revel wrote:The very reason that we want ABB is because we do believe in something and George Bush and his crowd are trying to roll back on the strides that this country has made either out in the open or in some kind of sneaky way.
LOL, a sneaky way, huh? Let's talk about it. I thought the "no child left behind" measure was meant to point out the "failing" schools so they could get help. If their test scores are consistently low, don't they need to do something to bring them up?
I think if I had to vote for a Democrat, I wouldn't mind electing Joe Lieberman. He seems reasonable to me. What do you think about him?
The faith based programs were supposed to free up tax dollars from existing programs and let the religious groups do what they do best - help people. As long as no services are cut, I don't see anything wrong with saving money this way.
The reason the USA PATRIOT Act had such broad bipartisan support when it was passed is because it's a good law that allows law enforcement to do their jobs without jumping through so many unnecessary hoops, and increases homeland security. Almost any law has the potential for decreasing civil liberties, so I'm not sure why people focus on this act as such a bad thing. If it's so bad, you would think people would be pointing out actual abuses and blaming them on USA PATRIOT. They can't, because there have been very few if any to point to.
As for the comment about the "closed adminstration," do you think that every decision and meeting should be open to the public? Or are you wanting more news conferences? Or what?
You said "Any democrat is better than Bush." I submit to you that you are just about to get "any Democrat" as your candidate. It appears that Senator Kerry is willing to say just about anything to get elected, and reverse any statement to get his poll numbers up. Listening to National Public Radio yesterday, I heard a young man say that he was going to hold his nose and vote for Kerry. I think that the more people get to know John Kerry, the more people will be holding their noses in the voting booth. Or voting for George Bush.
Acquiunk wrote:Tarantulas wrote: WINNING THE NEXT ELECTION is the de facto Democratic Party platform.
Isn't this also the de facto Republican Party platform? I know of no political paty that designs a campaign to lose (with the possible exception of Ralph Nader).
I think the point was not well stated. I believe what he was trying to say was "WINNING THE NEXT ELECTION is
the only plank in the de facto Democratic Party platform."