Mon 12 May, 2014 01:50 pm
I see ColdDope is still trying to rationalize hate for non-Christians.

I do not hate anyone. That seems to be all you can say. If you are that stupid that you cannot see the hate Islam inspires that only proves that you are rationalizing, not me. Try to contribute something for a change.
Mon 12 May, 2014 01:50 pm
Everything comes down to the issue of personal liberty.
Some people love it; some people hate and fear it.

I am a LOVER!

Mon 12 May, 2014 01:54 pm
Everything comes down to the issue of personal liberty.

I agree, and Islam has none. And progressive ideas point in that same direction. That is why they defend Islam because control is exactly what they want too.
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Mon 12 May, 2014 02:17 pm
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Mon 12 May, 2014 03:19 pm
There are no Christians in the New Testament either.
Mon 12 May, 2014 03:23 pm
parados wrote:
There are no Christians in the New Testament either.
Not even Jesus ?
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Mon 12 May, 2014 08:11 pm
There are no Christians in the New Testament either.

See what book can inspire. Now think of the Koran and what it has inspired. You very poor apologist.
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Mon 12 May, 2014 09:05 pm
Via Progressives Today, here’s a taste of the brainwashing that went on at the 2014 White Privilege Conference in Madison last March, which was primarily intended to indoctrinate teachers on how to indoctrinate their students:
Mon 12 May, 2014 09:06 pm
ColdDoper for someone who claims not to hate, ColdDope sure seems willing to spread hate.

ColdDope's contributions to this subject only expose ColdDope as a hypocrite, an incredibly stupid hypocrite.

Mon 12 May, 2014 09:13 pm
Has Scott Walker ever said anything about any of this sort of BS??
Mon 12 May, 2014 09:14 pm
willing to spread hate.

I am relaying facts you don't like. You can't say why you don't, so you say hate.

You are done here.
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Mon 12 May, 2014 09:15 pm
Looking for an example of leftwing/libtard/greentard hate on an organizational level? Try this:
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Mon 12 May, 2014 09:17 pm
Has Scott Walker ever said anything about any of this sort of BS??

Let's hope not. That would make him a hater.
Mon 12 May, 2014 10:26 pm
First time I ever saw this kind of logic was with Spiro Agnew (...if you're against evil, you must be some sort of a stinking negativist...), but the dems and libtards have taken the idea over and made an art form out of it these days.

...if you hate evil and stupidity, you're a HATER.....

Mon 12 May, 2014 10:29 pm
Well, technically, if u hate ANYTHING,
then definitionally: u r a hater.
0 Replies
Mon 12 May, 2014 10:29 pm
What is "Progressivism"?
From 2010
Progressivism is, like many other mass movements, tribalist, and based lies, arrogance, hatred, and hypocrisy.

1. It rests on fabricated, though emotionally appealing narratives, in order to generate support. The world is heating up. White people are racist. Recycling cardboard boxes is beneficial. America "rushed" to war in Iraq. Women earn 59% of what men earn -- and, for good measure, this non-fact is attributed to "sexism". Worse, these narratives are arrogantly stated as axioms, and the burden falls on others to "disprove" them.

2. They arrogantly know what is best for you, and will make you pay for it. Public schools. Restrictions on commerce. Penalties and prohibitions against improving your property. They also rely very heavily on the guilt-generating illusion of attempting to help the "other". In other words, "How can you possibly enjoy 'X' when someone, anyone, else is suffering with 'Y'?" And their solution to this "problem" is to take your property and control your behavior.

3. Their "causes" are never in support of anyone; their causes are instead are based on who they hate and are intended to incite. Example: Their 1990s boycotts against South Africa were ostensibly to support the black victims of the apartheid system, but they displayed an utter disregard for the routine slaughters and famines elsewhere in Africa. Conclusion: Their real "cause" was hating white people. Example: They display hypersensitivity to the "plight" of the "Palestinian" people when Israel defends itself against their attacks -- but are indifferent to the far larger number of Palestinian Arabs who are murdered by other Arabs. Conclusion: Their real "cause" is hating Jews.

4. Philosophy and logic are absent, and are instead replaced by base-instinct universal "wants". For example, they want clean air -- as if anyone else wants dirty air. They want "peace", as if anyone (at least in the western world) wants senseless wars. They want "health care", as though anyone else wants to be sick. Even their "positions" are meaningless: Discrimination against gays was fine when one of theirs (President Clinton) signed the Defense of Marriage Act. And war was fine when he authorized (without Congressional approval) the bombing of a European country (Serbia) that was no threat to the United States -- and when he launched missiles at Iraq. Similarly, their objections to the budget deficit under President Bush vanished when said deficit was to become much larger under President Obama.

5. Their support rests on dependency. They create entitlements (actually, coercive government-enforced claims against others) that leave the "beneficiaries" dependent on oppressive government. The main progressive entitlement is welfare for old people; i.e., Social Security. But after being compelled to make "contributions" to this "fund" for their entire working lives, who would want to vote for dismantling it? Who would, after being compelled to pay for Medicare for year after year, would vote to deny themselves this "benefit" when it becomes their turn to collect? What parent, after paying years of real-estate taxes, would want to abolish "free" government schools and subsidized state colleges? And so progressivism oozes along, growing, and using democracy as a weapon to further itself.
Mon 12 May, 2014 10:40 pm
Unreal: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Says Gays, Not Jews, “Were Really The Ones Being Persecuted In Hitler’s Germany”…

Liberals have some real winners. Pandering to gays and insulting the Jews. HATE
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Tue 13 May, 2014 12:14 am
And look what happened to Spiro Agnew---he was found with his hand in the Maryland till and plead guilty of accepting bribes and tax evasion--poor Spiro--whoda thunk!!

I guess good things happened out of the Agnew disaster--Nixon replaced Agnew with Ford so when Nixon pulled a Wasilla Quitter Move, the country was left with a relatively honest politician as POTUS.

You know, Ganja, that before his encounter with Nixon in 68, Agnew was considered a moderate Republican, more of a contemporary of Nelson Rockefeller and George Romney. He only became a hero of the wacko right when he opened his mouth and became Nixon's distraction.

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Tue 13 May, 2014 12:17 am
Good find, and logically solid, thanks!
0 Replies
Tue 13 May, 2014 12:17 am
So ColdDope is also a hater of progressives--does that ColdDope hatred also apply to Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln?


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