I don't consider this a simple question at all. It took many years of hard thought for me to be able to press that button up there.
CI, I am Impressed, Thanks
The remnants of the spiritual governing body of the Apache have no fancy temple or pictures. But they do exist.
Does anyone here get it?
What I don't get is why is god spelled backwards dog? Is this a cruel joke or some kind of message from the divine? Maybe god sees what we are up to through dogs, divine moles living inconspicuously under our noses.
Dogs are not inconspicuous wild man. In fact most dogs are far too spicuous for my liking
no, I do not beleive in god. it is nonsensical to me. Humans crave some higher almighty being above them, to know that there's some 'plan', to make the bad things easier, and to have something to blame, something to pray to, something to be there. It's a fairy tale.
hey, how can it say '39%' and '60%'? that doesn't add up to 100...
The forum probably truncates decimals rather than round them to the nearest integer.
The only god I believe in is "goddam!"
yes i believe in God. In the one God who created the entire universe from nothing.
QKid, Welcome to A2K (since this is the first time I've seen you post). Have you heard of the "big bang?" Do you believe more in science or creationism? If so, why?
I have come to the following advice: don't make this thread useless! . I mean, you have the freedom to ask someone whether he believes in God or not, and people may say why, of course, but to DISCUSS whether there is a God or not....this also counts for every thread where people ask this. My advice: just say what your personal belief is, but do not discuss it with others. This also comes out of personal dislike after people tried to persuade me to convert to Islam. They did not found it good enough when I said I do not know whether there is a God. "There is a God" was always the answer "and you better believe in it, or face the consequences (burn in hell etc.)". I hate that.
I believe in science and creationism. And yea, i think i heard about the big bang too. As a matter of fact, can u tell me what the big bang states in a concise manner.
Ah we meet again. But I hope u were not talking about me in your post. Just know that my goal is not to convert people, but its to get to the truth through evidence and rationality.
As a general rule, I do not believe or disbelieve in anything if that thing, by its very definition, is not bound to the rules of science and logic we base our concept of proof, evidence, and truth on. It is foolish to either believe or disbelieve in God's existance because it is impossible to have evidence to support either position. Thus, my agnosticism.
Religion, on the other hand, has been proven wrong to the extent that anything can be. The possibility of the Christian or Hindu or Muslim God existing is the same level of probablility that Zeus exists, or that a magical pink unicorn conjured up the universe by dancing the macarena.
No no QKid, it was not meant personal, concerning Islam: that was in my arabia.com period.
QKid, There are many articles on the big bang theory. Here's one.