Congratulations, House Republicans!

Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 12:29 pm
. You have no logic

Again, a slur that is not based on fact. It is perfectly logical to think Democrats are neck deep in voter fraud. In Florida the illegal voting has been proven as illegals have come forward and said so. And the fact that Holder does not prosecute Democrats is a hint too.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 12:53 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:32 pm
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

Acorn. What has happened in Penn. and Texas and the protests of picture ID are enough facts for me.[/color]

If you say a name that makes it evidence? I'm surprised you didn't yell Benghazi.

Your lack of evidence in light of the reality that math shows your evidence isn't evidence only highlights that you have no evidence. You simply throw your uninformed opinion around as if it is truth.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:34 pm
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

Again, a slur that is not based on fact. It is perfectly logical to think Democrats are neck deep in voter fraud. In Florida the illegal voting has been proven as illegals have come forward and said so. And the fact that Holder does not prosecute Democrats is a hint too.

Does that logic apply across the board? So when conservatives have come forward and stated they are racist does it prove conservatives are racist? So much for your argument that you aren't racist. We need simply apply your logic to yourself and we prove that by your logic you must be racist.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:38 pm
Dead Woman Among Disputed Florida Voter Registration Forms Filed By GOP-Linked Group
Sun Sentinel | By Andy Reid and Barbara Hijek
Posted: 10/20/2012 3:55 am EDT | Updated: 10/20/2012 10:04 pm EDT

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Voter Registration Miami Dade Florida


REACT: Amazing
FOLLOW: Republican Party, Video, Florida Voter Registration, Strategic Allied Consulting Florida, Florida Voter Fraud, Republican Voter Fraud, Strategic Allied Consulting, Voter Fraud Florida, Voter Registration Fraud, Miami News
Dead people aren't supposed to vote -- not even in Florida.

Eugenia Huguenin says breast cancer killed her daughter long before a voter registration card with Michele Huguenin's name and supposed signature was filed this year in Palm Beach County.

Her name was on one of the disputed 106 voter registration forms gathered on behalf of the Republican Party that have spawned a statewide voter fraud investigation.

While the form with Huguenin's name on it shows her requesting a new voter card this year, her mother said her daughter was already dead. Also, the Coconut Creek address listed on the form was out of date, because she said her daughter had moved to Atlanta several years ago.

"She couldn't have signed it," Eugenia Huguenin, of Michigan, said about the voter registration form that is now among thousands under investigation. "I don't know how they got her name."

Others whose names ended up on disputed voter forms -- from a retired police officer in Boynton Beach to a nanny in Fort Lauderdale -- are also wondering how their identities got swept into a voter fraud probe that has prompted a criminal investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Too many voter registration forms failed to include basic identification information and too many signatures for different people looked too similar -- and that drew the attention of the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office.

"It was enough to cause concern," Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher said.

That prompted a closer inspection of the 106 forms filed in August and September by a voter-drive company hired by the Republican Party. Elections officials found more questionable signatures, along with out of state residents requesting Florida voter cards. They also discovered addresses for car dealerships, gas stations, law offices and other commercial buildings listed as home addresses.

Some of the forms have since been verified as legitimate requests for actual voters.

But now nearly 2,600 voter registration forms filed in Palm Beach County on behalf of the Republican Party are under scrutiny and similar discrepancies on voter forms have been found in at least 11 Florida counties.

Carl Downes said he and his wife Deborah recently received a phone call from the FDLE telling them their names were among those on the disputed voter registration forms.

Downes, who said he is a retired police officer, said he and his wife never asked to join the Republican Party, as the form indicated. They have long been registered as No Party Affiliation, he said.

Downes said he and his wife never met with anyone asking them to change their registration and they "never applied for anything." And Downes said he would have remembered because the August date listed on the form with his name was his son's birthday.

"Somebody forged our names on voter registration forms," Downes said. "This was just done behind our backs. ... It's extremely upsetting. That's an invasion of my privacy."

Michelle Debroka was also surprised to learn her name ended up on one of the disputed voter registration forms.

Debroka said the Fort Lauderdale address listed with her name on the form was her previous home. She said she never met with anyone from the voter drive and did not ask for a new voter card, as the form indicates.

"I don't know where [they] got my name," said Debroka who works as a nanny.

Authorities are investigating Strategic Allied Consulting, the company hired by the Republican Party to register voters.

The signatures on many of the forms that a company representative submitted were so similar that it raised suspicions, Bucher said. When she started Googling addresses she found even more problems; many commercial buildings listed as residences. Bucher said it was as if whoever filled out the form didn't think the information would be checked.

"We are very careful," Bucher said. "We want to make sure everybody can vote. That's our job."

Strategic Allied Consulting blamed one former worker for the problems with the suspect voter registration forms found in Palm Beach County.

The company this week did not respond to e-mailed requests for comment, but earlier this month issued a statement saying: "We will continue to do everything within our power to uncover any unethical or illegal activity in Florida."

The former temp worker for the company, William T. Hazard, 50, of Boynton Beach, who Strategic Allied Consulting said gathered the 106 disputed forms, last month told the Sun Sentinel that he "did nothing wrong."

