There are a lot of things people want for our government to "extend." That's not realistic in any program when resources are limited. We all know that governments are good at wasting money; they even lost billions in Iraq - and nobody knows what happened to that money.
As citizens, we are the ones responsible to make sure that our representatives in government a) do not waste money, b) they are responsible fiduciaries of the limited revenues, c) that they prioritize money spent in a reasonable manner, and d) they don't spend more than what is responsible for the time.
We are on the road to recovery from the Great Recession that hurt all economies around the world. Joblessness was caused by Wall Street and the people involved in giving mortgages to people who didn't quality, and the banks and financial institutions built a bubble with their derivatives.
Those who lost jobs can't be blamed for being jobless; that's a problem that's impacted all developed countries. Europe is still struggling.
In times of war or during times of great financial upheavals, it's up to our government to make sure our citizens have enough for shelter and food. That takes precedence over giving billions to other countries, and to support wars half way around the world. Nobody assigned us as the world's police.
Our country has been involved in too many illegal wars that cost trillions of dollars. That ate up much of our resources, and we can't blame the jobless for their plight.
Our government should have our own citizens as priority for any spending.
That includes enough for our children's education, maintaining our infrastructure, and the physical and mental health of our citizens.
That includes extended unemployment benefits when our economy doesn't have the wherewithal to reduce the unemployment rate.