ja, ja, es handelt sich wohl um einen auslaender oder 'zugereisten'. ... we just came back from a noonhour walk through the local 'stadtwald' - here it's called "conservation area" because it is to be left in it's natural state. we met a young couple from india and had a bit of a chat commenting on the beautiful weather. before we parted the young woman said : "are you from germany ?" . we told her that we had come from germany 48 years ago and after some more chit-chat bid each other good bye. well, even after 48 years we are still 'zugereiste', but canadians are ever so polite and would never say so. hbg
0 Replies
Sun 22 Aug, 2004 01:28 pm
oder Ausgewanderte bzw. Eingewanderte.
interesting story.
0 Replies
Mon 23 Aug, 2004 03:24 pm
Here in Schwaben you are always 'ein Reigschmeckter'! Aber ich bin hier geboren! :-)