Become a couch potato?

I did that the first month after we moved in here.
To my surprise,
even that gets old!
do like to read.
Maybe I'll put myself on some kind of schedule.
Monday night, laundry. yuk.
Tuesday night, cook a meal
Wednesday night, something?
Thursday night, Thirsty Thursday
Friday night, cook again
Saturday, work or call family members, write letters, visit real world, whatever
Sunday, work or, eh, maybe cook.
Wahoo, let the fun begin. Yuk.
But then again, I didn't have internet that first month, either, so maybe I will keep busy on A2K etc. Just sit here at my computer, night after night, growing rounder and paler each year.
Agh, I'm feeling sorry for myself.
And I should be packing!
Thank you thank you thank you again. You guys may keep me sane after all!