If it went through, it would be there. But if it is not there, that means it didn't go through and all is lost and it's back to the drawing board.......or it may be in the "out box." I'm eager to hear if it's there.....
I did send a PM a couple of weeks ago that didn't go through and I don't know what I did wrong, if anything. So it does happen, unfortunately. I didn't save mine either. Sad story.
Thanks JB.
I tried it.No soap.All boxes on 0%
Never mind.I'll do it again.I might even tart it up a bit.One can get a trifle impulsive on a first time.
Check the Outbox as well.
Oops. Cross posts. Never mind.
Gee-the company I keep these days!
Good evening. I can't tarry; lightning storms lurking around. I got the pm from Spendius, which brings us to 9 entries.
I would like to hear in the next day or so from Senenta, Rod3, Mathos, ehbeth, equus and justthefax (recent players).
And of course any new player is more than welcome to join. The word is Bangtail. Thank yall for participation. -rjb-
He likes thanking us for our participation doesn't he?He's a real gent.And he's doing us a favour don't forget.
It's tough being Dasher.On behalf of the rest of our little band may I say a warm thank you John.We all hope you are safe in that storm.
I tried to make it easy for the Dasher like the washing machine industry is always trying to make it easier to wash clothes.
But good luck folks in the comp.
rjb - I can't send you another pm until you read the one I just sent. Some kinda new spam rule.
ehbeth. It is done. An amazing thunderstorm last night kept me away, and it is looking like we could get a repeat performance this evening.
Sent mine.
Thanks for the invite, GentleMan John.
Good evening, yall. I hope your weekend was fun and safe. We ventured out only twice, on Sunday morning and then again on Monday morning to go to Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home) to watch 79 folks become new citizens. I go every year. The architect I. M. Pei was the speaker this year. Impressive.
So I will post, unless I get any last minute entries, 15 definitions for the word BANGTAIL. I may get to it tonight. Certainly by tomorrow. We appear to have had two new players, but folks we all know: panzade and dys.
I have entries from those two, plus equus, justthefax, ehbeth, devrisj, spendius, lola, jespah, clary, diane, george and felix. Please let me know of any omissions. Thanks.
You omitted "very much".It should have been "Thanks very much."Have you no breeding?
I am going to try to end this portion of the game tonight. It appears to be a rather long process.
For the benefit of anyone who is watching and wondering what is going on, here is where we are: Johnboy posted the word BANGTAIL. 14 folks sent me, via private messaging, bluff definitions; bogus definitions for the word. Below are the 14 along with, mixed in there somewhere, the correct definintion. Post here which one you think is the correct one.
It goes without saying that looking the word up in any kind of dictionary is frowned upon. Anyone could do that.
Choose from (this could take awhile):
(1) the ribbon on the back of a fox hunter's hat, worn in an up position until the first kill, then worn down thereafter.
(2) a cocktail consisting of 3 parts gin,. 1 part vodka, 1 part Turkish raki, 1 part Greek ouzo, 7 parts Irish cream; also called Sick Bucket.
(3) a colloquial term for apostrophe.
(4) an elongated cylindrical insect up to 120 mm long. Adult insects, sometimes known as "thunder flies" have a pair of flexible wings fringed with short, bristly curls. The normal pink colouration darkens to deep red during mating season. Though generally rural it has infested urban areas in modern time. The bangtail has mouth parts which are adapted to pierce animal tissue superficially and to extract useful nutrient. It causes much damage when infestations take place and these can transmit, indirectly, other diseases. It is capable of migrating long distances on thermals before settling on suitable hosts.
(5) a mustang or wild horse.
(6) a southern US term used by tow-truck drivers to desrcibe a rear-end car wreck.
(7) slang word for a beaver; from the NW of the US.
(8) a 1928 Auburn Motorcar Company, Limited Edition in canary yellow with a B12 engine.. The rear was a flat, tappered trunk, or boot, that was hinged from the bottom with a side latch, as differentiated from the "Boat Tail." It was commonly although incorrectly referred to as the "Speedster."
(9) a popular hair style of the 1950's'
(10) slang term for a beaver, based on their slapping their tails on the water to warn of danger.
(11) at certain times, female cats bang their tails in anticipation. Love, sweet love, is in the air at those special and particularly noisy times.
(12) a look-alike; doppelanger.
(13) rare eastern firefly - snaps, crackles and pops.
(14) a possum saugage often served in small roadside diners in the South.
(15) the process of bending pigs tails in the roundup, so that each pig is counted only once.
Whew. So those are the choices. Please pick one and comment on it and/or the others if you are so inclined. We got this back up to 15 choices. Thank yall very much for your participation and for the messages of encouragement. rjb-
I foresee trouble with 7 and 10
so I'll avoid both and go for 5.
I will go with #5
Star Dust (my cat) says it must be #11.
I pick number 6 only because it sounds feasible.
Felix Noir picks number 15---it sounds like fun.
I pick
(3) a colloquial term for apostrophe.
All good bluffs BTW