Bluff (e. g. fantastic definition) duly sent.
Where are all the bluffs only have ]
7 bluffs
Where are all the bluffes, I will post the bluffs Sunday. Send in your bluff today.
Here are the bluffs fro PROFUNDAL
1) A ridge on the humerus bone, to which the deltoid muscle attaches.
2) Abnormal growth during fetal development.
3) A well-endowed Tom cat; could actually describe moi
4) Life in the bottom of very deep lakes, 600 meters down.
5) Profound thoughts of very intelligent persons.
6) Expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past.
7) a unit of depth, used in the mining industry
8) enhancing the buttocks, such as by wearing tight trousers.
I think they are all wrong.
But I have to pick one, so......
Dashers we need more Votes.
I'd vote again, but after they caught me last November, I promised I'd only vote once from now on.
#7 gets my vote.
Vote early and often is still quite popular here in the States--at least in some parts.
Where are the other intelligent life forms such as cats and dogs or anything other than humans? Felix Noir is getting lonely!! He admits that humans are OK for some things, but scintillating conversation seldom comes from human mouths.
Star Dust the car says hello to Felix Noir, MEOW!
Star Dust would vote but she helped come up with the word.
Perhaps Star Dust could join in the next round.
Star Dust has offered bluffs in the past and has voted. Last few rounds when I asked if she wanted to give a bluff she said, meonow, turned and walked away.
She can be such a cat sometimes.
I have been carrying out investigations in the Archives of the British Library and can confirm that they are all wrong.
Definition of PROFUNDAL :-
"The act of groping an American Footballer"
How much longer shall we wait to post the results?
Soon, or else I'll start singing the theme from "Gilligan's Island."
Equus 1) PROFUNDAL: A ridge on the humerus bone, to which the deltoid muscle attaches.
Clary, Jespah
Diane 2) Abnormal growth during fetal development.
Felix Noir 3) A well-endowed Tom cat; could actually describe moi
Real 4) Life in the bottom of very deep lakes, 600 meters down.
JTF 5) Profound thoughts of very intelligent persons.
George 6) Profundal: Expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past.
Clary 7) a unit of depth, used in the mining industry
jespah 8) enhancing the buttocks, such as by wearing tight trousers.