Hazard told the Sun Sentinel that most of the people he approached were reluctant to give their Social Security numbers and that he didn't know if people wrote down false information.

The Republican Party has cut ties with the company that gathered the voter registration forms and party leaders have cooperated with the investigation.

Palm Beach County Republican Party Chairman Sid Dinerstein contends this wasn't a Republican attempt at voter fraud; it was about someone trying to get paid for not doing the expected work.

And where does Dinerstein think the names came from?

"Somebody had a phone book," Dinerstein speculated.

[email protected], 561-228-5504 or Twitter@abreidnews ___

(c)2012 the Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.)

Visit the Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) at
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:58 pm
Ed Rendell: “Not only can Chris Christie not win-I think he may have trouble finishing out his term”
Rendell: Chris Christie 'not a factor' in 2016 presidential race

Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell say Governor Chris Chrisite is a "non-factor" in 2016 presidential race. Jeb Bush is new front runner he says.

“Not only can Chris Christie not win, I think he may have trouble finishing out his term,” Rendell said Tuesday at the Rebovich Institute at Rider University. He added later: “There’s absolutely no chance that he didn’t know this was going on if he didn’t order it or OK it. So I think he’s not a factor.”

“I mean, I look at it from the perspective as a very activist governor, which I was and he is,” he said. “There is no way that eight people in my administration would be part of something and I wouldn’t know about. There is no way they would dare do something like this without getting clearance from me.”

“And besides that, the trashing of David Wildstein and Bridget Kelly indicate that they are setting up a ‘he said, she said’ battle,” Rendell said. “They’ve trashed her. They’ve trashed women with this idea that she was emotionally unstable because she broke up with a man. Heaven forbid that breaking up with a man would make you do something mentally unstable like closing down four lanes of a bridge.”

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:01 pm
Thats maybe one vote. But I'd bet not.

The 'Myth' of Voter Fraud
Election law expert Tova Wang explains what voter ID laws are really about.
By Kira Zalan April 24, 2012 SHARE

A democracy hinges on fair elections, which is why voter fraud could pose a serious threat to the American political system. But election law expert Tova Wang says instances of polling place fraud are extremely rare. Wang, a fellow at progressive think tanks Demos and the Century Foundation, is the author of a forthcoming book called The Politics of Voter Suppression: Defending and Expanding Americans' Right to Vote. She recently spoke with U.S. News about election fraud and why she thinks voter ID laws are discriminatory. Excerpts:

Is there a problem of voter fraud?

If you're asking whether there's fraud in the electoral system, yes, there is some, not a lot. If you're asking me if there is fraud at the polling place, then I would say no, we do not have a serious problem with fraud in this country.

[Robert Schlesinger: The Real Voter Fraud Scandal]

What about widely publicized stories of registration fraud?

Those cases are always very easily caught, very frequently by the very organization that's overseeing the work. And there's absolutely zero evidence that anyone who has put any false information on a voter registration form has actually voted using that information. Problems with voter registration [are] different than fraud at the polls that ends up impacting the election.

Are there reliable statistics on voter fraud?

What we can go by is the number of times that people have been prosecuted successfully for such crimes. And the number is ridiculously low. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning than discovering an incident of polling place fraud.

[Read more Q&As in U.S. News Weekly, now available on iPad.]

Then why is there a public perception that there's a problem?

I think there are a lot of political leaders who have perpetuated this myth for partisan purposes, and when you look at it superficially it's a believable argument. But they tend to conflate the different types of fraud that could occur in the election system and sort of mix together voter registration fraud, and voter absentee fraud, and other types of issues, and stir it all up in a pot, and come up with voter identification requirements that would do nothing to address the relatively minor problems that we have in the system.

What's going on with voter ID requirements?

We have seen an incredible wave of legislation since the 2010 elections, when Republicans took over a number of state legislatures. A number of states have passed ID legislation in the past year and a half or so. And now I think you're starting to see a backlash, particularly in the courts, where judges are looking at the evidence and saying, this is discriminatory, this is voter suppression, and there's no need for it.

[Susan Milligan: What James O'Keefe Gets Wrong About Voter Fraud]

What's wrong with requiring photo identification from voters?

There are many thousands of Americans who have the same rights as you and I who do not have the kind of identification that politicians want to require. Something between 10-11 percent of Americans.

Who falls into this category?

Disproportionately certain groups, particularly African-Americans, Latinos, young people, and people with disabilities—the types of groups that tend to vote, frankly, Democratic. Because there's not a big problem of fraud at the polls that this would address, the only conclusion that you could come to is that they're trying to purposefully keep out of the system people they don't want voting.

How will this affect November's election?

A number of the laws are in litigation right now through the Department of Justice and also private lawsuits. In the meantime, organizations across states where they have these new ID laws are working with individual voters, one on one, trying to mitigate the damaging impact these ID laws will inevitably have in November.

See a collection of political cartoons on the 2012 campaign.
Washington Whispers: ACLU Leader Says Voter ID Law Akin to Jim Crow-Era Law
Check out U.S. News Weekly: an insider's guide to politics and policy.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 04:59 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Tova Wang is another liberal shill who appears regularly MSNBC. Her information is false as in her ID comments.

