Congratulations, House Republicans!

Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 05:18 pm
I wrote:
There are individual Americans, white and black, who made great sacrifices for the cause of civil rights during the 1960s and the 1970s.

I meant to say "during the 1950s and the 1960s." Stupid me!

Actually, this had already been going on before the 1950s.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 05:27 pm
Time after time the big money has been connected to the Democrats. ActBlue, Soros, and on and on.

Are you shitting me? You think Koch and Adelson and the GOP Pacs didn't by themselves outspend the entire Democratic Party? Do you really think that if the Dems outspent the GOP RW by itself let alone the entire GOP that they would be so stupid but to oppose the SCOTUS rulings on corporations and Pac money? Your fact free, ignorant of reality and just plain not in reality opines are driving your mother to drink.

Read it and weep. This is from that left wing bastion, Forbes.

4/26/2012 @ 6:48AM |1,968 views
Four Billionaires Among Top 10 Donors to Super PACs

Photo of Sheldon Adelson, chairman of Las Vega...

Four billionaires are on the list of the top 10 contributors to super PACs, according to an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity.

The center’s review found that the 10 donors accounted for more than a third of almost $202 million in total donations.

Way out in front is casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who, along with family members, has contributed $26.5 million. Most of that went to the super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich for president.

Investor Harold Simmons of Texas ranks second. Simmons, his wife Annette and his company, Contran Corp., have given $16.7 million. The biggest beneficiary was American Crossroads, the super PAC co-founded by Republican strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie.

PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel ranks fifth, having given $2.7 million to super PACs supporting Ron Paul.

Sixth on the list is former Univision Communications Chairman A. Jerrold Perenchio, who has given $2.6 million, most of it to American Crossroads.

Other non-billionaires in the top 10:

Texas homebuilder Bob Perry, a supporter of American Crossroads and Restore Our Future, the super PAC supporting Mitt Romney
Energy executive William J. Doré, a supporter of Rick Santorum
Investor Foster Friess, also a Santorum backer, best known for his theories about aspirin as contraception

Also on the list were two labor unions – the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO – and a medical malpractice insurance group, the Cooperative of American Physicians.

Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 07:54 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You think Koch and Adelson and the GOP Pacs didn't by themselves outspend the entire Democratic Party?

I know they didn't have already shown proof it. Where does your article say they(the RNC) out spent Democrats, it doesn't. You are an idiot.
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 07:58 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Last Thursday, the final round of 2012 campaign finance reports were filed to the FEC, giving observers a complete picture as to what each side spent and prioritized during the process. The Huffington Post (liberal suck puppies)examined data going back to Jan. 1, 2011, looking at the figures from the Obama and Romney campaigns, each candidate's respective Victory Fund, the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee and their respective independent expenditure and coordinated expenditure arms.

The breakdown of top expenditures is below:

Republicans: $33.3 million
Democrats: $63.2 million

Who spent more?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 07:59 pm
I know they didn't have already shown proof it.

Orders just in from General MemeMaster to Cj: stop winging it you idiot. Stick to the meme generator we provided you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:18 pm
ColdDope here is the spending on the 2012 election as of Nov 30th, 2012

Looks like the GOP outspent the Dems by better than 3 to 1----and spent their money foolishly on attack ads.

Perhaps those attack ads explains why ColdDope is such a stupid, foolish liar. ColdDope came to believe that attack is reasonable debate. Somehow I'd be willing to bet dimes to donuts that the GOP has learned from their mistake--demonstrating that the GOP may be far smarter than ColdDope and his friends (if there are any).

Updated-election Presidential Race Independent Spending Totals

I even put the link in Pink so ColdDope would notice.

Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:30 pm
The percentages spent on attacks adds are much higher on Obamas side. Dirty is the only way he plays, which is still demonstrated daily.
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:39 pm
Checking the math contained in the link it looks like the GOP outspent the Dems 5 to 1 and they still lost. So even if the Dems spent 100% on attack ads and the GOP only spent 50% (more likely 75%) on attack ads, the GOP attack ads outspent the Dem by 2.5 to 1.

So the ColdDope carp is a half truth, witch is far far better that the usual ColdDope no truth.

Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:42 pm
You saw the totals from the Huff post. Enough said.
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:46 pm
Stop the Revisionism: LBJ Was No Liberal Hero

Of course, to remember what the United States, during LBJ’s tenure, did to Vietnam and to the young Americans who served there does not cancel out his domestic achievements. But to portray him solely as a paragon of empathy, a liberal hero with a minor flaw or two, is not merely a feat of willful amnesia. It is deeply immoral.

Morality is not a Democratic strong point.
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 08:52 pm
This is as hilarious, cj, as discussing whether Al Capone or John Gotti were liberals or cons, no pun intended.

All USA presidents are/were war criminals, terrorists, felons, liars, just plain evil men.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 09:07 pm
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

You think Koch and Adelson and the GOP Pacs didn't by themselves outspend the entire Democratic Party?

I know they didn't have already shown proof it. Where does your article say they(the RNC) out spent Democrats, it doesn't. You are an idiot.

GOP Pacs are not the RNC. How disingenuous can you be Pink Prevaricator?

But let's look at the original statement and find out if it's true or not.
GOP Pacs spent 752 million in the 2012 election for President
Dem Pacs spent 311 million for President

That doesn't include the money spent in support of candidates in the primaries.

Let's look at what the parties spent-
DNC, DSCC, and DCCC spent 786 million
RNC, RSCC, RCCC spent 784 million

Total PAC spending however did exceed both parties combined with 2.2 billion. If we assume Pacs for congress were evenly split then GOP Pacs did outspend the Democratic Party.

We can't tell how much Koch and Adelson contributed to the Pacs but it is unlikely they contributed more than was spent by the Democratic committees. However the total spent by the GOP Pacs clearly outspent the Democratic committees so the statement is at least partially true.

The RNC did outspend the DNC.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 09:17 pm
As dense as I am, the thought has finally occurred to me (thanks to my recent posting here at A2K): I'm an out-of-date liberal. (That means I'm not popular here.) Even though I'm nearly 64, I'm stuck way back in the early 1960s. We've gone from standing up against Jim Crow to standing against traditional marriage. Confused It's strange and a bit sad. So, I guess it's time for me to leave politics alone. Sad

But I'm still largely in agreement with JTT!
Twisted Evil Smile Razz Cool Laughing Drunk Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 09:18 pm
Based on that link.

The top democratic Pac made up 77% of the dem spending and 100% was on attack ads
The top 4 GOP Pacs made up 72% of the GOP spending and over 92% was spent on attack ads.

So, it appears the dems did have a larger percent on attack ads but the GOP spent considerably more money.

When we do the math.
The top 77% of dem spending spent 66.8 million on attack ads
The top 72% of gop spending spent 286.4 million on attack ads.

The GOP Pacs spent over 4 times the money that dem Pacs did on attack ads.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 09:49 pm
These are easily the top ten questions to ask a liberal…

Brian Anderson over at Downtrend has ten questions that liberals can’t answer, and they are awesome. Liberal policies are filled with contradictions and hypocrisy all over the place.

10. How many people should we let into this country? Liberals want amnesty for the 11-20 million illegal aliens currently living in America. Let’s say that happens, then what? Do we grant amnesty to the next 20 million illegals that come looking for a better life? There are over 7 billion people on the planet, most of which would certainly have a better life if they moved to the US. I’ll ask again: how many of these people should we let immigrate to our country?

9. How are rules that apply equally to everyone discriminatory and racist? Liberals say that everything from the justice system to education is racist. They whine that voting laws that apply to everyone equally are somehow discriminatory. Why? I have no idea. If everyone is playing by the same rules there is no disputing that the playing field is level.

8. How are rules that only apply to one group of people not discriminatory and racist?Affirmative Action set quotas for minorities in hiring and college admissions. Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper program gives funds and opportunities to people of color. There are literally hundreds of liberal programs available to minorities only. Do not disadvantaged white people deserve the same help?

7. Do you know what a pyramid scheme is? Wikipedia tells us: A pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model that involves promising participants payment or services, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public. The people at the bottom of the pyramid do all of the paying and never reap any benefits. Sounds an awful lot like ObamaCare, doesn’t it? In the private sector a pyramid scheme is fraud but when the government does it it’s called progress.

