There 'ya go - trying to makes sense out of total spaghetti. Over and over it is proven clearly to be a waste of time as this person doesn't grasp higher math or refuses to admit any limitations - either their own or VM.
There 'ya go - trying to makes sense out of total spaghetti. Over and over it is proven clearly to be a waste of time as this person doesn't grasp higher math or refuses to admit any limitations - either their own or VM
doesn't graps higher math?? You are very funny, you know that.
I have studied math at a university. I wrote that ealier.
You also have clearly no idea what you are talking about. That is for sure.
Why yes, you have said that before but if you understood how your tricks work, you would know that they only work in base 10. In base 2 or 16, they are useless and that is what computer systems use. Extracting base 10 digits from base 16 values would be harder than just doing the basic operations directly.
Actually you are saying that you have no clue how VM works! Nor how it is used in the field of information technology! no clue at all.
You are just assuming a lot. And what you assume is wrong, Very wrong.
I'd ask for a cash refund. You clearly lost out on that deal.
I have studied math at a university.
This statement doesn't indicate that you majored in math, or passed the course or even comprehend what was taught. In fact, comprehension seems to be your short suit.
You've proven more than once that you and VM are full of hot air. Why continue to embarrass yourself? Unless it's because you're a masochist.
What do you guys expect from someone who keeps insisting loudly and vehemently (on another thread) that man has never walked on the moon? Q is either a champion joker or not too tightly wrapped.
You get the same result, the same outcome, the exact same number as an answer.
That is why it is funny.
I don't know what you mean now.
There IS a difference
AND I haven't written that you can calculate 1/17 the same way.
Well to be fair Q has solved it (or at least provided an answer). Note the last sentence. It seems there's different methods (sutras?) for dfferent digits?
That's a lot of sutras!!! The beauty of a mathematical process is that it be applied to any value over its domain. Memorizing random sutras to get wrong answers for the infinite number of possible values seems rather useless.
Did you read the other thread where Vedic math calculates the value of pi incorrectly?