorance" and cry foul because I said it was bully behaviour. Once again I call bullshit on Olivier.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 06:15 pm
Ah, the riot act. Yes. LOL Just don't take it too seriously. It's not the worst thing that can happen in our lives.
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 07:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I haven't really gotten ramped up, he cant offend me, just gives me a bad taste in my mouth. He's trying too hard to be clever but only manages to sound snide, or like a petulant teen, not exactly the image of a dashing, witty bon vivant. He's wasting his time with Frank, Im guessing Frank thinks Ollie's an idiot and a fake. If that's what he thinks, I'm betting Franks right. My initial objection was it was annoying to click on "New Posts", and see this thread over and over. I can't imagine what that dimwit Ollie hopes to achieve. He seems to think he can suck everybody into his drama queen soap opera.

Mores the pity, hope his boo boo gets better soon.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 08:35 am
@cicerone imposter,
Hi CI. Does she do this kind of nervous breakdown often, or should take it personally? ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 09:20 am
That's quite the truckload of crap you got there. Seems uncle Franky found himself an attack poodle... And she yaps and yaps at the top of her tiny lungs, eager to attract attention to her next-to-subterranean level of existence.

I didn't post to defend Frank, I was annoyed at your schoolyard bullshit you try to employ when you post. You start a thread called "of Franks ignorance" and cry foul because I said it was bully behaviour.

Of course you posted to defend Frank. He posts the same kind of schoolyard BS I do, in fact I often imitate his ways to show him how ridiculous his posting tactics are. Perhaps it's one of these caricatures of Frank by me that irked you in the first place.

Re. the thread title, you are making a big drama out of a childish, yes, but ultimately harmless prank. Get yourself a sense of humour. It didn't stop Frank from posting here. Hell, he jumped on this newborn thread like a famished hyena would jump on a baby deer... :-) He could have refused to post here but that did not even cross his mind. And when I asked if I had "harmed his feelings", he laughed it off.

You know the problem with poodles, Baggy? They don't have a clue and yet they take themselves deadly seriously...

There are a number of these "battle threads". They are good for frequent posters who like the tit-for-tat, reliable, rapid exchange of a mix of blows and arguments. They can go on forever, in fact that's one of their purposes, and are occasionally entertaining. Like the evolution thread with fm and spendi. These battle threads are like the "never-ending rap battle" thread, or the "answer my question by a question" thread: their are (primarily) games, or pastimes. The substantive debate element is typically exhausted after the first dozens of posts or so.

So if you were to go to "CHANGE ONE LETTER IN THE WORD ABOVE" thread and unload a truck of bovine manure on them posters for not learning cello instead, you'd look just as stupid as you do right now...
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 09:50 am
Olivier5 wrote:

That's quite the truckload of crap you got there. Seems uncle Franky found himself an attack poodle... And she yaps and yaps at the top of her tiny lungs, eager to attract attention to her next-to-subterranean level of existence.

I didn't post to defend Frank, I was annoyed at your schoolyard bullshit you try to employ when you post. You start a thread called "of Franks ignorance" and cry foul because I said it was bully behaviour.

Of course you posted to defend Frank. He posts the same kind of schoolyard BS I do, in fact I often imitate his ways to show him how ridiculous his posting tactics are. Perhaps it's one of these caricatures of Frank by me that irked you in the first place.

Re. the thread title, you are making a big drama out of a childish, yes, but ultimately harmless prank. Get yourself a sense of humour. It didn't stop Frank from posting here. Hell, he jumped on this newborn thread like a famished hyena would jump on a baby deer... :-) He could have refused to post here but that did not even cross his mind. And when I asked if I had "harmed his feelings", he laughed it off.

You know the problem with poodles, Baggy? They don't have a clue and yet they take themselves deadly seriously...

There are a number of these "battle threads". They are good for frequent posters who like the tit-for-tat, reliable, rapid exchange of a mix of blows and arguments. They can go on forever, in fact that's one of their purposes, and are occasionally entertaining. Like the evolution thread with fm and spendi. These battle threads are like the "never-ending rap battle" thread, or the "answer my question by a question" thread: their are (primarily) games, or pastimes. The substantive debate element is typically exhausted after the first dozens of posts or so.

So if you were to go to "CHANGE ONE LETTER IN THE WORD ABOVE" thread and unload a truck of bovine manure on them posters for not learning cello instead, you'd look just as stupid as you do right now...

Still haven't learned to stop while you are far behind, Olivier.

