revel wrote:They have not increased any money for those failing schools. All they are doing are testing. As a result the schools have to just study for test instead of coming up with ways to improve the needs of diavantaged children by having more head starts and after school programs and things of that nature. I am against those test that fail to take account other factors except how well they do on the test.
Admittedly I am not up on the education system these days, so I don't know what "head starts" are. And I'm not sure what "after school programs" you're referring to. If those are programs that teach classes, then they should help the school to do better on test scores. If they are things like midnight basketball, then I'm not sure they have a lot of value in helping a child learn.
revel wrote:About the patriot act, I have a problem with the peole spying on my reading habits at the library
I've heard that people are worried about that, but when has it ever happened? And if a terrorist were doing research on chemical nerve agents or the manufacture of high yield explosives, wouldn't you want law enforcement to be able to see which books he had checked out? I would.
revel wrote:I have problem thinking that if someone just suspects me of being a terrorist they can hold me as an enemy combatant and I can't have due process of law
It doesn't take the USA PATRIOT Act to do this. They caught some German spies in the US during World War II trying to sabotage the war effort and held them in exactly the same way the combatants are being held at Guantanamo Bay now. It's nothing new.
revel wrote:I have a problem the government being able tapp into my phone line willy nilly and there is not a thing I can do about it.
It still takes a court order signed by a judge to tap your phone line. That is NEVER done "willy nilly" - not in the past and not now. The only thing the act changed (or anyway ONE thing the act changed) was that now if law enforcement gets a court order to tap a person's phone, they can apply that order to any phone he uses, without having to go get a separate court order whenever he buys a new throwaway cellular phone at the grocery store. This puts law enforcement more on an equal footing with the bad guys.