littlek just joined our merry throng, bringing us to:
Bluffs submitted (6) by:
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Peace and Love
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Nice update - very well presented. Thanks.
Thanks for the PM, I sent in my bluff.
Fantastically correct answer duly sent in.
...and wcbethmd has sent hers via email.
I'll get this all sorted out tomorrow (if I recover from snow shovelling).
And now... <drumroll, please>'s time to make your selection.
The word is:
The choices are:
1) A sticky slime with no particular use; commercialized in the 90's
by Nickelodeon as Gak.
2) Any of the sharp points on a medieval mace.
3) One tenth of an astromical unit.
4) A character in Thomas Mann's 'Death In Venice'.
5) A scurrilous person; one who uses offensive language.
6) Pleating aid which ensures tartan remains aligned.
7) A V-shaped roof trellis.
8) A castrated goose, raised for fois gras.
9) To eviscerate.
10) An object of scorn; a dupe; a gull.
11) (Of a baby) to regurgitate a small amount of liquid.
None or all of these - I feel well and truly gecked. I think I'll go for number 8, however. It's lucky for the Chinese so...
What the geck is this lot? I'll have to think a bit before offering my guess.
May I jump in? If so, I really like #11. It sounds so gross...I love the word regurgitate..LOL!
Panz, 17? That's not one of the choices. Or am I missing something?
Jameson, welcome aboard. Sorry we missed you forthe bluffing.
Panzade is just being himself! Predictably unpredictable.
Panz must have had a brain geck! Thanks...I'll be holding my breath for the results!
hmmmmm, 6 or 2.....?
I'll go with 6. I like those kilts and all.
K: If I told you I was Scottish you can see my kilt anytime. :wink:
I've decided to go for #10 - Lord help me!