Still want to dig that hole of yours deeper and deeper.

If you think you are going to backdoor your way into the finish of this fiasco you have started, I would suggest you think again. And if you don't change your mind, think again and again...until the thing truly sorts out.

You are learning, I guess the time I put into teaching you has not been entirely wasted. I still think you should try one of the minor league forums for a while (perhaps while sticking here posting in the "CHANGE ONE LETTER IN THE WORD ABOVE" thread you mentioned to GB).

No major pleasure in me telling you this, but you definitely are not yet ready for prime time.

You do make a good toy though...and you do provide entertainment. I acknowledge that.

Fact is, except for what we are about...what the evolution/ID or id is offering...and the Arab/Palestinian dust ups...there is not much going on here in A2K. I guess some people do learn how to tell Mom they want to bang her...and a few "does she like me" questions get answered...but the really fun stuff is in the dust-ups.
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 11:34 am
@Frank Apisa,
Fact is, except for what we are about...what the evolution/ID or id is offering...and the Arab/Palestinian dust ups...there is not much going on here in A2K. I guess some people do learn how to tell Mom they want to bang her...and a few "does she like me" questions get answered...but the really fun stuff is in the dust-ups.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 11:47 am
Careful pookie, your distaste for women is showing. Now let me see what I can do to get out of this fetid swamp. Oh hang on, let me try this:

OMG, Ollie hurt my feelings. Snif, snif. He's so mean and he's sooooooo clever. Just a tad insecure and unable to tell the difference between someone objecting to his bitter tirade over conversation and laboring under the assumption I'm trying to help Frank. I know, snif, that Ollie is a jerk, but I never realized he would be soooooo mean to me. And arghhhhh, he compared me to a poodle, and even though the Standard Poodle was originally bred to be a hunting dog, it stings,,,sob. Maybe he forgot that the poodle is ranked as one of the smartest dogs on the doggie scale of intelligence, I'm inconsolable. How will I ever get over this humiliation, OH DEAR GOD, WHY ME. Please forgive me, I'll say whatever you want that's nasty about Frank as long as you allow me back in your good graces. I'm begging, it's too much, I'll crack like an egg, the pressure is too much. WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME??????? (Now you have to imagine a tortured sort of wail, ala Yoko Ono to demonstrate the depths of my despair). OK, here's where I start pleading for help: Oh sweet vessel of clever, please forgive me for not recognizing your brilliance, but I see it now and it burns with intensity of a flashlight with 55 double A batteries to sustain it. I am humbled by your knowledge, I bow with reverence at you, the shing lamp of superior intellect. I shall tiptoe around you for thou art the goodbook of all that is Sharp snark. I never knew that so much glory existed here on earth, you are a symbol of all that is knowable.

Will that appease the little vainglorious Prince? I hope so.

Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 11:51 am
Shoot I forgot to say: that Franks a big meanie. I hope that sooths your inflamed ego for a nanosecond.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 01:44 pm
Careful pookie, your distaste for women is showing.

My distaste for women, really? Another phony accusation from the poodle on crack... You're projecting your own hatred for men. You told me upthread: "your masculinity requires [you] to behave as an ass", while I made no comment about your gender.

Will that appease the little vainglorious Prince? I hope so.

Oh you don't need to appease me; I'm cool. Your display of mindless hatred is spectacular, and I must say rather witty as far as such anal things go, but it does not arouse me.

The effect on your health could be catastrophic though. Try and appease yourself, or you may end up blowing a gasket.

Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 01:57 pm
Does this mean you are refusing my olive branch?
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 02:48 pm
Yes, it does.

I could advise you on where to plant that branch, if you don't know what do do with it....
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:20 pm
Alas, I'm crushed. I wish I had your gift for making friends.
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:28 pm
You may want to try not crapping on people.
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:33 pm
I said I wished I had your ability to make friends, not your weakness to behave like a insulting blowhard. Maybe you don't have the capacity to make friends?Either way, thank you for showering me with so much attention. You're a Prince.
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:34 pm
You're welcome... <sigh>
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:39 pm
Thank you, you will never know what that means to me.

(Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, snort, heh heh)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 May, 2014 03:40 pm
Now I know GB why I don't venture into some of these threads.

I remember High School and Primary School.. I thought that Adults vented using no particular "person" in doing so, I mean we were all bought up with some form of decorum weren't we?

It's kid's stuff of Ignorance of how you treat people, to aim at one person, anyways no reply needed. As an Adult, I just decided to vent.

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