6. Why is it okay to kill unborn children but wrong to kill convicted murderers? Liberals love abortion but hate the death penalty. Seems a little hypocritical since both involve the taking of a human life. The only difference is, unborn children haven’t viciously murdered anyone. Why do liberals deem the life of a killer more important that that of an innocent child?

5. How does stagnating growth stimulate the economy? High taxes and needless regulations are two things liberal lawmakers can’t get enough of. They are also the two things that hurt business growth the most. I don’t know if the libs are aware of this, but businesses are those things that give people jobs. When people have jobs, they have money to spend. Our economy grows when more people have jobs and spend money. This is not my opinion; it’s a fact.

4. Does it make sense to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?The social safety net, which includes welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and a whole host of liberal entitlements, has failed in its stated goal to pull people out of poverty. Instead, these programs have had the opposite effect, creating generations of people that are utterly dependant on government handouts. If these programs don’t work, why should we continue them? Do liberals think that they’re bound to work eventually? Even worse, they want to expand these failed programs. Now that really is the definition of insanity.

3. How will punishing law-abiding people stop criminals from breaking the law? Every liberal gun control law either passed or proposed places arbitrary restrictions on law-abiding citizens. These laws don’t apply to criminals because, by their very nature, they don’t follow laws. If someone is going to commit a murder or assault, do you think they care if their weapon of choice isn’t compliant to the local ordinance? No one has ever said, “I was going to rob that liquor store but the only gun I have holds more than seven rounds and that’s illegal in New York.”

2. How can you count to ten if you skip the number two? The first ten amendments of the US Constitution are known as the Bill Of Rights. These enumerated rights were laid down by our Founding Fathers because they felt each of them was essential to ensure we live in a free society. Liberals are enamored with all of them except the 2nd, which guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. They say all of the other amendments confer individual rights, yet claim the 2ndAmendment is a collective right that allows only the government to possess arms. Why would the Framers list 9 individual rights, and one government right? Liberals also don’t seem to understand that the 2nd Amendment protects all the others. Tyrants can’t take speech and voting rights away from an armed populace.

1. Why was George W. Bush a bad President but Barack Obama is a good one? To liberals, George W. Bush was the Devil incarnate. Their biggest beefs were the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the bank bailout, and Guantanamo Bay torture. When Obama took office he escalated the war in Afghanistan, gave even bigger bailouts, and after 5 years in office still hasn’t closed Guantanamo Bay. On top of that, Obama ignores the Constitution, spies on every single American, kills women and children with drone strikes, and has saddled the country with a health care law that will bankrupt the middle class and require an insurance company bailout of epic proportions. I’d say, even to liberals, Bush Jr. looks pretty good by comparison.


Please include the number of the question with the answers
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 10:20 pm
Wow! Thank you (sincerely!) for providing the link to the excellent New Republic article on LBJ. It served as a reminder.

How futile are politics (something that most of us as individuals have no real power to direct)! Sometimes they're doomed from the start. The opportunity to mess up seems to be unlimited. I should have quit while I was ahead.

Well, coldjoint, I believe your side will eventually prevail with a vengeance. If not this year, certainly in the next presidential election when the voters will want a change.

You poor guy, you've been subjected to a dog pile. But I fear (or passively accept) that you will be chortling after the Congressional elections this year. If not this year, then eventually. Que sera, sera. Neutral Drunk
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 10:54 pm

You poor guy, you've been subjected to a dog pile.

I am glad someone recognizes that. But there are not enough dogs here to do any damage. And I love dogs, let's do them a favor by not equating them with the likes of these arrogant manipulators and sycophants. Thanks. Dogs are noble animals,enough said.

Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 11:08 pm
Dogs are noble animals,

Does it make you happy that your government gassed around 1000 noble animals to terrorize the Chagos islanders into leaving their homeland.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 11:19 pm
I know they didn't have already shown proof it. Where does your article say they(the RNC) out spent Democrats, it doesn't. You are an idiot.

Can't do simple math, can you?
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 11:20 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Can't do simple math, can you?

Can't stand the truth, can you?http://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/gdkifmqq.gif
0 Replies

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