David Henry wrote:Quote:False. I have stated that I do not agree with the use of personal distaste as a criteria for what others should do.
But if my distaste is always subjective, what is the objective criteria one applies to this
specific issue?
Again, david, you are getting caught up in this binary logic of yours.
That your projection of your taste as a moral absolute is flawed is not rectified by the fact that other criteria also involves subjective elements.
Quote:Your problem is that you think you can stand neutral in terms of action, and be in a morally defensible position.
David, as long as we are pointing out problems allow me to highlight reading incomprehension as yours.
I never took up a "neutral" position. It's a common, if transparent, ploy in debate to try to equate rejection of your own position as no position at all. Really silly stuff.
Is Charles Manson the arbiter of right and wrong?..NO, thus rational people determine an objective criteria...IOW, you cannot dismiss my disgust as subjective if it conforms to an objective criteria....it's merely the objective assertion of a particular individual.
There's the reading incomprehension again.
I did not reject your proposed moral absolutes because it was based on
subjectivity. I rejected them because they have as their sole criteria your ick factor. I do not accept your ick factor as a moral compass, if individual ick factors were moral absolutes consuming fish would be immoral.
Quote:You've acknowledged that people other than me dislike this behaviour, but are too frightened to take the next logical step of it's total rejection from all rational countries.
Too "frightened"? David it is to laugh.
Nah, some people simply do not obsess about other people's sex lives.
Quote:The result of your confusion is in effect moral relavistism with a practical outcome of the commercial availability of this wholly degrading behaviour.
I'm not confused at all David. ;-)
And while I share your feelings as to the repulsiveness of certain acts I simply do not share your desire to impose that as a moral absolute on others.
Quote:So you've admitted that you don't like the act, but you don't seem to want to reproach people for this behaviour and drop it from commercial sale.
I have no problem with "reproaching" people for it. Just as I have no problem "reproaching" you for trying to impose your ick factor as a universal moral compass.
Now I don't think it should be illegal to do, but I'd have no problem with it being illegal for commercial purposes. But not because I accept your ick factor as everyone's moral compass but simply because I have different views on free speech than does the average American.
Many Americans would consider it an issue of free speech, which is fine. But I think that free speech doesn't mean it also comes with the right to be commercialized.
Disallowing commercialization of certain things would not bother me, people would still be free to do it and even film it but they would do so based on their desire to do so and with commercialization curbed it would remove the financial motivation.
But again, this is largely irrelevent to your odd moral mechanisms. I'd not care too much if that act in pornography were proscribed altogether.
But that doesn't make your projection of moral absolutes justified.
Quote:Now when you learn to think productively, you can continue with your petty snipes boy.
David, that was a pretty weak "petty snipe".
But hey, at least there was some funny irony in it.