@Lustig Andrei,
well there are the similar rantings of the JTT, the snake of gunga, and a couple other wackadoodles that have no bases of their denial of Western Civilization and how we evolve to celebrate the individual.
They are perfect esamples of how the concept of ffree speech is best moderated by letting even more free speech demonstrate how wacky they are.
As osso once said to JTT, "Hey Id accept how we generally agree but Im interested in solutions and not just beating myself up. These guys have no lives of value, but they want to appear as if they've got some "great truth in their pockets", yet they have no solutions, they've got nothing going.
Trouble is , they don't know that they are mostly thirty years behind reality.
Maybe Dresden was overkill and the Atomic bomb was a huge unanswered attack. BuT HEY " If you didn't like the finish,Whyd you start the WAR in the first place?"
My dad came home alive, but Ive only known three uncles from stories told at holidays in the 50's when my living uncles and my dad would have a toast to each of them.
I never knew three uncles at all, they were killed in a war that Is always ignored by these A2k "Geniuses"
I guess I should put this clown on ignore too, but I like to diagnose the kind of wackiness he represents. Im still diagnosing.
Live long and prosper MA