And here is a response to her bullshit.

Tova Wang, of the OSI/George Soros funded group – Demos – issued a report today about Tuesday’s election. Wang reports: “Also noteworthy after Election Day had come and gone was the sudden silence from the fraud-mongerers and Tea Party poll watch groups. Not a peep of one case of substantiated fraud at the polling place.” A mere three days after an election, such a statement can’t be taken seriously, and she should know better.

Put aside the fact that Demos is a group that believes America’s problems come from “the values of extreme laissez faire ideology that have deeply permeated our society,” and from the fact that “[w]e’ve been told that government is the problem, not the solution.” Despite being an outlier organization with priorities more common in 1970’s Berkeley than modern day Canton or Charlotte, Wang jumps the gun. Three days isn’t enough time to analyze the data.

For example, when I worked at the Department of Justice, election reports would come back to Washington in the form of federal observer reports. Days and weeks would be spent going through the data, making follow up phone calls, and looking at the information contained in the reports.

Worse for Demos, I know that written reports were collected in Harris County, Texas, by True the Vote that documented multiple problems commonly characterized as “voter fraud.” Those reports are being reviewed and organized. They memorialize events such as people improperly imposing their preferences on voters by asking unprompted questions like – “would you like to vote a straight party democratic ticket?” This happened over and over and over again.

This information will be gathered and distributed to law enforcement and election officials in due time.

Lastly, voter fraud tends to emerge after an election - when the cash payoff and multiple vote purveyors are caught. Voter fraud doesn't parade around as much on election day, in plain sight. That's the nature of fraud.

Why do I suspect Wang’s group won’t be very outraged by the behavior that occurred in Houston, when voters were asked to vote a straight democratic party ticket? Might it be because some lawlessness is excused while other lawlessness is not? We’ll see. My prediction is that Demos will ignore the reports coming out of the True the Vote once they are released.

But to the rest of the nation, with feet firmly planted in the land of the sensible, I suspect the data will be revealing. It is no wonder that the New Black Panthers were anxious to have True the Vote poll watchers tossed from the polling places. It was no wonder that the New Black Panthers illegally entered polling places with election officials being ejected shortly thereafter. I don’t suspect Tova Wang will express any outrage about these demonstrable illegalities either.

Just a note for anyone tempted to take the Demos Report – “Voting in 2010: Lessons Learned,” very seriously

Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 05:16 pm
It was no wonder that the New Black Panthers illegally entered polling places with election officials being ejected shortly thereafter. I don’t suspect Tova Wang will express any outrage about these demonstrable illegalities either.

Until I see a reputable report of that happening I see no reason for Tova Wang to be outraged over it.
I am not surprised that you are posting unsubstantiated stories of intimidation however. It seems to be all you can do.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 05:21 pm
Until I see a reputable report of that happening I see no reason for Tova Wang to be outraged over it.

There is no reason to care what she gets outraged over or says. Nothing about her working for Soros? The agenda she has is to impose a one party socialistic system. And it seems to be your agenda too, Shill.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 05:35 pm
I'm not the one posting unsubstantiated stories of voter intimidation. That would be you.

If the Shill fits...
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 06:52 pm
I'm not the one posting unsubstantiated stories of voter intimidation.

No you are the one posting unsubstantiated numbers on everything from Obamacare to unemployment to deportations.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 08:03 pm
Again, a slur that is not based on fact. It is perfectly logical to think Democrats are neck deep in voter fraud. In Florida the illegal voting has been proven as illegals have come forward and said so. And the fact that Holder does not prosecute Democrats is a hint too.

You have no logic. Prove that holder hasn't prosecuted "Democrats".
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 08:06 pm
Join the coffee klatch. coldjunk is full of blunder and lite on fact.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 08:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Join the coffee klatch. coldjunk is full of blunder and lite on fact.

Well in that case why can't you respond to ones that are undeniably true? How can you justify the lies of this administration? They are most certainly fact.

The Healthcare lies. Susan Rice lying about Benghazi. Harry Reid lying about Romney. And the fact the DOJ has not interviewed one representative of one of targeted conservative groups for almost a year and has talked to Lois Lerner several times .

I'm ready. Give us some answers why you would stand for obvious disrespect for this nations laws and people?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 08:45 pm
Really not expecting an answer from the Obamaphiles. Here is something some states are doing that are fed up with the clown in the WH.
Florida Senate Demands a “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama

Sounds good. States have a lot of power they can exercise, and backed by the 10th amendment.

Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 09:11 pm
You know ColdDope, I hope you get that authoritarian ColdDoperian type of world that's full of ColdDopes like ColdDope. I also want all ColdDopes to be issued one Louisville slugger, a loaded revolver, thirteen feet of oiled Kentucky hemp and two quarts of Kentucky bourbon on every second weekend--

I prey to Jebus fer this to come.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 09:14 pm

Hey Parados is that photoshoppedhttp://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/rofl1.gif
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 09:19 pm
Which country stands out?

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