Why spendius of course.And remember how to do the marking otherwise I will have to judge and,as I said,if I'm judging correct answers come last.
Just stumbled on this after a long absence. Glad to see the game's afoot.
spendius, I seldom understand what you are on about, but it seems you
have volunteered as dasher under the normal rules. Thank you.
kinnikinic -- Sounds like some ugly failed mill town in New Jersey.
I think I've heard the word before in the context of a song.
I'll pm His Spendiosity with my guess.
Thanks for the reminder - pm'ing away to Spendi-!
my definition's sent too.
spendiosity is great......how about spendiferous or spendorous or spendthrifty?
What's up with spendifeelups.
just checking to see what ya got, fella
Or Huskeringdown.
Or Lolalolollypopplesgiggle.
Sounds like bad spoonerisms!
Sounds like J K Rowling's list of rejected character names.
She's a "fat cat" now.Totally sold out to big business.Gone!I saw her interviewed.She only likes rascals in books.
and spendicus is not a fat cat?
Hey Lola-must share a little insight.I just heard Mozart's Piano 21 and I realised that all those Roman Emperors and Empresses never heard anything so beautiful as that in all their lives.Gee are we lucky.
Of course I'm a fat cat.
He just adores fat cats, they never make the tree.
can't listen to music now.......I'm working.
But, spendius, the romans got to have brilliant organic wine, olives, etc in their villas - a life worth giving up mozart for.
Have you still got my definition for ki...whatever?
Clary-you think that about the Romans do you?Gee!
I'll check this evening on the kinnikinic.How many entries do I need before I close?
Lately, about 6 or so.
It'd help to give us a quick rundown on who you've received bluffs from- so we know you've either received ours or else we need to submit one.
This evening E.My record is not here.
As promised earlier.
Entries received so far-
just the fax.
devriesj-I think.
I think I'll wait for 10 because I haven't yet composed my explanation of Kinnikinic for your edification.
Lola is currently leading on the rails by three lengths,which is quite a bit, and might not be caught if new brilliant entries are not soon winging their way to my little pool of light.
PS No Clary,so hurry girl.A don't forget that correct definitions come last.You lot can't be trusted not to Google.You would hardly be human if you could.
TRIVIA exponents are a different class.