George, you'd better copyright those abulia lyrics right away! We on balderdash will be the first to hear Abulia sung by the famous soccer George! May we be your groupies?
I'll go with #8. I must have Abulia.
Equus, stop playing with what's left of my mind. I think you might have caught abulia from littlek. Get serious and try again and watch out for littlek, she might be contagious!!
Here are the choices again (note there are only seven) :wink: :
1. Abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions.
2. An Arabic honorary title meaning Doctor or Mister.
3. Inability to binge on fattening foods.
4. A Greek flask or vase with a narrow neck.
5. A micro organism.
6. A piedmont range in northern Tuscany and southern Emilia-Romagna which is carved by the Reno river.
7. Obsessive/compulsive behavior of washing hands abnormally often.8. An inability to express great joy.
I have review all the bluffs, I just can't decide which one to choose.
I still can't Decide, Star Dust the Cat said, she can't decide either, Meow, where are all the cats?
we will get back to you latter, if we can decide.
I'm waiting....tap,tap,tap.
Was there never a #8?
WAIT, there's #8, seemingly hiding behind #7.... no?
Just for that, I'll go with #8, if it does indeed exist.
<A personal message for Diane (so dont read this if you are anyone else).>
Sorry Di, I didnt send you a PM re. this thread because I am not able to message at the mo, due to not reaching the 500 posts mark.
I promise to send you all the personal messages you want when I am able to do so.
In the meantime, I will look at this thread with longing, and do my best to get up to the 500 as quickly as poss.
<end of PM.....everyone can look back at the screen now>
Abulia......a condition that renders you semi bulemic. Sufferers will only throw up half of the food they consume.
I think it will have to be number one, since that is what the word produces in me
Diane, can you explain this one line? Is it numbers 7 and 8? Or is it just number 7 with unique sentence structure? Because, I really like 8. Of course.... I'm now thinking that's not the real answer.
I still cant decide so I will go with # 1
Yeah, I'm voting for the #8 that didn't get its own line. Isn't #8 an option?
Uh oh, I scared everyone away.
There's an air of neglect, here, a moribundity. It smells of decay, damp... cobwebs hang dustily..
Leeeeesten to dem, de childrun ov de night. What mooosic dey make. (walks through cobweb without disturbing it)
Maybe we should pm some old players to spark interest.
YIKES!! Where have I been? Where am I going or have I already gone???
There is a number 8.....
Littlek picks 8
Clary picks 1
George 2
equus 8
Jespah 1
#1 is the correct answer. Congratulations to:
Clary, JYF and Jespah.
#2 was Jespah's bluff; fooled George
#3 was Clary's bluff; nopicks.
#4 was George's bluff; no picks.
#5 was JTF; no picks.
#6 was littlek's bluff; no picks.
#7 was equus's bluff; no picks.
#8 was Diane's bluff; picked by littlek and equus. I thank both of you for your tasteful choices.
My computer is acting up, so I will be back with the scores as soon as possible. I just want to get the picks posted before I lose everything.
Hey. You were trying to talk us out of your very own bluff?!?!
wow, there was someone out there among the cobwebs!! Thanks Diane!