We can all throw out junk, can we even think about throwing out PRUCK.
Next word
An interesting word, has each vowel once. An INTERNET search only reveals one page for this word, that page about the fact that it has each vowel. Could not find anything else about it in an INTERNET search.
Let the game begin. I will be the dasher.
yippee! i like the word pruck.....
ok, will mull this new word.....
Lots o' Red Sox pruck on view in my neighborhood.
Even this New Mexican is happy there is lots of Red Sox pruck!! YAY.
I'll cirronebula figure out the meaning this time.
5 very good definitions have come in. I am impressed with all of them. So far no one has provided the true definition.
We need some more.
The masked crusader of old smog-shrouded California: Zorronebula
I have pruck from all over the world. 85 countries'worth. Hard to get rid of yet... A thing of beauty is a THING forever.
I wanna play....may I? Who should I send my definition to?
Hi Jameson and welcome to a2k!
Please join us if you are patient. This game can be fairly slow, but the people are great.
PM justthefax with your bluff or with the real definition if you know the real meaning.
Have fun!
OH NO! I tried to PM and I'm not old enough to do that yet....Hmmm..I'm only 12 posts old so far here! Could maybe I email or instant message instead? Jameson in waiting...lol!
Jameson, honey, you just click on the pm square at the bottom of justthefax's last post. He won't bite, I promise.
Justthefax, you'd better behave yourself!!!
I tried that and this is what it tells me....
"You have not met the PM privilege requirements for sending out new PMs. Access to PMs is given to users after a period of good standing during which they have been active members of the community. Feel free to respond to any PMs you receive"
Any other ideas? Boy, I'm trouble from the start, huh? LOL!
Well, the dasher could pm you to ask for your bluff. To that you could reply.....
Justthefax, could you request a bluff from Jameson?
Good evening. I've been a bit derelict or a bit of a derelict lately here but I'm happy to see that Clary (yea, Clary) managed to keep this game alive. I've sent my stupid, really stupid bluff to Justthefax.
As I understand the scoring, JTfax got to and landed on 13, so we are all starting over at -0- (and any points that JTfax gets in this round will be doubled).
A2K had some "legal issues" with pm's going to/coming from "newbies."
It was never fully explained; suffice it to say that there are some not very nice people wandering about. It may be necessary for the dasher to help new players join us. -rjb-
A PM has been sent.
Looks like we are doing well so far 6 very good bluffs have come in. I expect to be busy most of Tuesday, will get back to everyone ASAP. Send my your bluffs lets see how many can get them in.
If other new posters need to reply to a PM just let me know by a post here.
Thanks to all who have sent their bluffs.