contrex wrote:
I have a colleague who insists that he won't 'lie' to people; he appears to interpret this to include the 'white lies' that kinder people use to smooth off the rough edges of life. Having just typed that I realise he is one of the rough edges of life. It's not that he's on the autistic spectrum or anything like that; he does it consciously, deliberately and aggressively. A lot of the time it is annoying and plenty of people I work with cannot stand him, but I always know that I can ask him something and get an absolutely straight answer, and furthermore when he does say something nice it really means something.
I'm not your colleague. I don't use white lies to be passive aggressive, or deliberately or aggressively.
I tend to be overly straight with my answers, as evidenced by many of my posts here. However, IRL I want to also consider my audience.
If a friend asks me something like this, we'll have the opportunity to get into the particulars of what they were trying to say/do, and I'll have the chance to listen and address points as to why I may not particularly care for it. However, I'll remain aware I'm only one person, and may not be the audience they were trying to get to. I'll offer that for me it doesn't work, but be open that it may be great for a group of others.
If it's just a casual question of a stranger or someone I don't know well, I can boil it down to "it's interesting" since it's going to be interesting to someone. I can appreciate work has been put into a project, and want to be able to acknowledge that.
If after saying "that's interesting" the person were to pursue why, I would then admit that it's really not something I'm into, but that someone else may be able to give them a more educated opinion.
Case in point, last night someone I'd just met a few hours before told me they wrote poetry.
In general, I can't stand poetry.
But when he said he wrote poetry, and made some kind of comment that deserved a response, I softened my eyes, put a small smile on my lips, and said "ohhhhh"
He got a response he appreciated, our relationship stepped up a notch right then, and I moved on to a different subject with him.