Sorry if I ground the game to a screeching halt.
Got lucky that time, thanks for the points. Who is next dasher?
I'll give it a go. Now that I'm back from a lovely Springtime in the Rockies visit with my cousin--meaning I was snowed in for a couple of days.
Hopefully more balderdashers will come on board.
Just to make sure, the word is:
Great with milk and sugar, or right out of the box!
That does not sound appetizing, you guys!
So far, only 3, count 'em, 3 bluffs. Let's get going.
Are abulias the female version of Rocky Mountain Oysters?
Did our very own sweet littlek go on the wild side and look into feminine Rocky Mountain Oysters??? Is there such a thing? Would anyone want to eat them? (Silly question, where's Slappy).
SIX bluffs, so far. If any of you come across any of the old group or think a new a2ker might enjoy the game, give them a link. I would hate for the game to end a slow death only because the lovely people here tend to be a little slow. That is one of Balderdashes charms--to me, at least.
Remember, the word is: ABULIA
I had a date with Abulia.
She looks sweet but don't let her fool ya.
She served me a ration
Of thrashin' and passion.
Now I'm feelin so pleased and peculiah.
Diane, I did not look into oysters of the gentler gender.....
I had some chili with RMOs at a Chili Cook-Off last Friday.
littlek wrote:Diane, I did not look into oysters of the gentler gender.....
Neither do I....unless I'm pearl diving !
Is that what they're calling it these days?
I will post the bluffs tomorrow. Even with a small group it will be fun and challenging with the excellent bluffs submitted.
Any of my old friends want to join me at the cafe for some fun? I'm growing tired of politics. It's Springtime. Time to lay back and relax.
Lola, you didn't leave a bluff!! You, who started Balderdash. Good luck with your new thread.
Here are the bluffs for ABULIA:
1. Abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions.
2. An Arabic honorary title meaning Doctor or Mister.
3. Inability to binge on fattening foods.
4. A Greek flask or vase with a narrow neck.
5. A micro organism.
6. A piedmont range in northern Tuscany and southern Emilia-Romagna which is carved by the Reno river.
7. Obsessive/compulsive behavior of washing hands abnormally often.8. An inability to express great joy.
Wish we had more, but these are a good challenge. I'll add up the scores over the weekend if everyone votes by late Sunday.
Funny, I thought up more than one of these definitions....
1 or 8.....?