Ragman wrote:
An individual can describe someone as having Teutonic or Nordic etc., features without getting accused or labeled with a racist tag.
For example, I readily admit to looking Semitic and I'm descended (parents etc.) from Jews. Other people who are familiar with my face also would and do say so. What does all that prove? nothing except...an observation. I have certain characteristic a majority of others identify with a certain set of physical and/or facial characteristic of Semites and/or Jews.
In my opinion, your countenance is Ashkenazi. However, your DNA has a good chance of having the Y Chromosome=middle eastern (male); X Chromosome=European (female)
Most Ashkenazim are hybrids to be scientific. They can have blond hair, but not straight. They can have blue eyes, but possibly set closer than Nordic blue eyes. Male patterned baldness (not a Semitic trait). Tall (not a Semitic trait). Big boned (not a Semitic trait). Intelligence (not actually a Semitic trait, but likely picked up from intermarriages, since their was an emphasis on marrying intelligence).
Jews, in my opinion, lost their Semitic pedigree during the Diaspora. [Foofie sings, "Just One of Those Things."]