Yeah, seniors and McD's in the mid afternoon go hand in hand. The place isn't busy, there's seats galore. It's a meetup place for friends, a community feeling. They get a senior priced coffee and can spend an hour or 2 chatting with friends. You know they get friendly with the regular staff there, and I believe both sides are enriched by it.
I don't know however, if this is a direct reflection on the actual franchise owner.
Of course this is conjecture on my part but it sounds to me like it could have been some stuck up missy who was annoyed by these "old people". She goes to the pimple faced manager who's 2 years older than her, and bitched.
Of course there's no half hour rule.

The manager was just flexing his tiny dick. Getting off on telling old farts to leave.
I'll bet if it had been a couple of hotties nursing a milkshake forever he wouldn't have told them to leave.
Besides it being the right thing to do to respect and cater to the people who worked hard all their lives, it sure doesn't hurt when senior decide to bring their grandkids there for lunch.
I was just thinking how I never really liked the term "senior citizen". Even though it sounds important to say "senior vice-president", "senior management" and the like, senior citizens falls short. I think many people just read that as old and useless.
I just googled "better word for senior citizen" and here's a suggestion I liked....
There are "baby Boomers" "Gen X", "20-somethings", so how about
"60-somethings", "70-somethings", etc...
Yeah, we got 30 somethings, 40 somethings....I like 70 something, 80 something.
Sounds cool.