Olivier5 wrote:
By way of introspection. Just as you invented the snarks and the boojums, and then you "observed" in your mind what happens when the set of boojum is placed within the set of snarks.
Well, I think we're straying into the realm of the esoteric, as
timur suggests. I don't think I'm observing anything when I talk of snarks and boojums, but I'm not going to belabor this point, as it's obvious you and I have vastly different definitions of "knowledge." If you define the term as encompassing only "empirical knowledge," then I'm not surprised that you take the position that knowledge can only come from observation. That would be true
by definition, so long as you define it that way. Of course, if one disagrees with that definition, then you're left to argue that your definition is better - which I haven't seen you do.